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Everything posted by Conrad_The_Comrade

  1. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Question about future Basebuilding

    This is my thought exactly. If you've ever looked at or played Life is Feudal: Your Own, they have a system that fixes this issue. There is a "monument" of sorts, and it gives you a certain radius to build within. Anything inside the radius is persistent, while structures outside are not. However, the monument itself decays over time if you don't do some upkeep. While this isn't a very realistic approach, it's just an example there are ways to combat a plague of player-made structures.
  2. Conrad_The_Comrade

    DayZ Photobook - Billboards

    When I come across them I'll be sure to take a photo or two :)
  3. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Barber wire baseball bat

    Seeing as how we already have the baseball bat with nails, this idea is not a stretch whatsoever. I'd love to see Lucille make an appearance.
  4. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Loot tables

    You're a hero, god that was funny
  5. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Increase weapons decay in barrels/tents

    Kind of going off GaryWalnuts's idea, the lower tier (Civ Tent < Mil Tent) should offer shorter storage lifetime, and that the lower condition each item lowers the lifetime as well. So a pristine Mil Tent would be leaps and bounds better than a Badly Damaged Civ Tent.
  6. Conrad_The_Comrade


    Oh no no, you've misunderstood me. Your original content was absolutely relevant. I was saying what I was about to say was not relevant to the original topic, but that I found the "It's still and always an alpha" comment funny.
  7. Conrad_The_Comrade


    Not extremely relevant to the conversation, but this cracked me up.
  8. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Dear BIS - upload MAP image for print please.

    I want a nice map of Chernarus so I can mark every city/town/landmark I've been to.
  9. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Hobo and hiking Sticks

    If that hiking stick could double as a weapon, I'd take 10
  10. Conrad_The_Comrade


    I'd kill for some tougher infected, but not even close to that extent. Considering the limited lore we've got about them, they aren't undead, and should be bound by the limits of a normal human. However, (and bare with me for a moment, I'm not familiar with the right terms, but you should get the gist of it) since they've pretty much lost their "humanity", they aren't bound by morals or conscious limitations, only physical limitations. So, thinking like this, they wouldn't hold back at all when it comes to inflicting damage. For example: If we were to bite down onto something normally, we wouldn't smash our jaw as hard as we could, because we won't allow ourselves, but the infected don't limit themselves, so they (if they bit) could bite down with full bone shattering force. That said, a bullet to the head is a bullet to the head. If it shatters the skull and destroys the brain, you're dead. Basically what I'm getting at is they should be able to inflict way more damage, but should take relatively the same damage if hit in a vital location. (Oh and I could go for some grappling as well)
  11. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Make a website for the exchange of loot

    I'm not into trading myself, but this is pretty great. Can't wait to take a look at the English version... now if only I didn't play on private servers
  12. Conrad_The_Comrade

    NPCs as immersion intensifier

    Of course, we all have different ideas and visions for the game. And while yes, there is a problem with an overabundance of KoS, the hope is that by the time the game is "finished" it won't be like that. Then again, that's a long long ways away. I just don't see NPC's being a solution to that, and while they do add another layer, they also strip away a layer of genuine interaction. Yes, we'll still have people to interact with, but the second you run into an NPC and can't communicate freely, you're reminded that this is just a game, whereas to me, and this is gonna sound a little cheesy, this is more than a game. It's another way to interact with other people in a way that no other game (that I've played) has ever come close to.
  13. Conrad_The_Comrade

    NPCs as immersion intensifier

    I hate the idea of adding NPCs. To me the game is supposed to be about the players, and the players only. We're the ones to create the story, and the ones to see it out. NPC's are basically just fake people, with limited interaction. The last thing I'd ever want to see is NPCs, I'd sooner enjoy a tank being available for anyone at NWAF. That said, I'm not against abandoned camps or heli crashes, but it's not something I need to see.
  14. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Plans to keep DayZ pure?

    I was speaking more in relation to irl, considering I've never tested the VSS, and I hadnt shot a person with the SVD. Even still, the other things Ive listed I hope never see the light of day within DayZ. Ironically the night I said I hadn't been KoS'd in awhile, someone attempted to KoS me. Managed to kill my pal, but I beat him to death with my axe. All things considered, from my own experiences KoS doesn't seem to be a major issue.
  15. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Need buddies + Advice

    Thanks :) I have had my fair share of confrontations with folk like that, and I'll be honest sometimes I'm the one behind the gun. Not a pretty sight for whoever is in front of the bullet. Also, trading is always nice to do, however again take it with a grain of salt. Take precautions when trading such as... Keep your distance from the other person(s) Keep your eye on all unknown characters If one tries moving to get around you, get out of there Communicate what you're going to trade (obviously) and have each party drop their items on the ground a good distance away. When ready to trade, each party goes around in an arc (Do not walk straight to them otherwise you'll get close to one another) and collect the loot, all the while abiding by tips 1 and 2 Do not turn your back on them even when leaving Following these tips should keep you alive, assuming you can defend yourself if things get heated.
  16. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Need buddies + Advice

    So I can't offer you companionship, but I am here for the advice. Here is how I typically respond to players... Do NOT say "I'm friendly" right off the bat, it's fishy seeming DO start by saying something typical like "Hey, guy in the (Insert distinctive article of clothing)!" Avoid approaching people who have high tier weaponry (M4, FAL, AK, stuff like that) that is already out. Usually these people are less than friendly, and even if they aren't a bandit, some people are jumpy and react with gunfire. When you do get someone's attention, pay attention to how they respond. If they run, don't follow, it'll make them more likely to attack. Also, keep your guard up, they might be a bandit whose looking to get the jump on you. Keep your distance when talking to them, if you get too close, tension can rise. If you are going to approach closer, tell them first, and why. If you can spare something basic (Such as an extra water bottle, a can of tuna, etc.) offer it. It'll make you seem more genuine. NEVER OFFER WEAPONS/AMMO OR ANYTHING THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU If someone is offering you something, don't assume that they're friendly. It could just be a ploy to get you to let your guard down. Take every action with a grain of salt. Most importantly, use common sense. If you don't feel comfortable with someone, don't approach. If they don't seem comfortable, back off. This will save your life. As for looting... Loot the town/area you start in, and move inland. Do not explore the coast unless you are meeting with someone. Pay attention to sounds, they might let you know if someone is looting nearby as well. Take the gun with the magazine (Including internal magazines). If you've got yourself a very nice gun but it has no bullets, it's useless. Take that shotgun with 30 rounds. Can openers, if you can find one and have the room, take it. Seems like common sense, but you'd be surprised. Get a knife, I myself prefer the stone knife that you can create by searching for rocks. They can be used for making fires, opening cans, skinning animals (Or people), or as a weapon. The knife is your best friend. These are just a few tips, and they're all my personal preference. This is not by any means the "best" way of doing things, just what works best for myself and how I play. Best of luck!
  17. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Weapon strings/slings

    That'd be awesome, and you should be able to make it out of more than just rope. Got enough duct tape? Make a sling. Got some metal wire? Make a sling. Got a sling? Good for you have a sling.
  18. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Additional food and tinder source from already ingame plant: CATTAIL

    This is genius! I wasn't even sure what a cattail was and had to double check (I had an idea of what it was, and I was right but still). Never knew of the use that they had. Awesome suggestion :D
  19. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Live action movie

    Wow, that was one of the best DayZ films I've ever seen.
  20. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Plans to keep DayZ pure?

    Except we don't have high powered sniper rifles, NV goggles, tanks, attack helicopters, or any of that other bullshit right now. I've also not been having an issue with players, KoS wise. I've been meeting with people who are willing to have a chat, or who've attempted to rob me, but haven't been KoS'd (Or attempted to be either) in quite awhile. The DayZMod is always going to be a favorite of mine, so I'm not trying to bash it, but it's no where near the quality of SA, nor does it have even a fraction of the potential.
  21. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Colored Tint Status Appearances

    I'd be entirely against this. There are other ways to show these things such as coughing when your sick. Just look up symptoms for each of the issues, and implement through audio cues or animations (once we get the new anim system). On top of that, we always have the inventory menu notifications. I want to be as immersed into my game as possible, and having a colored screen would just annoy the living hell out of me. To each their own.
  22. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Plans to keep DayZ pure?

    As much as I love mods, this is my fear as well. The DayZ mod was so amazing before mods turned it into a giant TDM mess. And sure, there will always be vanilla servers, but when the game is over-saturated with modded af servers, less and less people will be playing the one true DayZ
  23. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Compass suggestion for more convinient usage

    If you put the compass on your hotbar and hit the tilde key (~), the compass functions on there. No need to pull it out into your hands. (Unless this was changed)
  24. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Dirty Clothing

    If something along these lines were added, Id love to see actual visual effects on the clothes themselves. Just throwing that out there
  25. Conrad_The_Comrade

    Display own blood type in inventory screen

    I honestly don't see a need for this. If you can't remember what your blood type is, you can write it down on a pen and paper on your desk, or better yet use the pen and paper in game to write it down. That said, I'd have no problem if this were implemented, I just don't see the need personally.