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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Surviving tips for the unarmed?

    Low and slow, mostly advice for zombies though, that or just run from industrial building to industrial building till you find an ax.. Might want to be careful with that recorded gunfire, more likely to get shot at by non bandits IMO.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Venting some steam

    Looks like I picked a VERY good day to be busy doing other stuff today.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    The Dayz store... ?

    considering he also mentioned rolling papers, he probably meant a 'tabbaco' pipe, which i HIGHLY (pun not intended, stop laughing man the cops are behind you checking your stash!) doubt there would be any DayZ brand offical bong or hooka...if you live in Hawaii I know a company that does their own glass blowing (they do some AWESOME pieces theres this one where the bubbler is a octopus, and the tips of the tenticles are the vent holes, all submerged and it looks cool as hell, and thats coming from a non stoner). PM me and I'll give you his website. EDIT also theres a shitton of zombie stuff already out there on sites like thinkgeek, just not DayZ brand stuff (there's a company that sells red and green energy drink in blood bags)
  4. IkaikaKekai

    BE Ban Appeal, Community Banlist Report

    Appeal to Battle Eye, no one here can help you. Pretty sure NONE of us work for BE.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Standalone Forum Best Ideas

    Maybe with some work (non automated), YES, maybe, No..., no, yes, yes, yes, yes, maybe..., maybe?, yes, no there's no power, no for same reason, pretty sure its been confirmed (no images yet), think it was on the 'to do' list, yes, yes, yes, what?, we kinda can already, not gonna happen, yes (I'd keep one bullet or a grenade for myself in real life in this kind of situation), elaborate, think you can in standalone, think Rocket was toying with this for stand alone, think Rocket's pretty much said no, yes, Id like that, Id like that but the 'censors' might not, FUCK YEAH, yes to being able to do that no to that being the only way, pretty much confirmed in the last video, don't think it'd be very realistic and a bit too COD-ish, hmm, yes, not sure, maybe, maybe, maybe, we have that now i think, think it will be possible in stand alone to 'duck tape' (for lack of a better phrase) flashlights to guns, id be for this, magazines and ammo will be separate items in stand alone, yes, yes, yes, yes, are there golf courses here? some kind of sword yes, yes, that would be lovely, yes, and pretty much confirmed for stand alone.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Humvee and Little Bird spawn??

    Upstream in Alaskan Rivers, after avoiding such dangers as Urals and Hydroelectric Dams. www.google.com
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Something I'd like to see in Dayz SA

    Could they perhaps run something like this with the chopper crashes? Instead of crashes just 'spawning' they actually fly in, are visible, and crash (for whatever reason, pilot/crew succumbs to the infection and takes out everyone else for example, or a player manages to shoot it down before it gets to its 'preset' crash site). Anyone lucky enough to be in the area when it happens has more of a 'hint' to where the crash is. Even if the heli passes them going 200kmh and disappear on the horizon they got a general direction of where to look. Or if they add radios anyone in range would hear a static mayday call shortly before the crash. It would make more sense now that crashes don't spawn on restart.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Spawn loot!

    Zombies and loot will spawn at server start in standalone (as well as respawns)
  9. IkaikaKekai

    What is considered a "Forest"

    Its a little weird, it kinda depends on the tree more than being in a 'forest'. For some reason pine trees wouldnt work but almost any other tree did, and sometimes pine trees would work as well.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Red Ryder BB Gun

    There's some pretty high powered pellet/air rifles round. (I believe there's one that uses .22 pellets and gets up to 'lethal' speeds, don't have a brand name on me) If they added say a hunting pellet gun (one I just mentioned) rather than a 'soda cans on the back fence' bb gun along with a few perks (can craft ammo from scrap metal easily, silenced) I could see a use for it in standalone (a survivalist's/hunter's gun).
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Youtube Advertisments for Cheat Software

    Well other than going into these Scripter's houses in the night, dragging them into the street, decapitating them, and setting all their hard drives on fire, not really much that can be done to stop them. Of course I doubt these people are legitimate. Considering how many 'hey i gut bannd an the guy sed i woulnt get band with dez hackz, help me' threads, their probably just CC number fishers/scam artists, in which case, I'm conflicted. What their doing is wrong, but their stealing from people who also do wrong.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Siren alerts - zombie horde running in cities

    Exactly, its not how it works. It took living HUMANs back then to get air raid alerts and sirens up. Ranging from the simple guy sitting in a tower looking out for airplanes and cranking a siren when he saw them, to a radar instillation keeping an eye on the skies, making sure that thous dots on the screen weren't just a group of B17s returning from a night of bombing before making a call to someone to crank the air raid siren. To the OP, anything automated would have run down or lost power by now. And I doubt that researchers would have had time to develop 'zombie detectors' before everything went to shit, much less be able to install it in a backwater like Chenarus. People suggest all the time automated things, automated trains, automated buses, automated bombers dropping nukes, automated zombie warning sirens. And to be honest, probably the only reason why the church bells are still going in game is because its programming left over from ARMA that no one's bothered/had time to remove. /rant TL:DR = No automated sirens letting people know about zombies, the noise of the horde should be enough, if not, pay more attention next time and you wont be cowering in a porta-potty waiting for the horde of 100 zombies to pass you by.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Train Transport

    It'd be difficult to pull off. And honestly there isn't really a 'system' to take control of. In America you have CTC systems, control towers, hubs, ect. Chenarus only has one mainline, spur tracks, industrial branches, one or two 'yards', and a couple of sidings. Unless you have people actively patrolling the tracks (and even then, no garente) you'll have bandits setting up tank traps on the right of way or some other form of sabotage (a 'stick' bigger than 2" in diameter can derail a 45 ton loco if its placed right). It would be lovely if we could repair a loco and the tracks, but it'd be too hard to control completely. It'd be something you repair so you could get from point A to point B, load up a bunch of crap and move on to Point C to unload said crap. If it does get added, something like sniping/killing the driver would make it a runaway train (at least for a mile or so, not sure what 'Dead Man' switches Russian Railroads have)
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Trail or security cameras

    Curious as to how it would work honestly. Not that I want it, also peripheral dots are being removed (I think). Like how would the camera store pictures that you could access it? Would it lag out the server? Whats stopping me from shooting the thing strapped to a tree to destroy it, and get rid of any evidence of who was there? Ect.
  15. Adding other ways to start fires would be acceptable to not having as many matches. (So many ways I don't even want to try and list them, but we always got the good ole 'Two sticks' trick, or say a battery and some wiring on kindling)
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Standalone Suggestion: Infected Players

    Don't remember the movie very well, but thought he was just coating the bullets with wax so that when they don't deform instantly when they hit the water and lose like 90% of their energy?
  17. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Suggestion (Playing Dead)

    If this were implemented, Id run over the body, wait a min for a death message, if i see one I dont turn around, if I dont I turn around and loot.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    blood bags

    Been suggested before, standard 'answer' is that its done like that to encourage teamwork. (I've suggested being able to blood up solo in a hospital, but you'd need a battery, blood bag, and have to find a working IV machine, you'd have to interact with the IV machine for say 60 seconds and not be able to react to anything (ie a bandit could walk into the hospital, see you blooding up, and shoot you in the face) and have chances of passing out while doing it) You can fill up canteens in ponds and any FRESH water (not the ocean) and since the latest patch I believe you have to boil it (haven't played within the last week or so so haven't had a chance to test it)
  19. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Suggestion (Distracting Zeds with Bloodbags)

    Been suggested before, and while yes these are Zombies and not 'Sparklies', blood might still distract a zombie (rub on a door or something and zombies will slowly come and investigate like they do with flares, not run for it like they do with smoke gernades) Meat would be a 'better' option, blood bag would just attact the zombie to the area, zombie would find nothing but a smear and move on, meat would slowly attract zombies, zombies might take their time to eat the meat.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Standalone Suggestion: Infected Players

    Player Zombies has been pretty much confirmed as a no (either player's bodies becoming NPCs after death, or players becoming zombies when they die). Storywise we (survivors) are all Immune to the zombie virus. As for poisoning bullets/weapons, the way you described it probably wouldn't work (fact that players cant get infected with the Z Virus aside) very well and might actually cause your weapon to jam faster (gunk on the bullet building up in the mechanisms and barrel). Now this could work for say crossbows or melee weapons to increase chance of infection (not Zed infection, just 'normal' infections) by say rubbing the arrowheads in zombie guts, mounting zombie teeth on a baseball bat, rubbing the blade of the axhead in shit, ect.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Suggestion (Playing Dead)

    Your assuming I would stop to check a body and not run it over.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    You mean your search didn't find this? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/121784-easter-egg-request/
  23. I don't think he literally means ALL zombies will spawn on server start. Just that they will start spawning on server start rather than whenever a person is in the area. IE Cherno wont have just 200 zombies in it that wont respawn till server restart. Itll start with 200 zombies, then as players kill them timers will start for respawns (kinda like how it is now, you just wont see an 'empty' city till zombies spawn, they'll already be there)
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Stockpiled weapons

    Realistically, weapons and ammo, wouldn't just be stacked up in a barracks or a hanger, or a control tower, they would be under lock and key in a box/crate in an armory also under lock and key (and before Z Day, with a guard if the military was competent). Now Id say the reason why we find guns in such places is because this is months to years after the intial infection. The Army/Police would have armed themselves at the armories (emptying or nearly emptying them). Nonimmune survivors pick up/loot guns from military bases, or check points, get infected, die and drop their guns where they died. However by this reasoning places where it looks like the military put up a fight should be LOADED with weapons (Cherno's trainyard looks like a 'last stand' point). Now, not to say there can't be still a few Armories that haven't been looted yet, or say a 'random' event (think chopper crashes) where a destroyed Military Ural will have crates of supplies/ammo/guns/gear in the back. These would be rare, and wouldn't have the telltale signs that choper crashes have (smoke, fire, ect). Randomly generated at server restart along or near roads with A LOT of random gear in them (one or two item types only) ranging from MREs, Boots, Ammo, guns, entrenching tools, sandbags, barbwire, ect (Some lucky bastard might find a crate of NVGs one day). This should be something very rare however (and gear type would change on rarity as well, the crate of NVGs might NEVER happen on a server at all due to bad RNGs), but something that would make you fall to your knees and thank your chosen Deity(ies), or scratch your head and wonder why the Army was transporting 20 boxes of snow shoes during a zombie Apocalypse during summer.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    Great, just what we need, methed up Zombies that can run faster than players, maybe even outrun cars.