El Varden: El Varden Coming To StandAlone! Hey guys EV is proud to announce that we are once again recruiting and looking to take on our rival faction: Beck's Privateers. El Varden's goals: 1. Help new spawns 2. Bandit only on the people who have gear worth taking 3. Stop the Privateers however we can ;) We want Varden to have a diverse community with multiple levels of game experience and hope to help new players as well as old. We are already planning raids, bases, takeovers, tactics and other strategic plans to help aide us in be a dominate faction in Chernarus. Please take some time to fill an application so we can determine how you will help us best. Hop on the Privateers' TeamSpeak server and ask for Dwarthen If you want more information. TeamSpeak: Becks-Privateers.com Skype: David.Warthen97 I need your- Name: IGN: Age: Main (Sniper, Medic, Scout, ect.): Other Useful Facts:
David, 15 IGN: Dwarthen US, tx Adventurer/Explorer/Survivor XP: 1d, 12h, 19m, 27s Job: I'm a student tutor Interest: Computers, Building Computers, Fixing Computers, Playing With Computers, ect. Looking forward to playing with you guys (:
ign: Dwarthen position: sniper past exerience: im a level 27 gunnery sargent in the marines past xp: i played dayz for 27.5hours total mic: yeah ts: ill get it now