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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. http://youtu.be/jbcyiFt5VEs?t=2m35s My new favorate link!
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    Bulldozer that can clear debris and barricades off the road, maybe Mad Max it out, mount some machine guns on there and some spikes in the bucket.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Easter egg request

    Exactly, I remain on the fence about Frankie to be honest, too much 'evidence' on either side for me to stick my Dick in that particular Beartrap.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    wait or late? what if next gen consoles come?

    Reminds me of a poll I saw recently: What did you Enjoy most about this year's Super Bowl? *Yes *No Starting to wounder if your name is Troll.
  5. You'd have a clean needle puncturing unclean skin, same chance of infection.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Revert back to 1.7

    Im pretty sure the Map Version is 1.7, you dont need to downgrade DayZ to play Panthera, just need to install the Panthera map with DayZ commander.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Wake up to find the zombie Apocalypse

    What do you mean no story? Big Mike is a Truck Driver for the Private Military Contractor Ikaika Industries. He was on the IIS Ewa Maru which was carrying truckloads of medical supplies and Relief Aid to Takistan under contract. The crew and other Contract Drivers on board contracted the Zed Virus and went crazy, Mike was Immune and managed to kill all the infected crew members, accidentally destroying the engine in the process, leaving him adrift. When trying to radio for a rescue he learned that he was probably better off alone on a ship full of food and medical supplies adrift in the ocean. One day the ship capsized off the coast of Chenarus and Mike reluctantly swam to shore unarmed. Just because you need to be spoon fed a story doesn't mean we all have to. Although a few more details would be nice.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Dont get attached to any character

    Uhh, not sure what you mean by character in this sense. It's not like you change when you die and respawn, only thing that changes is your clothes. Now I don't know about you, but a white shirt and black vest and green hat do not make Big Mike. NOWHERE is safe, only slightly less dangerous places. I think what you mean is don't get attached to gear. My suggestion is to play on a whitelisted server with active and non-abusive admins.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Awesome idea that no one would ever think about >:O

    *Points at OP* You have something sticking out of your forehead...*grabs mallet* Hold still.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Extended camp possibilities

    Producing supplies just sounds a little too easy, different sized tents would be welcome, from the small tents we have now to large tents that you could fit a Ural into to hide it. We will have crafting in game, although I think rocket wants to have all the player 'bases' underground (to save on computing resources or something) it would be nice if a 'small' camp could be set up topside. Pup tents would be what we have now, players could store items and sleep in them. External things could be set up in the camp as well, a 'permanent' fire pit (dont need matches to light it but still need to stock it up with wood), a still (water purifier), possibly some shelves or something external for storage (ammo boxes, cases, shelves), now if you found a larger tent you could fit some of these things inside, (not sure on tent nomenclature but perhaps a mess tent could fit a lot of storage in it, players could walk inside, store ammo from a scavenging run in some ammo boxes, store canned goods on a shelf, store that sweet m240 you found but will probably never use yourself on a gun rack, ect), store your car parts in crates under some cammo netting along with your car.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Wandering Hordes

    Search button is your friend, its been suggested a lot, still a good idea. Buuut inb4 lock or graveyard
  12. IkaikaKekai

    how about a frisk action

    You mean the Makarov between the cheeks? Sounds good.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Winchester 30-30 lever action rifle!

    to replace the current 'non existent' Winchester in game? Could probably easily do that just by renaming and tweaking the stats of that one *EDIT* Gews you'd be surprised what we (the US) were exporting to Russia right up until Stalin started looking like the new Hitler (locomotives in particular, the Russian Decapods and 'Little Joes' come to mind)
  14. IkaikaKekai

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    I'm pretty sure that canned food lasts 'forever' (depending on if it was sealed properly and if all germs were destoryed in the canning process). Long as the inside of the can is intact and the seal isn't broken the food inside should be fine/edible/disease free. (heard stories about researchers finding cans from like the 1800s, rusted to hell but still intact, opening it and the food was still good safe to consume) Now it could be explained by the cans in Chenarus being of lower quality materials or something (my dad used to work for a coke bottling plant, think he said they used to weld the cans, but after a while people started getting sick because of the flux used in the process)
  15. 1) Do they have Alligators in Eastern Europe? Maybe instead have a chance of getting an infection (malaria or something from mosquitoes) the longer you hang out in the swamp. 2) Would be neat, not sure if doable. 3) Don't think you could do that but maybe being able to hide in larger wardrobes or closets and close the door(s) 4) I don't think meat (raw or cooked) would last very long in anything but a powered refrigerator (looks like its been years since the infection started) 5) Would be awesome. 6) Also awesome. Have to think about more than just camouflage when grabbing gear. Could also work both ways, could get too hot and have to wear less clothes or lighter clothing.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Easter egg request

    Picture frames in houses with the Rocketshop'ed photos. Game magazine about new mod DayV beating out the other vampire game, WarV. Been suggested before but we need new brandnames for canned foods and drinks. FrankandBeans 1080. '1080 beans in every can!' Newspaper article about controversy surrounding FrankandBeans not having 1080 beans in every can. (Yay, gonna get hate from both Frankie supporters and haters!)
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Alright can anyone explain this?

    Broken how? As far as I remeber zombies were never/rarely able to get onto docks for some reason (clipping i think).
  18. IkaikaKekai


    HEEY! I bean this very much, now I really can be Big Mike in game.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    popularity to my server please

    You might want to get a refund for your server before mommy notices it on her credit card. EDIT ...Why would you give me beans for insulting you?
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Light Armored Tank

    I think (heard from a someone who heard it from someone and haven't read the 'source' article myself, and that was a while ago) that Rocket was kicking around the idea of adding in a tank or armored vehicle, but if it was a tank, the main gun would either be damaged and irreparable, or would spawn without ammo for the main gun and would be EXTREAMLY rare. If say it was a T-72, just repairing the wheels alone (I counted 16, 8 on each side) would be cost prohibitive to a couple of bandits that just want to rape bambies. Now I've never been in a tank before (doubt I'd fit to be honest), but I don't believe the crew can just switch positions around with the possible exception of the gunner and tank commander, so even if there was a working main gun (not just coax and TC's topside gun) the driver would just have the tank itself as a weapon without jumping out of the hatch and scrambling to get back into the turret Keep in mind the original anti tank weapon (and still effective) is the molotov cocktail. I could forsee tanks being mostly avoided except by organized groups or even clans, and it'd be something kept hidden except to take out a sniper or group of bandits molesting a town, other than the lone guy with a LOT of time on his hands that wants something to roll safely through Cherno with. EDIT Theres a couple of tanks in VERY bad condition (BMPs i think), one I know of is at the little cluster of houses on the coast near three valleys.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Shields (Low,Medium,Heavy Protection)

    I like your ideas, but think if implemented they should be limited to makeshift shields or police/swat/riot shields, not medieval stuff (honestly the castles would have been picked clean either by archiologists or relic hunters long ago, and if they did have anything it would be in very bad condition). Maybe cut a piece of plywood into a shield shape and making a handle, protection from zombies and some melee, and limited weapons fire, or by adding a handle to a windscreen or a car hood/door
  22. Someone's been watching a few too many movies. But they do need to work on collisions. I can ram a wall going almost full speed (trying to brake) and break just my back window and damage the front tires a little, where as I go over a small, climbable mound of trash I going about 40 I slam into it, break the front and side windows, damage the engine, break two tires and damage the others.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Helping first time survivors

    Not sure if it was the first time I ever helped someone, but here's a memorable one. I had acquired a Military Offroad and had ventured into Cherno to get parts for it to fix it up better, and grab some med supplies for myself. Was wearing a ghillie suit and had an AK Kobra, was halfway to the northern industrial sector. Real life (breakfast) called, and not wanting to just log out and leave my brand new Range Rover in the middle of Cherno right behind the fire station I made a beeline for my car to go hide in the woods for a bit. I get past the wall and see someone (didn't notice at the time but he was unarmed) standing in front of and then got into the passenger seat. I fire a few rounds at him and in direct mic'ed "Get out of the Vehicle, Now!" he gets out and lays down and craws away from the car, facing away from me and stops, I'm a little shocked at this point, was expecting him to try and drive off or to try and shoot me. After the shock wore off I got into my Range, "Well then...Carry on." and peeled out before he could get a gun. Next day same guy was asking for a ride so I picked him up and took him to a Pickup I found earlier that was fully repaired and gave him a jerry can. EDIT Infact, he didn't even know it was me from the other day till I brought it up, "Hey uhh...sorry for shooting at you the other day..."
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Train Transport

    Chenarus' railways seam to be dieselized (theres what looks like a road engine sitting on the docks in cherno with a boxcar), a steam engine would take TONS of coal (literally, tons, not an overstatement). Probably the 'best' setup if they do add rail vehicles would be a switcher/road engine with a boxcar and caboose (passengers and cargo), would take MUCH longer to fuel up than even a chopper. A RDC (or soviet equivilant, think bus on rails) would be another alternative, as well as handcars and speeders. Even then you still need to worry about things on the right of way, (if theres a RDC on the tracks you've got to move it out of the way and onto a siding)
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Bird problem?

    Sounds like you've been hacked, update Arma and Dayz and find a good whitelisted server, I recomend Balota Buddies