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Everything posted by RedUkraine

  1. RedUkraine

    Dayz ipad/iPhone/iPod And android app

    ANY Mobile device or tablet couldn't run DayZ. Said devices just aren't powerful enough for it. (Although I have a DayZ Map app on my iPhone)
  2. RedUkraine

    Make it harder to kill both zombies and players

    And most people can't run more than say, 1 or 2 kilometers before getting tired, but my character can run atleast 5 and all I have to do is hold W. tl;dr It's a video game.
  3. RedUkraine

    The island of Chernarus?

    Good idea.
  4. RedUkraine

    Just repairing the car when...

    Running over people is best weapon in DayZ.
  5. Steam. It's gotten as low as 15 American Dollars.
  6. RedUkraine

    Can I please get an opinion

    You destroyed that bus... :c
  7. RedUkraine


    So I was thinking for DayZ Standalone, Barracades. Basically how this would work is you would be able to say, barracade a door with a wood pile and some nails. You could use your hatchet blade to hammer the nails in, and the barracade would be able to say, take 50 hits from zombies before it broke or a few hits from another players hatchet.
  8. RedUkraine

    Is it okay to abort when a hacker spawns on you?

    Yes. If many people start dying, it's usually a sign of teleporting hacker.
  9. RedUkraine

    What makes a successful bandit???

    I would think maybe some sort of bait would be good. For example, a car that is fixed but no gas in it. Once the player gets in, the bandit shoots with their choice of weapon, and procedes to loot, perhaps by a friend overwatching the situation.
  10. RedUkraine

    trading with survivors: tips

    I don't trade. I can find the gun/item sooner or later on my own.
  11. RedUkraine

    I shall become a bandit

    I rather be killed by some axe murderer or a physcopath than by a sniper.
  12. Great story. Would love to see more of these.
  13. RedUkraine

    The 7 Causes of PvP ---- [VIDEO]

    Great video. I would keep the mod as is, maybe remove the bandit skin.
  14. RedUkraine

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    I wonder how many beans this fellow achieved in that time.
  15. RedUkraine

    Longest time you have stalked someone?

    I don't think I've stalked somone on DayZ, but I have a fairly interesting story when I was stalked once. So I was coming out of Elektro to the North West, Stocked with a Ghillie suit and an AK-74. I decided to go to Solnichniy to gear up more, and being I was fairly new to the game, I ran through the forest thinking that no one would ever hear or see me. I was wrong. Slowly, I hear "Buuuuddddddyyyyy" In a rather high pitched voice. I see some guy with a flashlight running behind me and so I break his leg with an AK shot before backing up until I fell onto some rocks in the Solni quarry :C
  16. RedUkraine

    Looking travel with someone later on today

    It IS funner to play with more people, I would team up with you, but my DayZ computer is getting upgraded at the moment.
  17. RedUkraine

    dayz sniper tutorial

    Wouldn't this belong in New Player Discussion? (It is a tutorial, afterall)
  18. RedUkraine

    Favourite background music while on DayZ

    Usually just the DayZ ambience. Perhaps if I DO fix up my party bus you may here a variety of music... Mainly "Fortunate Son" (Creedence Clearwater Revival) While going through Elektro with more than enough snipers taking potshots at the beautiful bus.
  19. RedUkraine

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

    "Friendly, Friendly!" "Alright I'll give you a ride." (Cue the Hatchet noises while the driver bleeds to death)
  20. RedUkraine

    [OFFER] Hatchet

    I'll trade an Empty Tin Can.
  21. RedUkraine

    A PSA for DayZ players

    What server is this? I'm looking for a good server that doesn't have a hacker spawning in an Apache every 5 minutes.
  22. RedUkraine

    My encounter with misled heroes..

    Pretty creative, these people are.
  23. RedUkraine

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    Somone show me the video once they have done this.