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Everything posted by RedUkraine

  1. RedUkraine

    Is it worth it?

    so I was with my buddy, Spencer. We were looking for tires for the bus we had hidden the other day, and it seemed that Elektro was extra lively that day. We looted around the office, grocery store, etc and got some food and ammo for out 2 shotguns. We were good semaritans back then, and Spencer decided to help a bambi by giving him a Lee Enfield. The next thing I know while I'm looting a house, about 5 Enfield shots before I look at the bottom left of my screen to see "Spencer was Killed". I was so mad, I ran out into the middle of the street and saw my friend's dead body. I saw the bambi run into the church. I leaned into the church to see the guy with the winchester now, looting some other bodies he had shot before. I capped him and met up with my friend again before leaving Elektro and giving him back his Winchester. So, my question is: Is it worth it to be a hero? Or should I KoS for the safety of me and my group?
  2. RedUkraine

    Well played DayZ, well played

    That's pretty far out from anything ;_;
  3. RedUkraine

    Is it worth it?

    Alright, thanks for the advice.