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Everything posted by Wh1spY

  1. Eum.. I get 30-35 fps in cities (Novo, Cherno etc.) with my AMD Phenom 1090T @ 4Ghz, SO a 40% increase in fps would mean that I could get 42-49 fps instead, which will make a HUGE difference in terms of play-ability. Every little frame is important when you are in between 30-60 fps.
  2. Wh1spY

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Cheaters still exist. Guys with wallhack followed me through walls with his scope. I was trapped on a roof and he was below me. I could stand at an angle so he couldnt shoot me, but he knew where I was all the time when i rolled around on the roof looking at him. Tried to go for the ladder but ofc he was beneth the ladder and shot me straight away... Nice anti-hacks devs.... :(
  3. Wh1spY

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Seeing lots of exp servers, even 60/60 ones.
  4. Wh1spY

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Is that screenshot fanmade or actual official design? Looks pretty darn shopped to me.
  5. Same places as before, weapons do however seem much more rare now. Except for shotguns and "Macaroni" guns!
  6. Wh1spY

    New Spawns ruining PVP!

    New spawn ruins pvp? He just wanted in on the action and he succeeded! Next time be more careful if you wanna survive a battle.
  7. Wh1spY

    The Manhunt - DayZ Standalone Cinematic - MUST SEE !

    Very well done, now the devs just need to implement a feature where you can hide the UI completely! (thinking of the crosshair)
  8. Wh1spY

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Hacking is indeed still possible, and it will always be.
  9. Wh1spY

    Post Your Gear So Far

    No because that's an old printscreen.. :)
  10. Hope its not a bug, you shouldn't be able to kill a zombie with your bare fists, atleast not without getting infected!
  11. Cant believe how you missed the last guy, clearly visible at 8:02-8:05 running near the ledge.. ;D Great movie anyhow! ;)
  12. Wh1spY

    Being friendly at Veresnik = Dumb! The Betrayal

    The person who was shooting at you had a green ballistic helmet, the person you met earlier in the building had black one...
  13. Wh1spY

    Camo tent

    I have no idea, but I hope it is in! Could be one of those "fake" tents that you also can see at the military-"camp-sites".
  14. Wh1spY

    crazy girl kills 7 guys !

    Nice, hacked magazines, probably hacked granades too..
  15. Wh1spY

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Wait a minute? Chopper ingame? Where? Random Spawn?
  16. Wh1spY

    where is everyone in the game?

    Why hellow ther Mr.NW-Airfield guy... (you are playing around the hotspots) Go to Zelenogorsk, you wont see anyone.
  17. Wh1spY

    Experimental is awesome

    Word, when they fix so that the walls actually blocks light, the game will look A HELL LOT different, and it will actually be dark in many houses since some lack windows and lamps. Can't wait for it to happen! This game-engine is unbelievably outdated, even Counter-Strike(half-life) had light-sources that were blocked by walls.
  18. Wh1spY

    My rare hero gameplay video

    Well, the aspect ratio is 100% correct. He is using a 16:10 monitor (which is the best ratio out there, but that's another topic! :)) So if he were to convert his 16:10 footage to 16:9 it would look drawn out on the sides since his resolution allows for more pixels on the vertical side.
  19. Wh1spY

    No server found

    My guess is that he don't mean the experimental servers. I have had this problem many times with no servers showing in the "internet" tab. But I can see some servers on my favorites and history. This seems to be a common problem, which 6 of my friends are getting sometimes also. Stable branch.
  20. Wh1spY

    Is this game getting worse?

    Worse? You are very lucky if you haven't stumbled upon those bugs until now. They have been in the game since launch. We all are just waiting for the fix.. ;)
  21. Wh1spY

    How to delete character?

    You can't delete your character, it's saved on the servers. Sorry you can never play DayZ anymore. Hehehuhhuahah, nah I don't know, just report it.
  22. Wh1spY

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    DayZ can be beautiful yes, but yours just blurry... :p
  23. The physics-engine is also required for the vehicles to be able to move.. ;)