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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Character Design

    you can change your face/skin color now, just need to go into your profile and choose your face.
  2. You could probably make at least 20 molotovs with one jerrycan (think most whisky bottles is 750mL, jerry can is 20L, so probably even more than 20 molotovs)
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Super zombies?

    It wont be like that at all, were all immune, the zombies aren't really dead so much as rabid, which is why two shots to the chest with an assault rifle will take most down.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Crafting Idea for Standalone

    I don't think we should harvest things as much as scavenge them, there's piles and piles of lumber at different lumber mills around the map. Would be NICE if we could get a lumber mill or some industrial building up and running so we could produce items, but honestly, most smelting operations now a days are HEAVILY energy demanding and demand a large team effort to get up and running let alone keep it running. Small scale stuff would be alright (like melting lead over a campfire, my grandpa, dad, and uncles used to do it all the time, collect a bunch of old fishing wights and melt them down in the backyard to make new fishing weights or into ingots to sell for scrap, dangerous as fuck form what hes told me ((some of the weights were hollow inside and would explode in the melting pot, said he almost got hot molten lead in his face if it wasn't for a piece of plywood as a shield)) ). Breaking down ammo to reload other shells (within reason, cant just break down a bunch of 9mm makarov to make .50 BMG, but refitting that 9mm mak to 9mm nato would be doable) would be a good idea.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    [TOOL] Traveler's Guide/Language Dictionary

    Great Idea, I use road signs all the time when I don't have a GPS, espically when I'm driving. I know what most of the signs say, but only because I've used DayZ DB's map a lot. They list both the Cyrillic and English lettering for towns, whereas the in game map only shows it in English. Doesn't mean I can speak/read Russian now, because I come across other signs all the time and wonder what they say (guess at things like 'camp site ahead' or 'scenic outlook') I think books/readables in general would be a good thing to add. Would be one way for players to find out what crafting recipes are in game, as well as point players to different scenes (find a note at NWA in Russian with coordinates in them, get there and there's a military UAZ and a shack with some guns in it and a few dead military bodies)
  6. IkaikaKekai

    About Dayz Standalone

    Not sure what your local options are, but if you have a Gamestop (okay thats a no go then) (I think its overseas equivilant is EB Games, not sure) or a Best Buy your golden, just need to buy a couple of Steam Wallet Codes using cash.Another option would be if Green Dot cards or other reloadable debit/credit cards are available in your country you could buy one of thous, put some money on it and buy Steam Funds with that when Standalone comes out. (I think its going to be about $20USD when it first comes out, to be safe I'd put $40USD on the card. If that fails you could always try asking your father again nicely and with money in hand and explain why you want the game so bad.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    How to use a Huey

    You Sir have ALL my beans. For not only an Epic kill, but for your target. I will try not to be butthurt if/when I am killed by you.
  8. IkaikaKekai


    Crafting and weapons customizeation has been confirmed in stand alone, as for farming... uh... I'm gonna say no but do think we should be able to maybe have small gardens or be able to gather produce from fruit trees and vegi gardens in villages as a source of food. Not quite sure what your wanting with the zombies, you want them to run faster than they already do? They can catch us if we're not careful (had a swarm on me once and ran into a yard that was fully enclosed other than the small gate I went through, was trapped and unarmed)
  9. Something along these lines. There should be no 'background' or selection thing at start. It should be blank slate for everyone when they start (I kinda think/wish 'skills' would be persistent after death but can see why they wouldn't want to have it like that) The skills would be 'hidden', you wouldn't know you leveled something up, no bright circle of lights and bells ringing. The only way you might notice a 'level up' would be say you start a fire faster, bandage yourself or others more quickly, change a tire faster, ect. If 'skills' are persistent maybe have it so things 'unlock', for example, a brand new player, if given a toolbox, parts, and a broken helicopter, would only be skilled enough to replace the glass, or only be able to partly repair things like the main rotor to maybe yellow condition. (A player could replace tires and glass at first, and only partly be able to repair the hull/door/however the system is, and the more and more they do repairs ((even ineffective repairs)) they more effective their repairs become and the faster they do them. If it were up to me the skills would be: Medical (Perform actions faster, unlock more complex maneuvers (setting bones, splinting legs, blood transfusions, able to give 'proper' dosages for meds), Vehicle Maintenance (Perform repairs faster, repairs more effective), Weapon Maintenance (able to clean weapons faster, do repairs with less parts/jury rigging, repairs last longer, less jamming, clearing jams faster), Construction (perform some actions faster, able to do more complex constructions/building repairs, use less materials ((for certain things))), Melee/Strength (melee attacks hit harder/faster), Survivalist (able to gut animals quicker, yield a little more meat, if they add things like hides and skins as items, able to get more/better quality animal resources, able to start fires without matches ((at some point)) able to build traps, ect), Crafting (able to craft things faster/less resources, would NOT unlock more recipes ((I believe Rocket wanted players to be able to craft anything as soon as they discovered it, don't have a link to back it up though)). I don't think weapons handling/shooting/accuracy should be a 'level-able' skill (I could be convinced otherwise, but don't think that you should automatically get some kind of accuracy boost or magically be able to do more damage with the same gun just because you shoot a lot). Maybe if they want to be a little more realistic have a 'Fitness' skill to do with running (not saying I want this), the more you run/sprint the longer you can go without being winded (for example) *Edit* Forgot Survivalist and Crafting skills, see above
  10. IkaikaKekai


    EDIT Misread, didn't see Online Freeroam.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Glories of the Loot Gods.

    You would indeed, brother.
  12. Wouldn't be too hard since their bringing in the system from TOH. We kinda already have light medium and heavy in the mod (littlebird, huey, mi17, though the mi17 could be considered medium-heavy). Someone mentioned in another thread the Bell 47. But yes if they are heavy they need to be cargo/transport only.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Light and Ultra-light Aviation

    They do sell kits for home build aircraft. Would make a little bit more sense than Hueys everywhere or just military craft. Not to mention the 'back yard' contraptions that were probably designed under the influence of vodka.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    A new idea cross my mind (2)

    This would be kinda interesting but think it should be on the back burner/low priority for now. I haven't been back to Star Trek Online in a while but one of the most requested things was adding poker tables to player's ships. Card games would be kinda cool for time waster's basically play a hand or two while waiting for the Ural to get back so you and your group can raid. The Target practice thing is something they could do now (at least with crossbow) maybe if they add a better bullet 'decal' system so you can actually see where your shot lands. Have an option to set up cans on a fence and practice. Rock skipping (i think) is the phrase your looking for.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Who will be on Top Box Office this weekend?

    In before Graveyard! Fucking spammers.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Now HERE is a useful entrenching tool!

    Why am I suddenly nervous? 请不要拍,我是一个农民。 请不要拍,我会在工厂工作。
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    I smell a necromancer...but I'll pop a suggestion into this since its here. For standalone, armed hueys would be rare, maybe have a 'civilian' model or two, but mostly have Russian/Soviet helis that would make sense for Chenarus. In the 'vehicle customizeation' or whatever its going to be called, have the option of mounting weapons onto helicopters (from an AKM with a bipod or something to the heavier machine guns that will be in the game)
  18. IkaikaKekai

    New Series in need of YOUR feedback!!!

    Can NO ONE Drive at all or is this one of thous maps where the roads are made of soap?
  19. IkaikaKekai

    heavy weaponry

    Oh, maybe I'm confusing my WW2 movies. Was pretty sure at one point in Windtalkers basically the same thing happens, mortar goes off in the tube instead of launching, Banzai charge happens and they hit the shells on a rock and throw them like grenades.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    heavy weaponry

    If your talking about Windtalkers, yes I've seen that, thous are older and lighter mortars, probably 40mm or a compact 60mm. Today's mortars range from 60mm to 120mm (pretty sure the russians/soviets used 81-120mm motars) and aren't the 'grenade with fins' that the old ones were. Hell the old Japanese Ni mortar (which led to a few dumbass Marines breaking their legs when the put the baseplates on their knees to fire) is considered a 'grenade discharger' and was pretty small.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    money and newspaper

    I didn't mean add paper/coin money as the ingame currency, I ment just adding it in as another item as the OP suggested, something you can throw to distract zombies, maybe be able to craft a simple perimeter alarm with a tin can, string and some coins, or as I suggested, a way of getting canned soda or whatever out of vending machines without smashing them open and attracting zombies (A soft *thudthudThud* vs *CRASHclangclangclang*). Make them devalued as well, every zombie would have like a couple Euros/Rupules/Dollars/whatever on them so using them as player to player trading currency would be a moot point or it'd be like buying things in Zimbabwe Dollars (Or whatever South African nation printed so much money that a billion dollars is only worth like 50 cents).
  22. IkaikaKekai

    heavy weaponry

    You do know Mortars used now a days are pretty heavy right? Not only heavier but with a blast radius larger than your average grenade WITH an irregular flight pattern. That and you have to hit the firing pin at the BOTTOM of the mortar with something, otherwise your just throwing a big heavy peice of metal. You don't know how a mortar really works do you? A mortar is not a clip fed item, nor is it something that you just keep a shell in the mortar. You set up the mortar tube, adjust it for where you want to land (which for most of us would be more or less guesswork without some kind of spotter). Drop the shell in and it goes off.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Helicopter Repairing

    It's kinda glitchy, helicopters won't update the 'status' bars till its fully repaired
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Where is a good place to start a base?

    If theres a building, it will have zombies spawn in/outside of it. I think the only execration is the very large warehouses (the one near Stary comes to mind as an example, theres a couple around that are isolated though and there are usually other buildings nearby) I would advise against thouse because people usualy check them for vehicle spawns (I belive a bus spawns in one) and its realtively hard to secure (theres like 2 or 3 doorways, gaps in the wall where someone can shoot into, and one or two stairs that lead into the catwalks above). Unless your out int he woods away from all buildings zombies will spawn, even something as simple as a shack will have 2-3 zombies spawning nearby. I believe sandbags stop zombies (not 100% sure) better than catwire does. Any camp will more than likely be found (I have a pretty good camp set up in the woods, surrounded by hills and forest with a clearing big enough for a helicopter whenever I get one. Lotta game nearby to hunt, only thing I wish I had was a nearby source of water, its been found a couple of times and looted, I stayed in the same spot however since I didnt have anything of high enough value other than a van that went missing.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    money and newspaper

    I was about to yell at you about Rocket not wanting currency in the game. This I could see working, maybe also add using coins to get things from vending machines if they add them in? (I believe that's a real life survival tip as well, keep about $5 in quarters in case you come across an operable vending machine and dont want to simply smash the cover and make a lot of noise)