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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai


    Or, loot them and toss shit into the ocean.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Xbox One Game Preview

    Probably some time AFTER DayZ full release on Computer.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    New pistol concept

    "You see Bubbah Jay, when holding yer pistol like this, yer magazine acts like body armor. *spits chaw onto ground* Damn Obama..."
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Kevlar, other needed items in DayZ.

    The Plate Carrier IS kevlar, your average vest won't take the majority of bullets being shot at you by the PVPers and KOSers. EDIT also, they are not going to add any .50BMG/12.7 rifles to the game. NWAF is not an American made base either, it's Soviet/Chenarussian.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Dayz characters and Immortilizing Barry

    That still doesn't really make sense. Just because they do overviews of a lot of the guns that are used in DayZ doesn't mean a thing. There's probably hundreds of Gun Youtubers that have done videos on the Mosin Nagant alone, not to mention the AK and all it's variants would number in the thousands, should we include all of them in game as well? No, no we shouldn't. Yeah, the guy's famous (in certain groups), but he has ZERO (meaningful) connection to DayZ.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Dayz characters and Immortilizing Barry

    I'd say they should stay very far away from 'tributes' such as these. I mean a dev putting their face on a zombie or player model is one thing, or even a Youtuber or other member of the DayZ community might be okay. But for someone who has no connection to DayZ it might be seen as mildly offensive, 'Hey, lets put dead guy in a Zombie game as a tribute.' Not only that but without their (or their estate's) permission.
  7. IkaikaKekai


    What would be the point? if animal husbandry is planned, its for way down the road. Kill the cow, butcher it, then praise the loot gods you got some veal as a bonus.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Suicide - add safety measure

    There IS a 'Safety' to suicide. You press the button, then you have to press another button to actually do the act.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    More players vs more infected

    if it was one or the other I'd rather have the infected. If I wanna kill people I'll buy whatever the newest Battlefield is.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Ethical Hunting

    Kudos sir! You've got me seriously interested in reinstalling and playing again.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Hey Guys HELP

    Currently you can't host your own server for SA, only rent one from the already listed server providers. Also there are no (legit) mods for SA either, unless it was for DayZ Mod (not SA) then you probably saw a cracked server/version.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Why is there a .57 server still?

    I thought that too. Could be a cracked server, though I'm not sure if they would show up normally.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Chain-link mail

    Chain link fence wouldn't be very good armor. A knife tip could easily slip through such a large opening, not to mention it would be really awkward to get it to fit properly.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    System to Discourage Execution

    Sounds more like a system to discourage waiting to be revived.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Learning how to craft different things by reading books

    I do think that's one of the ideas they have for 'down the road', I do think it's a good idea to have 'in game instructions' so long as it doens't turn into 'you need to read Book X to craft Item Y. But there should be some 'skill' books for when soft skills are more promenent, and not a 'I've read the Cherno Medical Journal, now I can do brain transplants' more of the read the book and jump ahead 5 points.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection Error

    You're one update ahead of the Stable Branch servers. Expirmental is the Beta, and as implied, both branches are different updates.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    will i regret buying this game ?

    At some point? Yes, yes you will. But if you're like me you'll get over it and start playing again or just wait till it gets better. I can honestly say I've gotten my $30 out of it already. If you're not like me, well...Steam does offer refunds now.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    My two bob.

    "Dean's not here, man."
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Zombies attracted to light

    They were attracted to road flares in the mod. I would imagine they would do something similar when they get them a bit more hashed out. Bit of fun I liked to have was (in the mod) throwing a flare at the edge of a city at night and sniping each zombie that worked their way over to it with a silenced weapon.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    PvM Areas

    There has been word on 'PVM' areas, the word is: No.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Time to look for a new game or wazup?!

    Nothing wrong with finding another game. I check this site maybe once a day and haven't touched DayZ in months (currently not even installed ATM). Lots of new fun games coming out, and there's awlays going back to play older ones.
  22. IkaikaKekai


    Pretty good ideas, I've actually made my own beer, takes about 2 weeks of fermentation and another week to carbonize in bottle and it's recomended to let it age for at least another week in a cool place for flavor. Most kits they sell for beer and wine making usually make about 5 gallon batches, and I figured out you would need 3 buckets (primary fermenters and a bottling bucket) and 2 carboys (secondary fermenters) to be churning out 5 gallons a week. That could be a pretty sweet operation as a trader post apoc if you had a steady supply of sugar and fruits/grains and water, biggest problem would be storing/bottling it. Unless you boil it or something to kill off the yeast after bottling it'll keep fermenting/carbonating, plastic bottle and glass bottles with screw tops would not be very good for that, not to mention you need to meticulously clean any bottles you use or the batch will go bad. Once you get set up you would also be producing yeast as a byproduct. Brewers actually used to sell their yeast to bakeries in the old days. Making beer and cider would be valuable in the post apoc, even for those who don't enjoy drinking (myself for example). While being drunk when there's zombies about probably isn't a good idea, beer/wine/grog would be a somewhat safe source of hydration (against bacteria and the like) and provide some calories as long as you have it stored. Although since we can't really enjoy the 'buzz' in games outside of RP it wouldn't' be as valuable as it would IRL, though as you point out you could distil it down to make either fuel or antiseptic.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    House repair and scavenging

    I have to agree with Beef, I like the concept, but not the idea as you put forth, mainly the idea bout the house being partly collapsed and being able to repair it from that state. A building in that state a lone person would not be able to fix, safely or not safely. Even with a group you would need some moderate/heavy equipment to fix a house in that condition, and even then there'd be a pretty high chance of the entire building collaspeing while you try to repair it. Now scavengeing compoenets from a house to repair another building would be a good idea. IE pulling copper wire from the walls, removing doors/window glass/shutters, refrigerator or it's parts. You could scavenge a building and use those parts to get a building fully functional. IE fixing the gas pipes so you can fill the propane tank outside to heat the house or use the stove/oven, hooking the house up to a generator so you can use the lights and appliances, replaceing the front door with something heavier. Things like that.
  24. Same way you move it from where you loot it to your truck/vehicle. You park the train in the middle of Cherno, if you have a team, someone watches it while the others scavenge. THey come back when they're loaded up and drop off. If they're done you load up and GTFO onto the next town. I do see a lot of potential for trains in DayZ (or other games), but for now that's all it is, potential, not a payout for either players or devs (at least for the moment). Depending on how base building works and how they do the crafting and resource gathering. IE you can gather cement from the quarry at Solnichniy, finished lumber from Berezino's mill, fuel/diesel from the dock at Electro, and take that all to your clan's base at the end of the line near Kamenka.
  25. It takes aprox. 1 manhour to replace one railroad tie (using a peice of equipment such as a back-ho). Trains are actually VERY easy to derail as well, a 1" diameter branch can derail a 45 ton locomotive (that's small in loco terms). The tracks being out of gauge or just a switch left half thrown will put it on the ground. At slow speeds you have a disabled (but rescueable) locomotive, higher speeds you have a fucking mess that would be a pain in the ass to deal with WITHOUT a zombie apoc.