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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai


    No, I have almost zero faith in public health, (or private health for that mater). I do have faith in Fear, fear gets governments (and people) to abandon things they hold sacred, or stand up and beat their chest like an idiot. Say 'security is a joke at X' and nothing happens. Plant something that looks like a pipe bomb at X and things happen. If some super virus/airborne rabies did happen, people would flee, they would take ridiculous steps, do 'home remedies' and other nonsense to protect themselves. A dad who's paying attention and see's whats going on will take his family up to his isolated hunting cabin in the woods to try and ride things out. Another might board up the house, line the windows with plastic and fortify in place. Governments would panic at first and try to contain things, shut down airports and harbors, blockade/blowup bridges, set up police/military check points. I'm not saying everything a government does will help to stem the tide, after all China kept quite about the early Birdflu cases in the hopes they could lock things down and prevent a panic. As I said, the entire world will not just break down in a day. Then again we really don't know anything about the story of DayZ and Chenarus. It could have fully well been a terrorist attack/lab experiment gone wrong and the zombie problem could be localized to Chenarus only, with NATO and other forces putting the country in as full a lock down as they can, with Idiots (survivors) like us breaking the quarantine to go play zombie killer.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    A way around this would be breaking up the maps into different servers on the same Hive, IE say there's 10 Chenarus+ Maps per Hive cluster and 4 Novigrad map servers. You could start on either map, but once you make your choice you have to travel to the other map or die and select a different one. Lets say Novigrad is west of Kamenka, there'ed be an area a few miles from Kamenka next to a road sign where a message would pop up, "There's nothing in this direction for quite a ways, you should make sure you have enough supplies (food, drinks, gas) before going further. Game would figure out how much supplies you have and consume them as you load into the next map. IE say you have 4 canteens and 3 MREs and have just eaten drunk a lot of food and water before hand, you'll consume maybe 2 canteens and 2 MREs before you get to the Eastern edge of the map. If you have a car you'll consume 1 food and 1 drink and about half a tank of gas depending on the vehicle. (if you were on a bike youd consume a little less food and water than on foot). If you only have a can of beans, have a broken leg, and no water and are starving or near starving you'll die on the trip. If you have less gas than you need you'll lose your car (with a chance to take things you really need from the car before you abandon it) and consume a little bit of food and water along the way (unless of course you have a fully jerry can in your car, then'll just consume that)
  3. IkaikaKekai


    Classes. And realistically it would have to be at least a week for shit to have gotten to the point where the only non infected in an entire country/province are the ones immune to the virus, and that's a 'worse case' scenario where someone was deliberately spreading the virus and nobody was really making any attempt to stop it. Would have to think it's at least a month since the intial infection (and i mean like patient 0, not just when the infection hit chenarus) The entire world isn't going to break down in the span of a couple of days.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Are there zombies with special abilities?

    Other then infected zombies, which have a higher chance to give you an infection and deal a little more damage, there are no 'specialized' zombies. Most of the stuff that happened is either a bug/glitch, or just bad luck/rng on your part.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    I would call Chenarus a 2nd world country with a lot of rural areas. Rocket has spoken about wanting to do a more 'Western' map, as well as ways to connect maps/servers together (take a boat or car to the edge of the map and you get a 'transport' option or some such), but that'll probably be sometime after the ACTUAL release of Standalone (not the alpha release).
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Weapon upgrade ideas.

    I'd love a bayonet/spear. I can do stealth kills on zombies and still have my gun out? FUCKING SWEEEET!
  7. IkaikaKekai

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    NO! Don't go away magic Information Fairy! Come back to us!
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Rocket said..

    The one and only time he gave a 'release date' was last year, and even then it was more of a 'we should have it out by the end of this year (2012)', they 'missed' that deadline (they couldn't just port over stuff form the mod to the new engine, so they had to pretty much start from scratch) and ever since Rocket has been VERY gunshy about giving out dates, and whenever he does he qualifies it in some way, "Well we're going to have an internal review in June to see where the game is, and then we'll think about a release date then." People frothing at the mouth have selective hearing...or vision as the case of the internet and saw RELEASE DATE and JUNE and started cranking out the media machine to preach from the top of Everest that Standalone would release in June. Same thing with the 'we have a specific release week in mind', they saw RELEASE and IN and A and WEEK and had a joygasm. People tend to forget that sometimes shit happens. Like when something as simple as a power outage that lasts 5 mins can delay things by a week. A malfunctioning fire sprinkler can destroy an entire office worth of computers and hard drives.
  9. IkaikaKekai


    I may be wrong, but this is what Rocket wants to go for, the more you do something, the better you'll be at it (though with the short average lifespan, it wont be something like 'repair 100 items' to skill up, it'll be like 5 repairs and you get a little better till you reach a cap, then when you die your back to 0 for everything). A Dev made class system (where you choose what class you're going to play as before you start playing, IE WoW) has pretty much been confirmed to not be in game.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    Not quite what the OP was talking about but yeah, still sounds like a good idea. Most glass bottles are actually fairly hard to break, though Im sure if you swing a JD bottle hard enough it'll break over someone's head, maybe breaking their head in the process. A thin stick could be used as a stabbing weapon, or a thicker one used as a club.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    [Standalone] Using Flashlight on Map

    Sounds like a sweet idea, maybe also have it work if you have a chemlight/flare/whatever's going to be handheld light in standalone. Color would affect how well you can see too, IE a red chemlight or military flashlight will make anything red on the map not show up, or not show up well rather, same for green and blue and whatever else their adding to standalone.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Rocket said..

    Technically SmashT got it first, but I'll still give you beans.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Rocket said..

    Kids: MOM! You said the Chicken would be ready in 2 hours and its be 2 hours and one minuet! Mom: Sorry but the FUCKING HOUSE CAUGHT FIRE because the oven sucked. We're eating McDonalds and sleeping in the car till the house gets rebuilt, which the contractor said should be in June. Kids: BUT MOOOOOM! We want chicken now! You suck! Dad: Kids...go get my belt. I think Mom, I mean Rocket needs a Dad in this situation.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    The Darkness

    Thank you, I was going to say if thats what people think a school is, you people must have gone to some shitty schools that got their money by multitasking the classrooms as storage lockers.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Rocket said..

    Guys guys, come on now...Rocket Clearly stated that it would be released on Smarch 13th 2013, when the weather will be lousy so we can all stay inside and play Standalone. Donuts, I mean beans to the first one who gets that reference.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    The Darkness

    It is now, was in Off topic before it was moved if I remember correctly.
  17. IkaikaKekai


    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93998-cbl-ban-appeal/?p=1411551 Ninja'd by the man himself.
  18. IkaikaKekai


    Then find another server and move on, if its been a year any gear you might have had might have been deleted. I've never heard of CBL before and if you're not banned by Battle Eye you should be golden for any other server. And if you look at the most recent posts in your old appeal, Smash has given you an answer, no need to get rude in an IM.
  19. IkaikaKekai


    Nope, no one here is in charge of Global bans. You have to talk to Battle Eye, as well as remove your hacks and scripts.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Molotov cocktails

    There was this one anime movie (forget the name of it, had something to do with wolves) Where this resistance group was passing around wine bottles filled with napalm and with a piece of phosphorus (or some other such substance that reacts violently with air) inside, no rag to light, can actually use the neck as a throwing handle for more distance. This wasn't just a Budweiser bottle with some turpentine and a rag in it.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    The Darkness

    I do think that rooms should be darker than they are now, but unless its a windowless room at the end of a long windowless hallway there will be some kind of light so it won't be pitch black. All the barns except one (at least that I'm aware of) have windows of some type (the long horse/cow barns have windows throughout them, the tall barns have two circular windows near the top of them, the only one that doesn't has huge doors that are almost as high as the building that are usually open on at least one side. Yes I do think they need to work on the light (don't know if its possible or not with the engine, I know shit about computer engines), and while I don't think it should be pitch black it should be dark enough at times/places that you should need a flashlight/chemlight to see well. But I also think that if your night vision has developed (natural night vision, not the goggles) you would be able to see all but the absolute pitch black rooms. To use that 'infamous' picture of the Ferrari, I'd rather Rocket get the wheels and engine mounted on that sucker rather than focus on the rear left passenger window tinting.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    I thought Mosin Nagants were pretty much already confirmed for standalone? From my understanding you'll find just a regular Mosin, find a scope and mount for it, and combine the two to get a mosin with a scope. Or you could combine the same scope and mount to a Lee, or the same scope to an AK, ect. Much as I would like to strut down the Streets of Chenro with a Thompson (M1921 or M1A2) or a Grande and a Fedora, I'd settle for an PPSh or SKS. (while I doubt they'ed add things like MP40s and K98s, They did kinda get sold everywhere on blackmarkets after the war) Off topic, I find it somewhat strange that Book Burning (something the nazis did, though they weren't the first and definitely wont be the last to partake in the activity), a guy with a Nazi for his Avatar and a Grammar Nazi were the first three posts.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Molotov cocktails

  24. IkaikaKekai

    The Darkness

    Pitch black? No. Darker? Yes. There's these things called windows (my ancestors called them puka) that let light in. And it's not like they can just say 'be pitch black durring the middle of the day' to the buildings. Now a windowless room should probably be pretty close to pitch black, at least what's not hit by light from the open door. Most buildings like this just appear to be pitch black because our vision is adjusted to full light while we're outside.
  25. IkaikaKekai


    Do they charge money to make an account on their forums? If so I'm sure you can google the information.