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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. - Police cars abandoned in the streets, shotgun spawn inside. Yes! - Other rescue vehicles left at the scene. Yes! - Hospitals overrun, lots of corpses, extra medical tents and so on. There is evidence of this currently, look better at the Cherno East Hospital, they set up medical tents accross the street next to a factory as well as looks like the military tried to protect the hospital itself with barbwire. Berezino's hospital looks the worse off, I'm guessing it was the last stand for Chenarus' Military. - More corpses in cars, apartments etc. Yes - Less clutter in the roads(road blocks), more abandoned vehicles. How would this be a sign of the zombie apoc? People were panicking and try to get somewhere 'safe'. People are shitty drivers under the best conditions, now add OMG ZOMBIES FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK! and there's gonna be a lot more accidents. People would try and hunker down and defend against something, maybe set up roadblocks to keep people infected from going into their village or to try and stop the zombies with the blockades. - Some areas still have power/limited power. Rocket has pretty much said no to this, any power generation would have broken down or 'tripped' to use his words without people to keep it up and running. Even a hydro electric dam needs to be maintained, power surges happen which need to be dealt with and repaired, not to mention shit just breaking down without routine maintenance and the power infrastructural itself going tits up. When we play we are Months to Years after the infection started and we don't fully know what transpired during the outbreak (might have been EMP blast or something, a power surge caused during the outbreak might have destroyed/knocked out the entire grid, ect. - Hoards roaming through the map, players will have to fight or flight. I'm all for this - Some houses should look like someone tried to barricade them. Pretty sure it's gonna happen. - Some signs on houses saying "survivors inside" etc. Like in 28 days/weeks later.' Помогите! Из водки! is more likely, forgive the joke. Seriously though Выжившие внутри! and other signs in Cyrillic. Theres little 'scenes' all around that kinda tell the story while still leaving you wonder 'what the fuck happened?'
  2. I was on a private hive that started you off with a Winchester and food (forget if they gave a pistol) I spawned in either kamarovo or balota and ran to balota airfield, scouting around and i find a motorbike, one tire was broken but i could still ride/drive it so i hopped on and drove down the airfield to the hangers, hoping for a tire. All of a sudden I start hearing rapid fire gunshots and 'plink' noises hitting my dirtbike. So i hit shift and try to get away as fast as possible with the bike (around 12kph), I get to the hangers, jump off and run for the safety of one of the warehouses, I get shot at a bit and return fire (He had an AKS74u, I still just had the Winchester After a moment I ventured out of the hanger to try and get back to my bike. All this time I was showing my cousin the game to try and get him interested for standalone and he points the guy out, "THERE GET HIS ASS!" I see a bandit in a bush and fire as fast as I can into it, some how I survived the entire thing only needing bandaging (probably one of my only direct kills in DayZ). I died shortly after that by a separate bandit but still.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Dayz The Dead City

    They are making the game more optimized, but not by converting it to Fallout's system, which more than likely would put more strain on the server than help with any player side lag. What you propose would be just too difficult to implement the way you say, they could do something where there's rubble blocking all paths into the city and you have to go into the sewers or some kind of metro system, but it wouldn't be a loading screen, you just open a manhole cover or walk into the subway like you would any existing building, crawl/run around for a bit then either walk up some stairs or climb up a ladder to get in. It wouldn't reduce any lag or optimize anything, Id just be kinda a cool city to play in/defend, not to mention still being open to choppers landing in them. Chenarus' building's aren't tall enough and the roads are too wide for things to happen like how you want. There's no skyscrapers, tallest building is the International Hotel and that's maybe only 10-20 floors tall? The next tallest thing would be a lot of the industrial buildings, and there wouldn't really be a reason to bomb those (If anything they would probably be something the military would protect and try to use as shelters or for the forlorn hope of trying to get them up and running again after all this is over) There will be more 'destruction' in the game (There was a photo of what looked like Cherno's supermarket with a commercial airliner crashed into it). And to be honest I don't think Chenarus' military was big enough to use 'shock and awe' against the infected. Theres evidence in the major cities that they used mostly ground troops and barricades to try and halt the infected (the hospital in Berezino kinda looks like a last stand to me)
  4. IkaikaKekai

    service vehicles

    Suggested before but still worth mentioning. Not sure if they could get the firehose to function how you want though, with current game physics.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    What Are All The Controls For DayZ

    Theres a little thing under Options called Controls, you can see what does what and can even change what button does what.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Dayz The Dead City

    The mechanic wouldn't really work the same for DayZ, DayZ is a multiplayer game vs Fallout being single player. DayZ just has one big open map rather than the the large map and entering buildings/smaller maps with Fallout, not to mention Helicopters. They would have to basically remake the game (again) if they switched to the Fallout/Skyrim style.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Pre-charged Air rifles.

    I support this, we need a few more civilian guns in this game. And yes there are hunting air rifles (co2 and hand pump I believe, co2 being more convenient) If it were added it'd probably be my choice of weapon when I'm alone, going hunting, or scaving in a city. A silent and deadly weapon none the less, just be sneaking around more with it rather than running around like an idiot with a Lee. And fuck yes I'd use this for hunting. Maybe able to make/craft/smelt ammo from tin cans (like 2 slugs per can?) or scrap metal
  8. Hammer, Wrench, screwdriver...wait that might be a bit lethal...
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Road flares suck so how about..

    They don't suck, and theres another post like this literally made less than 4 hours ago. And a light is a light at night and while yes road flares are MEANT to be seen from a distance you would still see a latern from far away, you still get beans for the suggestion however for alternate sources of light.
  10. There's really nothing they can do to stop people from posting loot maps. If anything it might just 'incite' more people to post loot maps just to spite the rules. The Whitehouse asked/suggested/threatened to not post photoshops of the Obama Skeet Shooting photo...and look where that got them.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Road flares suck so how about...

    Road flares aren't useless, but you get beans anyway. Don't know if the M203 flares do damage to someone if you shoot them with it but they should do a little at least, as well as the Flare gun you propose as well as a chance of setting the target on fire. Like a pointblank head shot with a flare would probably kill anyone or nearly kill them, but any other range should still do at least a little bit of damage.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Country in the North

    @ Enforcer Just a suggestion, for the contamination it could range from anything from some kind of nerve agent or poison to Radiation. I know radiation isn't easy to clean up/decon or even possible really given current tech so maybe just some kind of really bad toxin. Maybe at a security checkpoint or two theres a decon shower and hazmat suits to clean your gear, would be the only two so it'd be easy to camp more than likely, and there would be zombies there to deal with before you can decon. Im sure there's other ways to balance it out so its not just a loot fest. Maybe the factory only has Russian/Soviet equipment and gear inside, so no finding Stanag or .50BMG or any other NATO rounds there.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    No, it wouldn't be a good mechanic and people DO care about 'that shit'. Frankly Rocket (the guy making this wonderful game) cares, as well as a lot of other people myself included. He might not be giving us a set storyline other than the Infected/zombies are not dead, just rabid, and that we survivors are immune to the virus, but still, if he were to backtrack on that just to satisfy a few who want to be zombies or have to deal with zombification this game would suck. Imagine for a moment you could get the zombie virus, you spawn and before you even get a chance to pick up an ax you get bitten and infected in Kamenka, now unless you just die and add to the zombie population you're gonna be running your ass off to Cherno hospital, oh look bandits and snipers camping the hospital and kill you with a chest shot, you respawn same thing happens, Kamenka, infected, Cherno, Asshole camper, respawn. By the time the camper logs off/runs out of ammo theres 20 zombie yous standing infront of the hospital. OH good you finally kill em all and get into the hospital, guess what, no Antibiotics. Now imagine the other side of that. You're going along, you're set gearwise, top of the fucking pole, and your just looking for food, BLAM Troll takes out your legs and knocks you out, Troll runs up, bandages and bloods you up as well as steals any meds you have in your pack but leaves all your other gear, then fires off a lee enfield before running off, zombies come and infect you, troll kills em off so they dont kill you and leaves you with your broken leg and zombie infection KILOMETERS away from the nearest hospital/medical spawn, laughing at you the whole time.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Country in the North

    I normally don't like to double post but this idea seams to merit its own rather than just something added on as an Edit. Possibly add a Chernobyl type environment up there. An abandoned city and some outlying villages military bases (Abandoned before the outbreak so very little if any zombie spawns) but the area is contaminated with either some toxin or radiation Say a weapons factory that was producing chemical weapons or something, lotta guns and ammo with little to no Zombie risk, but you'd need a hazmat suit of some kind to explore it without dieing horribly, and you'd need to decontaminate any weapons/ammo you find as well as whatever you bring with you. Would probably be a PVP fest but for thouse daring to venture to the Factory and survive they payout would be worth it. Surrounding towns would have little to no supplies, and they would be contaminated (food, water, and drinks would be contaminated/inedible/undrinkable) and even the protective suits would degrade so while you 'could' set up camp in the area it wouldn't be a good idea. It would be an area to get in, grab what you need/want and get out, and even then you'd have consequences (having to decontaminate all your gear/clothes/vehicles that you took with you after you get out of the area or risk getting the toxin in your bloodstream and getting sick)
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Country in the North

    Not quite sure what they could put 'up there' but a good idea no less. Extending the rail line as well as the 'highway' from Berezino would be a 'well duh' if there's a city up there. From the map it looks like there's an inlet (Guba) for the river you were talking about, as well as the roads north of Gvozndo and Grozovy Pass. Maybe a boarder town or two but mostly wilderness that slowly transitions to snow/mountainous regions before coming upon towns and cities. Another option would be to add about a 1-2km around the boarder in whats now the debug plains, and just make it wilderness and maybe extending the roads. This could be the 'safe' areas (and by safe I mean the forests are so thick you can't see anything very well from the air and you could actually hide a car in the forest without it sticking out like a sore thumb, good place to camp but your still vulnerable to people scouting through the forest)
  16. I think they should double the number of ground vehicles (I think the average limit on a vanilla server is 1 of each of the cars with a couple of cars having 2 per server, 8 bikes, 4 motorcycles and 12 ATVs, I would double the number of cars but not the bikes/ATVs) but if anything they should reduce the number helicopters (Think its two of each per sever type per server, not sure) While it can be fun to play on 400 vehicle servers, for a public/vanilla server i think it should be a reasonable amount, especially if their going to double/triple the number of max players per server.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Suicide Option? More Suggestions....

    There was a thread about suicide just recently, think it got out of hand and I might have offended a couple of people with my post in it... NPCs are pretty much a no-go in standalone, Rocket hates the idea in general of NPCs in DayZ and wants almost all events to be player driven (think he said he might be open to a few NPCs but nothing like traders). I believe horses were considered at one point but there were some issues that I think went unresolved. Not 100% sure but I think tamable dogs will be in standalone (eventually)
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    Survivors are completely Immune to the Zombie Virus. My guess is that it is an airborne virus and that everyone who's not immune is infected already and there are no non-immune survivors. However, what seams to be the confusion is the talk about people getting infections and not realizing that this does not mean the Zombie virus. The Flu is an infection, dysentery is an infection, hell something as simple as the common cold can be considered an infection. PLAYERS WILL NEVER TURN INTO ZOMBIES/THE Infected. PLAYER BODIES WILL NEVER TURN INTO ZOMBIES/THE Infected. Get over it. (I lowercased the rest of Infected to drive the point home that theres a difference between an infection and The Infection)
  19. IkaikaKekai

    new spawn building...the museum

    I'm kinda against midieval stuff in general for this game. Anything thats still 'useable' would be more than likely a replica (and more than likely if its a replica its made not to function like the orignal, its made to sit on a shelf while tourists and school children stare at it througout the day) or in a rare case itd be an orignal peice thats badly deteriorated or partly restored. But this would be one way of adding in more melee weapons into the game that go beyond 'base ball bat with railroad spikes in it' or 'crowbar with barbwire wrapped around it' or 'peice of rebar I found on the side of the road that looks like it'd hurt really badly'. But I want gear to make sense in this game (yeah, a Katana would be cool to have on my back but still...).
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Late or what? Ps4 and Xbox720

    @Dean I think that was just they guy's username. Now if the profile displayed Belonged to Rocket or someone high up...then I might see something there.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    new spawn building...the museum

    A museum of some type would be nice, but this is Chenarus, not DC with the Smithsonian. I could see some kind of 'Peoples Revolution Museum' or somesuch, with older Soviet and Russian weapons (Tokarevs, PPSHs, Mosin Nagats, ect) With a T-42 Statue parked out front or something. I don't know if museums are high priority in Russia-Post Soviets, but would Imange that most of the 'good shit' went to Moscow rather than Chenarus. I would say maybe have some Cossack Sabers or something on display/lootable as melee weapons (would make a bit more sense than Japanese Katana and Scottish Claymores). And of course theres the gift shop and displays for looting clothes :) *EDIT* And GOD YES I would love a Thompson/Tommy Gun, but doubt it would fit realistically.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Large Appliances

    I like the idea, should be expanded upon to be able to 'scavenge' these things from homes and load them into certain vehicles so you can bring them to the bunker/base to set up.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    How To DayZ Correctly [Glitch]

    Not sure if the admins take kindly to things like this...
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Scrap Mine + Zombie Blood

    Thats not quite how a grenade works. A simple booby trap would be to stuff a grenade in a tin can and pull the pin, tape/secure it to one side of a doorway, tie string around the head of the grenade and secure the string to the other side of the doorway. Someone trips the string, grenade gets pulled out of the can, 5 seconds later Boom. Alternate would be to secure the grenade itself and tie the string to the pin. Depends on the grenade really but most 'standard' grenades have a leaver that you hold to delay the countdown till thrown.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Old fighter planes?

    Overall a good idea, but really needs to be hashed out more. Maybe not WW2 fighters, but maybe cold war era (its a big era) prop and small planes. If I had any say they'ed be unarmed scouts or trainers. You'd probably only find a 'flyable' WW2 aircraft in the hands of a collector/historic group with enough money to keep it up and running or a 'repairable' one in a Measueam. After WW2 which ever planes weren't mothballed in crates in a desert, sent to the boneyard, or demiled and acquired by private citizens were sold off to 'third worlders' that could afford an airforce but couldn't afford jets. And eventually thous got replaced with jets or just wore out.