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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Survival type games

    Survival Kids, GameBoy (or gameboy color, i cant remember.)
  2. IkaikaKekai

    [SA] Seeds

    I would rather see it so that we're able to harvest the veggies in gardens, fruits from trees, and possibly field crops as well (not saying harvesting wheat, maybe just corn or potatoes if there are any ((and to be honest, 'standard' corn will be the first crop to die out, we've inbred and domesticated them so much that a corn plant cannot propagate without man's assistance)) ). As for actually planting crops? Yeah, don't think that's what rocket would want with his authentic thing. Even if you did speed up the growth cycle of crops to a rediculous rate of say 2 days for cabbages or something, it would still be a problem to implement with the engine I would think. A 'better' use for seeds would be for growing sprouts. I could see tincan + seeds/livestock feed + water and 3 days would give you a meal's worth of sprouts to eat.
  3. IkaikaKekai


    Yay, spawn in bleeding and with a broken leg because I don't know how to land with a parachute. Assuming I don't get hung in a tree someplace. All wiseass comments aside that actually looks kinda cool, does it auto deploy the chute or can you control it? I can imagine people trying to exploit it to actually land at NWAF.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    DayZRP - Bumping into some Mexicans.

    I swear there was a 'Irish-Mexican' accent in there. EDIT* At around 3:20
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Learning SA

    *Cough* http://www.trueswords.com/manual-army-special-forces-book-p-6430.html http://www.trueswords.com/military-manual-army-field-boobytraps-p-5790.html http://www.trueswords.com/military-manual-army-technical-improvised-munitions-handbook-p-5796.html http://www.trueswords.com/military-manual-explosives-demolitions-p-5786.html *cough cough*
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Learning SA

    The Copyright on Anarchist cookbook is now public domain right? Though I think Rocket might get in trouble for putting that one in as a digital book.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Official Standalone News *Classes*

    So do I.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Hostage stuff

    Hmm, two noobie accounts created within minuets of each other...seams suspicious. Honestly you can take people hostage now, so other than maybe adding in handcuffs or rope there's no real need to add this.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    [SA] Suggestion: NPC Trading Posts

    No, NO No NO noNoNO! Rocket Does not want NPCs (other than zombies) in game, he doesn't want to enforce safety. Quite honestly the only good idea I saw in your post was a bulletin board. Rather than have NPCs put people on a list let the players put up notices on a board or side of a building. Would be another way to get rid of side chat. Put up a note at the train station in Electro "Want to trade 2 tents for a pair of NVGs, radio frequency 105.95." Yes I know they will get griefed and camped to hell, that's the risk with anything in this game. We already have free wells and water pumps in game that you can get water from. Whats to stop a group or even a single bandit from sniping all of these NPC guards before massacring the 'safe' camp?
  10. IkaikaKekai

    [SA suggestion] Hiding places

    How about hiding in dumpsters? Think that hiding should force you into first person view as well. Duck under the bed, forced to watch from under the bed as a pair of legs appear and start looking around for you before shambling off. Possibly able to shoot from your hiding spot as well, depending on the hiding spot (IE cant shoot while in a closet with a closed door, but you could shoot while under the bed, aim is hindered ((can only shoot what you see after all, so feet)) and reload is slower due to cramped conditions) but of course your hiding spot would be compromised to a point (firing a lee under the bed will attract more zombies, but unless they were in the room they won't find you? Same thing with other hiding spots)
  11. IkaikaKekai

    The Best Looking Gun?

    Gotta love woodgrain.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Ok i need this answered please

    There is NO such thing as a Gaming Laptop. You can get/build a Kickass desktop with room to expand for that much.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Ok i need this answered please

    Well your in for a long wait. Judging by what was said at E3 PS4 is the console of choice for a Console Standalone (mostly because patches and updates will be free for the Dev Team to upload), that and (I think) best guess was at least a year after the standalone is in alpha release before they do a console release. So either way you'll be waiting. Might just want to start putting money aside for a new computer.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Viral infection and Player corpse reanimates

    It's been stated many times, and discussed many times. These are 28 Days later type zombies, not Romero Zombies. They are not dead, just rabid, which is why we can kill them with a shot to the chest rather than headshots only. If we were to die we would be dead, no reanimation. *Edit* Rocket has said it would be just too difficult for Player zombies to be put in. People would use it to grief others. Players have a different model than zombies (zombies are skinned as opposed to players in SA which will have different sets of clothes on and other entities. IF players did get turned into zombies after they died all their gear and clothes would be lost in the conversion process.) It would break immersion a little bit, but hell finding your own body kinda does that already.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Explosives and bombs

    There was talk of crafting our own grenades, not quite sure how that's going to come about in standalone but it will more than likely be pretty cool.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Long guns not worth it

    I swap depending on what I find. If I find a 'PVP' gun (other than a M4CCO SD) I leave it alone and stick with my ax/machete, but I do use a multitude of long guns when I can. I prefer the crossbow as my ranged weapon, when I'm scavenging or just scouting around. Shotguns are nice, whenever I do find one I keep it around with some pellets for hunting rabbits or when I just wanna kill zombies. I would prefer the 870 over the 1014 (because it has a flashlight, and they seem pretty much the same 'stats' wise). I do like to have an assault rifle around, preferably with a RedDot or similar scope. I avoid any sniper rifle above the CZ550, and usually only use it to hunt (animals) or do target practice on zombies. I'm going to love the limited weapons available in standalone at first :)
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Get rid of chernarus.

    How about we get rid of zombies and guns? Oh I know, lets place it in Colorado and only be about 2 square miles. No. Chenarus will always be THE DayZ map. They want to add other maps eventually, including a 'western' map that Rocket wants to add, as well as a way to travel between maps. But for now shut up and drink your Zlota Kola and eat your Rice and put on your Motorbike helmet like the rest of us.
  18. I would prefer if we spawn the way we do now. At a random place along the coast. I like to gear up, hell it's half the fun really. Most people if they had the choice would just choose Cherno or Electro, grab a military gun from one of the firehouses or tents, and run up to NWAF.
  19. Unless you're using 4+ inch roofing nails, a nailgun won't penetrate deep enough to cause enough damage to the brain, and even then that's questionable from anything but short range and multipul headshots. Also the type of Nailgun, they have 'tethered' ones that require an air compressor, there's battery powered ones that have a mini air compressor built in, neither are very silent. Co2 Canisters might do the 'silent' trick. There's also nailguns that use .22 rounds as the driving force, not quite at all. Despite the shit you see in the movies almost all nailguns are required to have safeguards built in that prevent them from being used as an actual gun (although they are for the most part bypassable). I do like your welder/blowtorch Idea, however that and the flame spray as a weapon against anything but players would be a bad idea. Set someone on fire, yes they will run around and scream and try to put themselves out. Now give that person bathsalts, PCP, Meth, steroids, and a slap to the balls, THEN set him on fire. You now have someone on fire with little to no sense of pain trying to kill you.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Noobie questions

    1) I'll try to keep it short and simple then. 2) Steam Does Free Weekends all the time for different games. 3) The Product is ready/almost ready for Alpha, what Rocket is worried about is precisely this. People buying it, not liking something, then Demanding their money back, and DayZ goes right up on the shelf next to That Which Will not Be NamedZ. Now think of it this way, you buy the Alpha, along with the other half a million players, say there's only 50 servers available with a cap of 150 players. Pissed off people demand their money back. If from what I read above is true, their probably going to buy as many servers as they can before alpha release, and be ready to buy additional servers after alpha release, because no mater how liberal an estimate there's NEVER enough servers at an MMO's launch.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Noobie questions

    There's already so much Hype for DayZ already. And even if they just released the Alpha tomorrow via Steam tomorrow and didn't say a word about it. Word would get out, and word would get out FAST. Looked at the front page recently? Over 1.7 MILLION Player IDs, now assuming even HALF of them are Global banned, dual accounts, what have you. That's still over half a million people. Assuming just 1% of that grabs standalone alpha as soon as it comes out, that's 5,000 players. How many Players did Rocket want per server again? 100-150? (Pretty sure that's an old number so probably less) And I don't think there's going to be any private hives (at least at first) for SA. EVERY MMO (and I would assume SA counts as an MMO now) goes through this process before release: Internal Testing>External Closed Testing>External Open Testing>"Stress testing">Buying MORE Servers>Release>Buying even MORE Servers the next day. External Open testing is still usually closed and limited in number, but rather than say just using the Devs and the Mods from a Forums and Redit page, you give out say 500 keys. Stress testing is usually when they do a 'free weekend' or something when they want to see how far they can push their servers. I would not be surprised if they do this, after all 'official' release probably wont be for a year or so from when the do an open Alpha.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Infected through Water Bottle?

    In SA looked like you would still have to disinfect water, though it looked like there was purification tablets (which you just drop into a canteen and swish about a bit). So we will have to disinfect water in SA too, hopefully we'll be able to boil it like we can now as well and not just find some purification tablets. Purification tablets will just be the 'quick and easy' method.
  23. Well if this was a 'realistic' game we wouldn't have zombies, we would only have guns that would be in Chenarus, which would mean pretty much only soviet guns. By Authentic he means that they guns will be real, and they 'could' be in the Chenarus area. Also that would go with gun attachments, for example, realistically you couldn't take a Picatiny rail (US) mounted scope and put it on a Russian style ring mount. Just wouldn't work, but hes going to simplfiy that so rather than having 100 scopes that would only work on exactly one gun. You keep using the word 'dumbed down version' even though its 2.5. I hoenstly know very little about game engines, but I'm fairly certain that it's not dumbed down, stuff will just be handled more by the server than the player's computer. As far as I know the .50s will not be in Standalone, at least not for a while. They will have a few rifles which include the mosin nagat, and you will be able to attach scopes to them, so you have a sniper rifle. They removed a lot of the Arma code because they didn't need it. It was explained fairly well in the video a few months back. Zombie AI doesn't need to know how to reload a gun, or flank a position, or drive a tank, so take out the AI reload, flanking, and driving scripts. *EDIT* Now that I think of it, most if not all of the 'useless code' was gutted from the Mod already.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Noobie questions

    Combat Logging is when you logout when you are being shot at or chased. I forgot to mention it along with hacking, but it is heavily frowned upon, the server I play on (Balota Buddies) usually gives temp bans for instances of combat logging with evidence for the first infraction and perm bans for more than one infraction. There is some 'question' as to what counts as combat logging however. 'How much time till after combat do you have to wait?' 'Do you actually need to shoot/be shot to count as combat logging?' Ect. Heros and Bandits pretty much describe the play style of players for now, there's 3 skins that are used, the standard survivor skin, the bandit skin, and the hero skin. By killing non bandits you get negative humanity, once you get your humanity down to a certain point your skin changes to a bandit skin. If you do 'good' deeds (blood bagging another player, bandaging another player, ect, or killing bandits) you get positive humanity, and once you get to a certain point you get a hero skin. However, for SA since players will be able to wear whatever they want clothing wise, telling who's a bandit/hero/survivor will be more of a crap shoot.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Noobie questions

    1. Youtube, Frankie is a popular one, though there's some controversy surrounding him. Won't get into that here to both avoid your thread getting locked and nommed and becasue I don't really care too much. 2. Pretty much whatever you make of it. While minecraft does have 'endgame', its somewhat the same. I play as a survivalist. I avoid other player for the most part, collecting gear, food, and water. I look for vehicles to repair, and the parts to repair them with. I do go looking for weapons, but I avoid the 'PVP' guns as much as I can, (Let me put it this way, I'm gonna be happy with the weapons that are confirmed so far for Standalone Alpha, hunting and civilian guns with a few low end military) 3. Thats subjective. A few youtube videos attracted me to it, I forget exactly why, mostly just zombies and survival-ism I guess. There's also the 'heart pumping' things that happen in the game. Being in a high speed chase as I run away from a pair of bandits in a Huey while in an Offroad, trying to not get my things destroyed. Laying low and hiding as another player comes in the area (I avoid PVP mostly because I suck at it, and I try to play as a hero so unless I see an actual bandit I usually don't shoot, even if Im being shot at) 4. Sad to say there are no rules...Only the ones you live by. The guy you save by killing the zombies that were chasing him might turn around shoot you in the head and say 'you shot first', or he might give you a blood bag and a better gun.