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Everything posted by Wh1spY

  1. Patch-notes look great, there is one thing I don't get tho. The game is currently in an alpha-state, we who plays, are supposed to test the features you add. So what's the deal with the experimental branches?
  2. Saline transfusion doesn't refill full bloodFinally! The Saline bags were making the Blood-bags/blood-type useless! Now make them very rare, so it makes for a good trading item!
  3. Wh1spY

    suggestion against slaughter players....

    You're obviously high as F'ck!
  4. Wh1spY

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    Timers won't work. People can just alt+f4 or pull their cable. The only way to prevent combat-logging is to keep the character on the server for a couple of seconds, like 30, before he disappears. That way, we at least have a chance to fuk em up if they decide to play the game the dirty way.
  5. Wh1spY

    Ultimate Mosin Hunting Guide

    careful, those boobs are about to burst!
  6. Wh1spY

    Non kos servers?

    Whenever I see a server in my server-list saying KOS is not allowed, etc etc, I sometimes join and kill every fucker I see! =) Just for the lulz.
  7. Wh1spY

    DayZ Addiction.

    Just filled my second ammo-box with shotgun-ammo!
  8. Wh1spY

    Blurred Screen

    Even if your blurriness disappeared by pressing "video" in the configurations menu, you're still low on health, but now when you exploited that bug, you don't know that you are, and you will most probably die from 1 shot of any weapon wherever it hits you. Happy dying!
  9. I wouldn't go prone on an open field if I get shot at from a distance. They can't see the grass on the ground from far away and therefore they will see you anyways. Just run!
  10. Wh1spY

    Perma Black and White....wth

    The indications is the disaturation = low blood, blurriness = low health etc etc, and if it sounds like you're in pain, you are.. :P It's very confusing for a new player to figure out on his own, without using the internet. I suggest that you take a look on Merinos in depth guides on how everything works. Well worth the time (roughly 2 hours in total) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YSGX22B6Z3k9-hJzJcz4w/videos You also have the http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Status_Effects
  11. Wh1spY

    Bandit? Or just playing the game?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind KoS in games, since it gives me something to hunt. :) Play however you want man.
  12. Wh1spY

    Bandit? Or just playing the game?

    Unless he shot at you first, you had no reason what so ever to kill him really. Simply put, you're a bandit! :) Sure it's risky to try and make contact with a player, but if you don't, that's okey, but that makes you a bandit.
  13. Wh1spY

    T3N RDS vs. M68 CompM2 (Optics)

    Yup, the difference is that the dot in the T3N wont be visible through NV-googles.
  14. Wh1spY

    Biohazard and chemical zones in Chernorus

    Absolutely, we need some dangerous areas where you are unable to go without protective gear. Kinda like in stalker where in some areas the radiation is to high. The zombies must come from somewhere right? :)
  15. Wh1spY


    Haha, it sure feels good killing some bandits;) But next time, increase the bit-rate before rendering the video.
  16. 2 Zambis! The rest I axed out, but they didn't answer.
  17. Wh1spY

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    No, keep the standalone free from other mods. People can mod the mod if they want to mod. mod mod mod mod.
  18. Wh1spY


    Nah, you can't look through someone else's eyes, that's soooo unrealistic. When you're dead, you're dead.. :P
  19. Wh1spY

    Player Badges

    Nah, keep things like that away from the game, sure put it on the forum, but having titles like that could make people leave the server just because of a title someone have, which they don't like.
  20. Wh1spY

    Skype breaks game sound

    There is also a setting like this in Skype. Somewhere.
  21. Wh1spY

    All my stuffs had been gone

    To test the game for bugs nothing else, if you have fun doing it, that's just a plus, if you wan't to play without such bugs, wait until the 1.0 version get released.
  22. Wh1spY

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Time to stack those shotgun shells!
  23. Wh1spY

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    den u bet me wrong m8. - "In the new year we will be optimizing the way we handle dynamic objects (such as loot) a great deal more which should give us significant savings - but the change was considered too risky to be done prior to alpha launch." - "To assist with increasing player and zombie numbers, we will be parallelizing the server architecture." "This should provide some very, very dramatic improvement in performance where additional cores are available." Source: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/
  24. Wh1spY

    A random zombie horde comes from nowhere

    Now quadruple that pack and place 10 packs in every city! Offtopic: Y U NO PLAY WIT SHADOWS!?