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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Suggestion: Duffel Bag (New backpack)

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=duffle+bag To add in my 2 cents, Duffle bags should be 'carryable' rather than take up a pack slot. The duffle would take up the primary weapons slot instead, but you could still use a handgun with or without some kind of accuracy penalty. An empty duffle bag could be packed into a backpack (taking up 2 spaces). Would help out with looting a lot, either run in, load it up with guns and ammo, or toss an ass load of food and drinks in there when raiding a grocery store.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ and Copyright - Just wondering...

    There was a kind of big stink about that a while ago, which lead to the modders adding in non brand foods and drinks, most of them in honor the this forum's mods. For whatever reason that brought about a shitstorm (supposed, never saw any of the complaint posts but never bothered to look too hard) so they took them out (other than a few servers that do their own custom patch that kept them in). As for guns, that's a whole different beast that you can play legal hopscotch with. For most of these guns, not one single entity 'owns' the patent for the gun. It'd be like if Coke was made in a million different factories by different owners with minor modifications, but still looked (and for the most part tasted) like Coke. The AK-47/AKM ALONE has thousands of different variations and manufacturers, not to mention straight out carbon copies. Now unless say you have the 'brand' name somewhere in the game, (Colt 1911, Red Jacket M4A1, Chicom AK-74S) then you start getting into the legal troubles. It'd be like having a Jeep in a WW2 game and the car company Jeep wants to sue, is it a Willies Jeep, a Chrysler Jeep, a General Motors Jeep, so and and so fourth.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Blank ammunition (bandit safeguard)

    Don't think blank ammo works that way. I mean it takes a special tool to remove the slug from a live round without firing the bullet, and its not something you can just do on the fly. You would probably only find blanks on movie sets (which last time I checked Chenarus didn't have any), maybe a school that had a JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps for thous that have no Idea what that is, think they're called (Branch of Military) Cadets, and don't know for sure if Russia/Post-Soviets had any), or on a base that housed a color guard. Maybe add it in as something to craft, though I can't think of many uses for blank ammo other than to troll people or use as a distraction for zombies (send your runner into the middle of the city with a couple of makarov clips filled with blanks to aggro zombies, and of course run) or what you mentioned above.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Use for toilet paper

    SA is confirmed to have defecation in it.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    UAZ repair

    All parts should fully repair the vehicle no mater what. However if its bugged then its bugged. Think I tried to repair a van that was sitting on a docks and 'bouncing' up and down glitching out, repaired the one tire that was broken, everything else was green, made an awful crunching sound and everything was yellow.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Zombie Aggressiveness

    Don't know about Zombie Behavior, but I'm pretty sure Private Hives can tweak the spawn rate.
  7. IkaikaKekai


    YES! Finally someone else who has at least an understanding of what I'm trying to say!
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Visual Effects from headgear

    Well, I'd say just for fairness, you'd still get the sound muffling in 3rd person, but any other effects such as limited vision probably won't make much sense or just look weird, other than say if the helmet visor was tinted your 3rd person vision would be tinted as well (same for sunglasses mentioned bellow) All I can say is FUCK YEAH!
  9. IkaikaKekai

    idea on how to reload pesky partials mags..

    Won't matter in standalone, and I believe their working on it for the mod.
  10. Microtransactions A 'large' amount of hackers. (I can 'tolerate' a few) Subscriptions. I feel theres some more that I should put down, but now that I think about it, there things I could be okay with.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    AA-12 in dayz?

    The American guns are there because in the ARMA universe the Americans fought a war there. The British guns are there because it was easier to add in the existing models rather than create the models for the guns from scratch. Probably because the dude wrote to the company and asked 'hey were can I buy one of your guns so I can demo it in a youtube video?' and got a Press release packet and a pair of them from the company in order for them to get their product more press. Im guessing the 'single civilian' probably does a lot of the gun videos and therefor has connections to manufacturers. Right now only a couple of PMCs actually use the guns for combat, the rest are civilian owners with a big enough wallet. Its the same reason why a guy owns a uses a supped up off road tractor trailer tow truck that gets 5 gallons to the mile to go to the grocery store, 'because I can, fuck you'. Right now no military or police force has the gun in active service, the USMC is 'field testing' a few (10 models at last count) to see if they might adopt it. But from a few rumors I've heard they don't like it too much. The AA12 isn't unheard of, its just not issued to troops or produced in large enough numbers. If you really want an automatic shotgun, beg for the Saiga 12 to be put in, it's something that is used by police and military forces as well as commerically avaible (don't know about you, but I've seen more Saiga 12s ((admittedly semi auto ones)) than AA-12s in gun stores)
  12. Did a quick search and this has been suggested before, wasn't happy with the few relevant posts I saw (stuff like finding non trash in trashcans, like working guns) I propose adding trashcans and dumpsters as a means of temporary storage and to add minor details to the standalone. They would not retain their items on a server restart and the only 'loot' they would have naturally would be the 'trash' we have now (empty bottles and cans, possibly other trash if they add it in, broken items and the like), and very rarely scrap metal. Players would be able to open the trashcan and do a check, as well as toss items into it. I'm not asking for some 'fallout' style thing where I can find a BFG 2000 in a trashcan or mailbox (unless another player put it there for temporary storage) Got the Idea while trying to farm for a tire, I'd grab everything in the building, and drop it all in a pile in front of the door, or if it was valuable but I didn't want it, placed it in a 'noob tent' nearby that was empty. This could also add to player trading. "I put the NVG in the dumpster behind the west hospital in Chenro, you put the M14 in the dumpster behind the construction site. Then we swap." *EDIT* Thanks to TIC321 Being able to hide inside of dumpsters from other players or zombies. Double edge sword however, If you hide in the dumpser while a zombie can still see you, the zombie will attack the dumpster, not be able to get into it or destroy it, but would alert other zombies to your location, so you'd be trapped till they lose interest (or jump out and try to run). Vision would be restricted to first person, and you can only see out of a small slit in the dumpster's lid, other players 'coulld' (if their alert) see you in the slit and kill you. Zombies who don't see you climb into the dumpster will go to your last location, hang around a bit, then wander off after losing interest. Also chance of getting an infection while in the dumpster, and possibly staining your clothes (if thats added)
  13. IkaikaKekai

    SA Suggestion: Trashcans/Bins, Dumpsters.

    Not sure about computers overall in standalone, I do like the idea about finding intel in places. Something simple as a note before or during the outbreak, ex. "Alexi, there's no way we're going to stop this, me and a few guys I trust from the unit are going to load up as much ammo and supplies as we can into the Ural, grab our families, and try to hold out in the Forests near Kamenka." "Cpt. Sergei and crew went missing somewhere near Dolina, last Radio report said they suffered a fuel leak but managed to land the Mi17, communications interrupted by screaming and gunshots."
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Food Preservation Techniques

    Pretty good suggestion. Theres actually many ways of doing each technique too so they Devs can pick and choose what they want (one of my favorite TV chef's made a smoker out of a cardboard box, battery opperated fan, sawdust, and hotplate)
  15. IkaikaKekai

    SA Suggestion: Trashcans/Bins, Dumpsters.

    Pretty much, could also be player's 'insurance policies' in high risk areas. Just found an AS50 at the Airfeild and now your getting attacked by a group? Toss that thing and all your good gear into a trashcan, then run or fight. If you survive you can grab and move on, if you die, you have a chance of getting to the place you stashed your gear before a restart, assuming they don't check the trashcans. Id say only low quality stuff or broken items, after all, who besides an american would throw out a perfectly good rope? (Don't even get me started on that philosophic debate) something to add, low quality clothing to the trashcan loot.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    New CD key, still banned

    Did you remove the scripts or key stealer off of your computer that got you banned in the first place? Or did you just buy a new game without doing that?
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Hopes for a darker future

    Zombies are 28 days later Type, not the Walking Dead type.
  18. IkaikaKekai


    It's already in both. You can get an infection from eating uncooked food or water that hasn't been boiled, or randomly from being attacked by a zombie, as well as when it gets cold (rain). As for getting an infection from a sealed container like can of soda...Thats not likely to happen.
  19. IkaikaKekai


    The train and loco shouldnt be very big (A switcher or small road engine and 2-3 cars/wagons) refueling it would be the most difficult part. Things like this would be easier to implement along with repairs and such.
  20. IkaikaKekai


    Would be a good target/asset. As of right now the tracks go through 3 of the major cities, Balota Airfeild, and some high value loot areas (solnichy factory). Group of 4 on overwatch, 2-3 running around grabbing supplies, and of course the engineer also on overwatch while the train's stopped. Overwatch do their thing, Scavengers go out with empty packs and grab as much stuff as they can/whats needed, then run back to the train to unload and jump back on, move on to the next stop, rinse repeat, fight off bandits/rival groups or scare away loners. Wherever you 'stop' you got cars waiting to load up stuff from the train and move back to camp. To be honest tank traps would probably be enough to derail/stop a train (you'd be surprised how easily you can derail a train)
  21. IkaikaKekai


  22. IkaikaKekai


    Actually, from what I've read in your brief post it WOULD be better to start a new Thread about it and is different enough to warrant its own thread.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    AA-12 in dayz?

    You're assuming there's 'warehouses' of AA-12s out there, let alone in some backwater like Chenarus or even in Europe all. By your reasoning there should be warehouses and warehouses of M63s and all the conversion parts all around the globe just waiting to be looted when shit hits the fan.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    AA-12 in dayz?

    I don't want the AA-12 because it doesn't make much sense to have it in game. AA-12 is still in the experimental phase of sorts, Saiga12 has been in use for a while and has actually been issued to armies and a few police forces. I can go down to my local gunstore and ask for a Saiga 12 (admitedly a sport model) and get one, I ask for an AA-12 and the Clerk is probably gonna look at me funny and say something like, "State and Federal Law prohibit the sale of fully automatic weapons blahblahblah." that or "We don't got none of thous." depending on who's behind the counter.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    AA-12 in dayz?

    Pretty much agree, they added it to video games because of the 'OMFG THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME WE NEED THAT IN OUR GAME!' Factor. That aside, I'd rather not have a gun that can blow through ALL my ammo in less than 30 seconds. I'd prefer if they added the Saiga 12 if they were going to add an automatic shotgun in.