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Everything posted by Conrad_The_Comrade

  1. Conrad_The_Comrade

    packing anothers tent shold take 30mins or more plz

    30 minutes is tad bit much. While I'm all for maybe adding in some animations instead of it just *poof* and then it's packed, I think 30 minutes to pack a tent in a game is way too over the top.
  2. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Clothing Sizes

    I like realism and detail, don't get me wrong, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed, and this would leave that line in the dust behind it. Just, please no.
  3. Conrad_The_Comrade

    how do you load a gun?

    To reload on the fly (Or with ease in general) put the bullets/magazine on the hotbar and press the number corresponding to it. R will cycle/pump the gun (Or in the case with your gun empty the chambered round) Magazines can be reloaded with R only once they're entirely empty (This one I'm not 100% certain on, but I think I'm right)
  4. Conrad_The_Comrade

    2 People, 1 IP, 1 Server Doesnt Work

    So I've got two friends who used to play DayZ with me awhile ago and they live together, so they're sharing the same internet. When we used to play we all could hop on and go about our merry days, but after playing again for the first time in over a year, when they both try to connect to the same server, whoever tried to connect last can't join that server. They can go onto a different DayZ server, just not the one we're all on. Any ideas how to fix? (2 Brothers + 1 IP Address + Same Server =/= Doesn't Work)
  5. What about tripping over those pesky roots that protrude from the bottom of trees? If you're full on sprinting, instead of just sprinting in place, you should faceplant.
  6. Conrad_The_Comrade

    I am rapidly warming up

    That's amazing! Thank you! And that'd be a wonderful thing to have, especially considering the Seasons are an actual thing.
  7. Conrad_The_Comrade

    I am rapidly warming up

    Interesting, I wasn't aware that they actually had seasonal differences. Thought temperature was just random. Can you confirm that this is summer, or is it just an assumption? And if they do have different seasons, their needs to be visual cues for it.
  8. Conrad_The_Comrade


    I've never to my knowledge met a Russian in DayZ, then again I play strictly on US servers.
  9. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Is the M4 Spawning?

    I'm fairly certain on the .60 Exp update they're spawning again, but I don't think they're in on .59/Stable.
  10. Conrad_The_Comrade

    engraving guns/other items

    Fair enough, but I still say give it a chance, if it goes completely wrong they could always take it away again. Oh and I was worried for a second, didn't realize I put the whole Sunshine State thing and was like "How the hell does he know??"
  11. Conrad_The_Comrade

    engraving guns/other items

    See, even if children are on the game, that's at (or should be) their parents discretion. They should know what their child is getting in to, but back to my point. The game isn't being designed to be child friendly, for thats not the target audience, and since the target already is for adults, then why not allow us to add the engravings?
  12. Conrad_The_Comrade

    engraving guns/other items

    And honestly, this game isn't for children, so it shouldn't be something the dev team stresses over. Give us the tools, and sure we'll see a dick pop up here and there but honestly, it doesn't and shouldn't matter.
  13. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Pitchfork could hold 3 steaks

    Are we speaking legend as in myth or legend as in hero? Because if this man truly exists, I have a new quest to fufill, or my name isn't Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen!
  14. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Pitchfork could hold 3 steaks

    Oh my lord, now I want a banana for my holster. Never even thought about that. Mean Gun Morris you're my hero.
  15. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Since there has been talk of horses...

    I'm pretty sure I remember reading about that somewhere (The whole BIS talking about it, not the "silly Russians [getting] a hold of the files")
  16. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Since there has been talk of horses...

    Hold your horses there pal (Ba dum tss) we ain't gonna have modding for god knows how long xD
  17. Thank you! I actually finally got some playtime in tonight after leaving my macro try over and over to get me in while I was in the shower. It runs like a dream just as you showed, and it makes it so much more enjoyable. I only ran into zeds inside the Cherno city limits sadly, and even at that they were only really congregated in the industrial portion. But by golly, chickens are everywhere. Link would be having a heart attack (Ba dum tss)
  18. Conrad_The_Comrade

    .60 stable

    It's going to be awhile. Experimental from my experience was never "quick" to push to Stable, and considering the amount of time it took just to get the experimental version out, I wouldn't expect it to be released to stable for awhile. That said, I could be way off the charts, maybe we'll be lucky and it'll only take a month or 12 (Ha ha but seriously maybe we'll be lucky?)
  19. By god that's a massive improvement. I only watched a tiny bit of the video, so I have some questions if you wouldn't mind. Is the game actually that dark as in the video, or is that a recording issue? At the beginning, their seemed to be a lot of zeds, does their seem to be an increased amount? If so, is that just in cities or was it everywhere in general? Thank you!
  20. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Can someone Explain this to me

  21. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Premium Autoconnect-Tool for Exp 0.60

    This is honestly the greatest thing I've ever seen on the DayZ Forums
  22. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I spend an eternity spamming enter to get into a server (After FINALLY being able to find the servers somehow) and I get a good glimpse of the world around me in all it's .60 glory, then I get booted with a message saying connection with host has been lost. I'm calling it quits for right now and gonna spend my four free hours of Battlefront in a rage ;-;
  23. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Thanks, but it didnt work :(
  24. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Well, I checked all of that, was how it should be, and I'm still suffering from lack of .60. Can someone call my doctor ;-;
  25. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    So I can only find one server running .60, and it doesn't seem to be an official Exp server. It's named "The Test" and is passworded with 0 players on. No matter what I've tried, I cannot seem to be able to find an experimental server. I've tried Filtering to "Exp", "Experimental", having no Host filter applied; I've tried toggling the Password option time and time again, but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated.