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Everything posted by Conrad_The_Comrade

  1. Conrad_The_Comrade

    60 Impressions?

    Just the way you wrote it didn't really seem like it was for a discussion. Leaving just that quick note of "Quite good" doesn't give the impression of a discussion, just something your putting out there. While on topic though, I'm still pretty excited for .60. It looked pretty sexy from the little bits I've seen, and I think I heard something about the 'New Electro' (Didn't watch the full video from PAX) which I can't wait to see for myself. Beyond that, haven't looked into it much, waiting for it to hit so I can find it out myself.
  2. Conrad_The_Comrade

    60 Impressions?

    Why? Are you asking for ours as well, or was this just so you could say that (Not meaning this in a hostile way, this is a genuine question)?
  3. Conrad_The_Comrade

    What would you do if we had chains and padlocks?

    Wait until barricading is a thing and find a walled in area without many gaps (Block those gaps off) and use it to lock the gate. Then enjoy my little spot until I lose it due to bugs.
  4. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    Im saying that if say items have an ID #, that that specific item itself won't be able to be carried by that same player like ever again. So if you die with a compass, that specific compass (Not every compass ingame) would never be able to be used by you again. Also, how would this punish lone players?
  5. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    Would it be possible for the loot to be unlootable by the person who had died? Like anyone else could pick it up and use it, but if you tried to pick the loot yourself, it wouldn't even go into your inventory? That way friends can loot your body and enjoy the stuff, but you can't?
  6. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Headbutt while handcuffed

    But the thing is how many people are going to know that? The typical person would just end up hurting themselves. Also, the guy who made that video was using his hands as well, but in the situation that Blackie4 presented, you wouldn't be able to use your hands. Important thing to remember is in DayZ you aren't supposed to be some former soldier or anything of the sort, just your average Joe. How to headbutt properly isn't common knowledge.
  7. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Headbutt while handcuffed

    To be honest here, even if it were to be added, it wouldn't do much damage. Smashing your forehead into someone is A) Going to hurt like a motherfucker (Have you tried headbutting someone, really and truly?) and B) Extremely impractical. You're just going to be smashing your own head into someone else's, and they'll what? Be even more ticked at you than before. Barely anyone would drop unconscious from that, and if you put enough force to drop them, why aren't you going to?
  8. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Respawn far away from your death location

    I feel like the odds of that happening usually is pretty slim, and that minor chance it will happen shouldn't tip us into the spawning system we have already, because it's a pretty solid system already.
  9. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Should I shoot?

    Did you shoot?
  10. This is precisely what me and my pals have run into time and time again. And it's not even a general degradation, it's a fine line where the frames dive. Move forward a foot, you're in the lag, step back out it's back to normal. Sadly, not gonna say where I found mine, because it's too close to where my camp is located.
  11. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Write the blood type on blood bag

    Please by god make this happen
  12. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Mosin Nagant Sporter

    I'm on the opposite side of that spectrum, I couldn't give a damn about more military guns. We need more variety in the 'civilian arsenal'. It's a survival game, so those military guns should be a lot fewer than the civilian, and much harder to grab (Because let's face it, you can get decked out completely in less than a day) However, based off my limited knowledge of guns here, I wouldn't see the point in THIS particular one. It, as blackberrygoo said, is practically a replica (As far as I can tell, prove me if I'm wrong)
  13. Conrad_The_Comrade

    [Opinion] The Value of Base Building?

    If anyone has played Life is Feudal, which by the way is an excellent game, that's how I'd like to see base building in DayZ, at least in reference to the effort and value of the base. For those of you who haven't tried LiF out, the game plays extremely slow, and is reliant on having a group to be successful. -Base building should be a huge pain in the ass to do, but the reward would be tremendous. (In LiF you could build for months irl and still not have the biggest baddest base possible) -You shouldn't be able to build entire colonies/cities. Why would you even want to, when the towns from before the shitstorm are still standing strong (Not considering cases in which planes hit, y'all get me) They should be be smaller camps, basically what was shown in the concept art. -Loot would have to be way more scarce, as said before, otherwise you can just wander all the time and not worry about a thing -Threats, we need more of them, whether they be zombies, wild animals, sickness, or the uninfected asshat with a gun. -I cannot stress this one enough, which is why I'm repeating myself, it NEEDS TO TAKE TIME. If you can build a base in a day, hell if you can build one in w eek (When you're solo), then it's too easy. For anything larger than a tent and campfire, you should need a team of people, or a lot of patience. (And if you play solo and want to complain about that being unfair, you're not forced to build a base) All in all I want base building, but before that pleasure, I want it to get tough, we need more threats in our lil ole world of DayZ, and we just need less stuff. Loot needs to practically go away for the most part, as dramatic as that sounds.
  14. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Before we lose DX9. Playing DayZ on a Chromebook.

    This may just be my mind tricking me just because of hopes, but in the video posted showing of DX11, to me seemed to run quite a bit smoother. This was also in the hype of the announcement, so I could be mistaken.
  15. Conrad_The_Comrade

    "Dayz needs to be scarier"

    Oh lord, this again. The whole 1PP/3PP debate has been going on since the dawn of DayZ, and it isn't changing, for better or for worse. Arguments for keeping it how it is are... -You don't have to play in 3PP if you don't want -We want to see our characters (And the inventory screen doesn't do it justice) -Play on 1PP only servers if you're worried about wall/corner peeking -This has been proposed and shut down numerous times, what makes this time any different. Now don't get me wrong, I couldn't give a damn however this goes. In my experience, I prefer to play 1PP, however my friends don't, so we usually play on 1PP/3PP servers, and why the hell should we take that away from them? No point in fixing something that aint broken. Oh and would you mind telling me how it's "toxic to the atmosphere?"
  16. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Vehicle Flipping

    Didnt know this actually, thanks for the heads up!
  17. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Vehicle Flipping

    Is this sarcasm, cause I mean I can flip an entire tank trailer with my pinky, so I don't know what you're getting at here.
  18. Conrad_The_Comrade

    A Stream of Snipers

    Big issue I have there, my friends scatter at the first hint of danger, while Im stupid enough to stay and fight alone xD
  19. Conrad_The_Comrade

    A Stream of Snipers

    Very nicely done. Wish I could shoot like that xD
  20. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Suicide - add safety measure

    But don't you have to actually press the mouse down to pull the trigger? You should notice yourself going into the suicide animation, just keep your hands off the mouse at that point. Unless I'm wrong, I don't think it's honestly anyone's fault but your own, not to be rude.
  21. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Headaches and DayZ

    I get headaches, but that's pretty much from any game after playing for hours
  22. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Do Infected know it's Christmas!?

    Considering the Trees they put and the bears they stuffed for us last year, my guess is they are well aware of the holiday season.
  23. Conrad_The_Comrade

    sedan drives like its on ice.

    This may be completely wrong, and may just as likely be a stupid question, but have you shifted gears? xD That might be it, maybe (Assuming you didn't know about it being manual)
  24. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Change the texture on a black shirt

    Honestly it should be the other way around, nothing should be perfectly clean at this point
  25. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Lashing Cord

    Eh, yeah, but ya know cloth n all, plus then the guy above me posted something about his sock, and it just went from there, speaking of, you're that guy xD