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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Scavenge items

    Go hunting and hit up rivers. There's this thing called 'water', they used to put it in Mtn Dew.
  2. Don't hate on the Animal Control Pole Leash just because it was in Walking Dead. They could either be looted or 'home made'/crafted. (saw one made with a length of PVC pipe, two pipe caps and some steel cable) Might 'kill' the zombie but maybe bear traps? There's 'no kill' traps in the beartrap style (no teeth, the steel clamps are covered in rubber padding), but I think their outlawed in a lot of places world wide because they proved they were actually LESS humane than the ones with spikes and teeth (higher chance of breaking a leg, animal would usually chew their leg off to escape and bleed out anyway).
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Bullet proof vest?

    Whelp, this Thread is gonna be locked/yarded soon. The Camo clothes have a 'bullet proof' vest on them, never played Origins so don't know the equipment they have.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Scavenge items

    Google Translate sucks Im guessing. The gist I got out of that was 'make items not respawn until a server restart'. Basically whatever's there when the server start is all you get. He mentioned something about loot being on the ground but that's being 'fixed' in Standalone, you'll find loot on shelves and tables rather than just 'neat' little piles on the ground. I'm a little against this idea (loot not respawning till restart) but see it's merits. If anything I'd say have it as a server side option (Hardcore mode maybe?)
  5. IkaikaKekai

    A couple of Ideas that I had..

    Both suggested before, both good ideas and you put them in a good format, 2/3 gets you beans. I thought about having larger tents that you can actually walk into, but you make a very good point. I would make it so that if you log out in a tent you would log back in still in the tent (instead of being ejected or next to the tent). I had a camp set up with 3 tents (Food/Meds/tools, Weapons/ammo, carparts) and had a bus in the area. Spawned in standing up next to my tents, next thing I hear is an AS50 and my failed attempts to find cover. If you were semi/fully concealed while in a tent that would be a benefit if you could look out of the tent (the few camping tents I've been in IRL had sheer 'windows' that you could see out of but couldn't see into very well, something like that so you could do a quick survey and make sure you aren't being camped or someone isn't raiding your camp as you log in. That way you have a moment to prepare to ambush your raider or simply try to stay hidden. If I could double bean you for the ropes idea I would. handcuffs have been discussed and proposed a number of times, with no 'satisfactory' means of escaping them. Id say while 'restrained' your hostage taker has the option to search your inventory more thoroughly rather than just looking in your pack like we can now. Say if he leaves you with your Ax, knife, or other bladed implement you would have a 'stealthy' means get out of the restraints, (would be an animation that plays but would be less noticeable and faster than struggling , or you could just 'struggle' out of your restraints (very noticeable animation, much longer, chance of failing to get out, and the hostage taker being able to 'stop' you from struggling). Cutting the ropes should also give the option of feigning being restrained. That way if you have an incompitant bandit you could cut the ropes and free yourself, still pretend to be captured and either run when hes not paying attention or get the upper hand on him. Or if the bandit left you or you got away without freeing yourself you could get to a 'safe' place and struggle to free yourself or have a friend help you. To balance it it would have to be able to tie someone's legs as well (would require another rope)
  6. Ahh, the small gem in that turd pile. Captureing zombies I think would be a cool aspect to add, but as far as booby trapping them (other than with a satchel charge or remote bomb) I'm not so sure about. Capturing zombies might lead to some fun things, think I saw someone mention 'arenas' with player vs Zombies in a more controlled environment. Maybe make zombies the 'guard dogs' of player bases? Capture 3 or 4 zombies and get some chains, tie em to a tree near your base entrance. Knock em out and tie em to a tree for some kind of morbid target practice. Possible Endgame: Finding a 'cure' by capturing living specimens and experimenting on them in a player base lab (don't know what the reward would really be for it though other than bragging rights)
  7. IkaikaKekai

    (SA) Kick protection for vehicles.

    I've had this happen to me once. Was on Balota Buddies US46. My ping has NEVER gone above 200 (rarely above 150) on that server and got kicked for having like 800 ping. All I hear on teamspeak is "WoahwoahwoahWOAHFUCK!" Was taking two guys up to NWAF in a Heli I found. Got kicked and was right next to the wreckage I felt like such an asshole after that but they managed to get their gear back after a bit of walking and me trying to pick em up in a Van. I've also had the same thing happen to me in cars. Lose connection while about to bypass a town, when I reconnect the car is downhill nested into some trees, if it wasn't a night server and the lights weren't on I wouldn't have seen it. As for teleporting to the ground, I don't think that's a good idea. If they really are using Take on Helis system, the person in the copilots seat will be able to assume control of the heli, so that might save the heli and crew at least for an organized group or pair of players if the 'copilot' is fast enough. Maybe just not turning off the Heli's engine as soon as the kicked player DCs (treating it like an Eject command rather than a Get Out command) and goes into autohover (maybe?). If the player logs back on either have him log back on in the chopper as well.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    explosive zeds

    I've been saying that for years, but nooo. Replacing a volunteer army with brainwashed clones and people trained from birth to be warriors is 'too extreme'. Oh wait...wrong forums...But yes I've been known to have some good ideas, its just a mater of implementing them or translating them from my ADHD and Aspbergers riddled brain into words 'normal's can understand.
  9. IkaikaKekai


    It's not only possible but has been done. Most old railways didn't have specialized equipment they could order from one company, so their shops made their own equipment a lot from stuff laying around. That 'speeder' you showed as an example, theres also the 'famous' galloping geese that the Rio Grande made, was just an old truck or bus connected to either a passenger car or boxcar and the tires replaced with flanged wheels. As long as the wheels were set to the right gauge (4'8 1/2" for American Standard Gauge, I think Russian gauges can get up to 5' or bigger depending on where it is), there's actually stories of GIs replacing the tires of their jeeps with wheels salvaged from destroyed rolling stock in Europe and using them as makeshift switching/shunting vehicles during the rebuilding process Post-WW2. MADAFAKA! But seriously, if that were to happen you'd just jump off the handcar and hope that it isn't completely destroyed or derails the larger loco somehow. In real life if you had enough time you could derail the handcar and get clear of the tracks, wait for the train to pass, and rerail it (they're fairly light, the one I use I have to stand in the middle so I don't end up see-sawing it) (incase anyone's intrested or too lazy to use google http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galloping_Goose_(railcar) )
  10. IkaikaKekai

    explosive zeds

    Overall Im against 'splody zombies'. But bomb vest zombies might make a little bit of sense, emphasis on LITTLE BIT. The things that don't make sense would be why would there be a bunch of suicide bombers in Chenarus, most suicide bombers detonate themselves, any sort of timer would have elapsed long before, they probably wouldn't be smart enough to 'pull the trigger'. If this were to be added, not saying it should, it would be more along the lines of a player or group of players somehow capturing zombies and rigging them with bombs and letting them loose back in the city/town.
  11. I mean it fully as a jury rig setup. And one company has mounted a remote control M16 with a betamag clip ontop of its vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thata a lot more sophisticated than my idea and yes LMGs are better suited to be mounted weapons but still, use what you've got. I mean shit the Syrian Rebels were stealing rocket pods from downed helicopters and mounting them on their technicals and firing the damn thing with a jumper cable and car battery
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Trading Prices?

    Rocket doesn't want any sort of artificial system to enforce an economy. He wants it to be entirely player based, which means If I want to trade a Tank (Na Akua a me Rocket forbid that thing ever gets into Standalone) for an empty tin can I can do so.
  13. Maybe not just LMGs/HMGs(if thier added) but also the assault rifles. Be something of a jurry rig setup and better than nothing. IE you ducktape a AKM to a Monopod in the back of a Ural. Yeah you'd have to reload more often (unless they added different clip styles, not sure if an RPK banana or drum clip could fit into an AKM but something along thous lines). Not sure how the vehicle customization will work but say you could customize cars like: cutting a hole in the roof of a skoda and mounting a machine gun up there. Adding on some parts you could make an Improvised armor box to defend the gunner a bit better and put steel plates over the windows. Maybe for a military UAZ you have to remove the roof and sides in order to mount and use a machine gun on it.
  14. I like the seeing items in vehicle Idea, no real opinion on the weight limitations to be honest. Perhaps certain items will be in certain places on the car? The Military Offroad for example has a static spare tire on the model, maybe instead remove the static tire but keep the mounting bracket for it, so when you put (at least one) wheel in your car's inventory it'll show up in the tire bracket. For other cars the tire might be strapped to the hood or wherever it would fit, and you would see any more inside the vehicle's cargo bay/area, another example would be the Jerry Can bracket on the back of the UAZ, would have no jerry can if you don't have one in the car's inventory but will show up if you have one. For say using a truck (Ural/V3S or Helix) you could get a tarp of some kind to 'hide' the load a little and prevent things from falling out during 'air time' (as you call it) but would provide no other protection. Maybe so that 'loose' ammo isn't displayed (IE you wont see 50 STANAG mags just sitting in the back of a truck) you would see ammo cans instead (the green metal boxes, like the ones you see at crash sites that have either 5.56 or 7.62 ammo inside, but it wouldn't be one ammo can per clip, the cans would scale with how much ammo there is, (IE one box will show up if you have 1-20 clips of Stanag, 2 if you have 21-40 clips, ect or however much it would realisticly hold IRL) This could go in hand with a suggestion I made about transporting building materials for the bases. You would see a stack of plywood or bundle of lumber strapped to the roof or however it would fit on that vehicle.
  15. My fingers are tired of 'make player zombies' posts...so to sum up.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Different Seasons.

    Been suggested, but still a good idea. I THINK Rocket talked about it as something he would like to do, but for right now it wouldn't be...a good use of time I think? The Engine can't simply take a map and add snow, or make all the leaves turn colors and die off. I believe what was said was that someone would have to make 3-4 versions of the exact same map, add in things like snow on the ground, replace all the trees with barren ones, change the trees and landscape to fall colors, ect ect, I believe its doable but its one of those things that would be on the list for maybe after Standalone's official release (not the 'alpha' release were all waiting very anxiously for) or something for the map maker to do either inbetween or after major projects are done. *EDIT* I think it should be more tied into what season it would be in Eastern Europe (where Chenarus is suppose to be) rather than where the server is, and all maps would change accordingly. (IE whenever winter is suppose to start in Chenarus the maps will change for all severs.)
  17. IkaikaKekai


    Trains are a pain in the ass to repair when you have the proper facilities up and running. Id say for simplicity no needing wheels to repair, but you'd need a lot of scrap metal (lets just say 10) engine parts (gonna say 2 or 4), fuel tank parts (4 sounds good for the size of engine thats sitting on Cherno docks) and glass for the cab and caboose (6 or 8 for the loco, unknown number for the caboose, could still operate without glass, but of course your more vulnerable to small arms fire), and of course a shitton of fuel (12,000 l wouldn't be a stretch to fully fuel) (don't know the model used for cherno docks, but it looks simular to this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChME3 ). Possibly to 'ease' fueling there would be a place in the major Cities (Cherno, Electro, Berezino, maybe the factory north of Solnichy) that have workable fuel pumps next to the tracks to fuel up (either a jerry can with diesel unless they make fuel 'magic' in the game like it is now, or by fueling up the train right next to the pump)
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

    -Spears/pikes/halbards. Ranging from a sharpened stick or broomstick with a knife ducktaped to it, to something you might find in a museum (a halbard or pike). Possibly add in throwing spears (if the engine can do it). -Various axes, ranging from the Fire ax mentioned in the first post (large), to the hatchet we have now (medium), and a survivalist's tomahawk (small). -Military Officer's dress Sabers (be a way to add in swords realistically without needing a museum or 'perfectly preserved castle' or your random Chenarussian happening to have bought a Katana on Ebay) -Sledgehammer, hammer, other blunt/weighted weapons. -small clubs/sticks, Riot baton, billy club, nightstick, thick wooden stick, piece of rebar, ect.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    bleakness of the world

    "YES! I FOUND A M107!" Loud clicking noise* "And its been fucking demiled..." *snipped, zombie aggro from loud clicking, bambi with an ax*
  20. The Nommer of corpses!
  21. IkaikaKekai


    Carts would just add to some things, like cargo capacity and passenger seats. Also loco cabs are fairly small, they can fit maybe 4 people comfortably inside but really only made for 2 people (engineer and conductor). People could cling to handrails and sit on the walkways but that gets to be dangerous in and of itself. The scenario that the train with cars could be used for would be something like, group fixes up train, and starts heading along the tracks, hitting up the 'major' loot places (Kamrovo's factory, Balota airfield and the evac base, Cherno's industrial section, ect) and loading up loot into the box cars and picking up a few randoms along the way to give rides or whatever. They get to 3 valleys or wherever their going to and stop the train, loading their loot up into a ural or two to take to their base before abandoning the train.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Hunting knife as secondary weapon

    Well thats kinda what I ment, 'unusable' if you're smart enough to not stab someone with HIV in the intestines then go cut up your bacon without washing it first.
  23. IkaikaKekai


    There is a Static train sitting on the docks at Cherno, this would be an example of something small players could repair with just 1 or 2 cars to pull.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Chernarus Map Suggestion - railway tunnels!

    I like the idea, but the tunnels need to make sense so to speak, not just exist to exist. Tunnels are expensive undertakings and usually only done when its more expensive/impractical to go around or go up a mountain. Just using a map it looks 'easier' for them to build a rail line along the road going to Nadezhdino from Cherno. Of course most railways try to keep the 'grade' to a low number (a 1%grade is 1 foot of rise for every 100 feet of track, a 3% grade is considered 'steep' for most normal locomotives and most railways don't like to go above 2% if they can help it), the Nadez pass might be too steep for a loco to make the trip without a helper system so they could start the tunnel somewhere near Prig and have it pass under Mogil and surface near Guglovo.
  25. IkaikaKekai


    Does, not, exist. Some small resorts and such have trams that are computerized and a lot of the functions are automated, but still ultimately controlled by a human somewhere making sure there's no glitches in the system. As for a solar powered train, a solar power plant would have to put a good chunk of its output into the power the infrastructure an electric loco is on. And as for simply having solar panels on the train itself? Not enough space to fully power one. NO 'automatic', automated, self running, or NPC controlled trains. Runaway trains aren't really an option either, the train would run out of fuel eventually, or derail when going to fast on a corner, or (not sure if they have this on Post Soviets) the Dead Man's break kicks in and applies the breaks (modern US trains have random intervals of time where the engineer has to push a button to prove he's awake and alive within 30 seconds or the train starts to apply breaks), and you would run out of tracks eventually or hit something large/strong/small enough to derail the locomotive, if Chenarus' rail line was set up like a model railroad continuous loop (which pretty much never happens on 'real' railroads, they usually run 'point to point' to save money) this MIGHT be possible but would still run out of fuel fairly quickly.