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About lyfe

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Creating quality youtube videos

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    Been there, done that.
  1. lyfe

    DayZero LYFE with ALPHA Squad

    BeatsTV your beans are the best beans.
  2. Hey everyone! I have been having some computer issues lately and I finally setting myself back up! Wanted to share a live streamed video with you guys, this mod and its player base are extremely good! http://youtu.be/9iQPz06_tc0
  3. lyfe


    Last call for alcohol, I guess the video was ok. I thought it was a really cool and new artistic way to view Origins. Officially letting this one die. Cheers!
  4. lyfe


    Everyone is to shy to say anything!
  5. http://youtu.be/OvGZzpZ99yE lol DayZ Origins is a ton of fun!:D
  6. lyfe

    How to Rave Party DayZ

    One last bump before I let the video die. I wish people would respond to these if they watch them, If you create your own material and post it here, I will gladly comment on your creations, just link me a video that you are the most proud of here and I will watch it and give honest critique:) I just want to get involved with the DayZmod.com media creators and make new friends and have a blast doing so. Hit me up! -Chris
  7. lyfe

    How to Rave Party DayZ

    http://youtu.be/R7w9Zr0tqlU updated and remastered audio and video. Sorry about that, couldnt get around the mobile issue
  8. Hey guys sorry I haven't been that active lately, I have been working my butt off editing! I just wanted to share this video with you guys! Please let me know what you honestly think. Took down the video, another copy right claim popped up while I was sleeping and made it null and void on mobile.
  9. Lol let me know what you think of the clip:) http://youtu.be/FykPeidsGnE
  10. http://youtu.be/AhylLatSQDI I just picked up a bunch of people from side chat, and something went wrong en route to the hospital wtf.
  11. lyfe

    LYFE with Machine Gun BROS!

    I updated the information in the video to help bring attention to the fact that we are in need of donations to help secure the future of Whiskey and Smokes.. This entire video Made by Jack Frags was entirely on our server.If you want to help support the cause and help support my content, I posted in /r/DayZ http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ae1p3/lyfe_with_machine_gun_bros/
  12. lyfe

    LYFE with Machine Gun BROS!

    Oh its friday night! Everyone is playing! xD
  13. http://youtu.be/oiBb-hcXlA8 All footage was live streamed @ http://www.twitch.tv/LYFEwithZombies Please let me know your honesty is so appreciated! xD Enjoy! Be Kind Rewind, -LYFE out.
  14. Now with TrackIR5! I just wanted to share my DayZ stream with you guys. The youtube mirrored "produced" productions of the live stream can be found at www.youtube.com/user/LYFEwithZombies This stream is kinda off, the people are quirky but like-able, music is awe inspiring but different and maybe something you haven't heard before and we have a ton of fun and laugh a lot! Come join us @ http://www.twitch.tv/lyfewithzombies Hope to see ya there! xD Be Kind Rewind -LYFE out.
  15. http://youtu.be/hl_jl8-T-DQ Hey guys make sure you let me know what you think!! I really appreciate ANY feedback!xD All footage live streamed @ http://www.twitch.tv/LYFEwithZombies Awesome bambi he was. Be Kind Rewind -LYFE out.