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About cduff@verizon.net

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cduff@verizon.net

    Does DayZ SA support SLI?

    Hi, I am just wondering whether or not the DayZ SA Alpha build as it currently is supports Nvidia SLI or not. Thanks for letting me know.
  2. Same problem. Can't spawn. It seems it has to do with humanity. Like when you spawn and turn into a bandit or hero it kicks you. I can't play right now because of this stupid thing.
  3. cduff@verizon.net

    BattlEye: SetVariable Value Restriction #99

    What did you do to fix it? I have the same problem.
  4. cduff@verizon.net

    Map Equipment gone?

    Hello, so, I have a gps, watch, and compass, but they are all dragged off of my in-game map, making them hard for me to see. How can I reset the position of my in-game map equipment so things like my GPS coords become visible again?