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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Big Rivers

    True, someplace in the Czech Republic right? But even then the 'coast' is actually a river in real life. Probably the reason why its a coastline instead of a river in game is because it's just a bit too hard to do realistic rivers with the Engine they have.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Toilet Water / Nausea induced attack

    Not saying it shouldn't be part of the game. To be honest if things were a bit like DayZ where you have large groups of bandits I probably would poison their water supply given the chance. There's a bunch of ideas that are 'bad ideas' that should be part of the game (don't have a link to the topic but pretty sure its titled Darwin's Dream or Bad Ideas). Like drinking Gas or cooking a box of bullets.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    the woodbury discussion

    There's really no way to do this without a mechanic. Even if you block off an area with sandbags and barbwire, zombie can simply walk through barbwire, not to mention spawning inside the 'safe zone'. And there will always be people who just want to screw things up for others. For a non PVP zone you would need people to actually enforce it if you don't have the mechanic in place. Meaning you need people to kill PVPers who they themselves could be killed. All it would take would be one good sniper to screw things up royally.
  4. IkaikaKekai


    Has been suggested before. Though still a good idea. Should be more than just 'fishing pole' method of fishing as well. There's trap lines, cage traps, net fishing, cast net fishing, ect. Canning is more than just taking an empty tin can and putting food in it. In real life you put the food in a clean, unsealed can, put the lid on it and heat both can and food, killing any surface bacteria and cooking the food in the process, and expanding the air inside enough so that once you cover and seal the can it creates a vacuum when it cools. Jarring would make more sense than canning as something players can do. Basically the same concept but canning requires a lot of equipment most people won't just have laying around, much less in their backpack during a zombie apocalypse. All you need is jars and lids, and a pot to boil them in, you can even reuse the jars unlike tincans (for the same purpose anyway). TL;DR Canning Requires a factory, Jarring you can do at home.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Toilet Water / Nausea induced attack

    Don't know for sure, but I thought I read something about servers being grouped into hive clusters. IE US 1 through 10 will be one Hive cluster. 11-20 will be another. And the servers will be linked, IE say a very rare weapon where only one will spawn and wont respawn when it's picked up till it's destroyed/disappeared. This way someone cant just loot the 'mega gun' (for lack of a better word) and put it in a tent somewhere on SK10 or whatever. You'll only be able to server hop with your char between the cluster of servers. Maybe a way to keep this happening would be to link water contamination as well. Wouldn't stop trolls completely, but people who know would definately think twice, and anyway you're going to be purifying most water you get anyway.
  6. IkaikaKekai


    Would really depend on how quickly the infection overtook the population. And it really depends on if people know where to look. You would expect to find food in a grocery store. Most people don't think about searching random warehouses or random shipping containers. Here in Hawaii its rumored that we have several hidden bunkers loaded to the gills with Spam in case of an emergency. (Just an FYI, the three things that sell out first before a big storm or hurricane here are rice, toilet paper, and spam) Well considering we'll find stuff in static vehicles now wouldn't be too much of an offshoot. Then again the 'loot pile' is a mechanic from the Arma engine. Most of us are from First world countries where everything is packaged in bulk for our convenience. In countries where a bottle of Coke might be half a day's pay you wouldn't expect to see the 36 packs of Pepsi or other large cases we high consumers purchase on the front shelves (and usually when we buy individual soda its from a vending machine or from a refrigerator case, something you might not see in a place that has no electricity). I've seen some maps/servers that have added 'car crashes' (sort of like a chopper crash) to their scripts, usually a static car either on or near a road with either boxes of medical supplies or non military loot scattered about. Maybe we'll get something like this sooner or later in Standalone. Just something to add to the luck factor. Might be lucky enough to come across an overturned Ural with a crate of AK101s and ammo in the back (maybe require a tool like a crowbar to open). Sure you wouldn't take all the AKs but grabbing one or two for you and your buddies would be enough.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Toilet Water / Nausea induced attack

    Although to be honest, in a real survival situation the LAST thing I (or anyone intelligent enough to survive) would do would be to poison/contaminate a source of food or water. Then again the last thing I would expect would be two guys in a helicopter hunting me down and killing me, wasting 20 mins of fuel and around a 100 rounds of ammo on the off chance I might have some food or water on me when all I had was a crossbow and hunting knife. Sun Tsu might have said something along the lines of denying your enemy resources, but he also talked about using thous resources for yourself...and I'm pretty sure he didn't have to deal with Jiang Shi and COD kids.
  8. IkaikaKekai


    I've suggested this before, rather than say a pallet or large crate, more along the lines of larger cases, IE 36 packs of soda. A bulk box of canned goods (lets just say 24). The way I would do it is larger items would require both hands, but you can either remove one/several items from the box, or you can just pick up the box and say load it into a vehicle, or long haul it back to your camp. Just boxes in general really, like just being able to pick up the boxes in hospitals with medical supplies in them, and load them into your car, same with ammo boxes.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Toilet Water / Nausea induced attack

    Yeah, you were a bit specific. I'm pretty sure its going to be in the game sooner or later, or it was at least talked about. Taking a shit in the lake will contaminate it with whatever infections you have, ect. I'd like to see it added to the crafting mechanic. IE someone could crush up some sleeping pills or painkillers, sneak up on someone's tent and put it in their water canteens or on their preserved food, then come back when the person is knocked out/ODed, or keep it on their person as well as a sort of 'fuck you' to the person who robs/kills and loots. Maybe contamination will eve be to the point where you have to clean and sanitize water containers once they've been infected with something, not just dump out the contents and refill.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Big Rivers

    Id almost prefer the large lake/series of lakes idea. Would probably be easier to implement than changing the map enough to create a river. After all, there's a lot of unattended dams now. However, I highly doubt that we'd get a river or any new lakes this late in development of Chenarus (unless of course Chenarus+ goes further north or west, Guba after all looks like the outlet of a river) so we'd really have to wait for an all new map with purpose put rivers in them (perhaps that urban 'western' map Rocket wants to do eventually, with a large canal/river running through a major city to the coast and up to a feeder lake).
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Chernarus Abandoned Gold Mine

    Not too bad considering what you have to work with. I wouldn't mind seeing some underground areas in standalone (small bunker complex under green mountain or something, old abandoned iron mine near one of the castles (an attempted survivor camp or something, some loot and zombies, or no loot or zombies and just a place you can set up a tent/stash) possibly a mine that was active until the outbreak, loaded with zombies and some industrial loot)
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Toilet Water / Nausea induced attack

    Well unless it was a dirty toilet it wouldn't really make you sick, and even then not right away. In fact one urban survival trick is to take water from the toilet tank (unless there's chlorine tablets or some other cleaner in the tank) to drink. Unless your toilet is specifically hooked up to a non-potable water source its the same you get out of the tap. And I'd be more than a little suspicious of someone handing me a canteen of water after I just met them and telling me to drink it. (like shoot them in the face suspicious, and I don't normally do that) Also, I would imagine that there's no more water in the toilets anymore anyway. And to my knowledge canteens will say purified/not purified on them as text. So it'd really only work on noobs.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    What are fun things to do in DayZ?

    Nope, haven't played in over a month. Kinda waiting for standalone and have other games to keep my occupied. (I've also been half afraid that when I really really want to play dayz I'm gonna try logging in and my key's been stolen or something)
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Big Rivers

    Rivers/streams would be a welcome addition (to fish in as well as to use as a transport route), but as said above it's not something easy to do with Arma. Not when you can swim (or crawl) faster than the boat (I know from experience...slowest trip to Berezino ever...). Everything but the PBX seams to have a Mikita drill for a motor. Maybe its just because my uncles a boat builder and he does not fuck around when it comes to engines, but even little fishing boats/trawlers can haul ass when you throttle em out.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    I'd like to see trains in DayZ

    Dat boy aint right...Ill leave it at that.
  16. Or you downloaded a 'cheat' or an FPS booster which was really just a key stealer. Or any of the hundreds of other reasons, just about none of which will get you any sympathy.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Item Textures

    Scrap metal isn't just a texture, its an entire model, sure you could have shiny scrap, matte scrap, and rusty scrap, but it'd still be the same model, just different colors. And as said above it would all add up memory wise. Now I do believe some things will have multiple textures, but that's more to show the item's 'condition', (IE a rusted and grimy gun to show that it needs to be cleaned and maintained, not 100% sure on it but thought i saw some screen shots, might have been for something they're doing in the mod though with cans of food))
  18. IkaikaKekai

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    Pretty much the truth. I mean after all, there is the black market. While AK style guns are the 'most popular' guns on the black market, they aren't the only ones. AKs and M16s would be the most common guns for us to find (after all there was a war fought in the area recently right?) just for the fact that Army's are pretty lousy with keeping track of loose guns, not to mention sometimes Armies (particularly the US) just sell their equipment off after a war to the locals rather than pay money to have them shipped back (and that's not even counting a true black market where things just 'go missing' or are outright stolen/lost) I for one, and at least a few others, just don't want to see 'off the wall' guns that make no sense as to how they got there (I don't have a link but there was a heated discussion about about AA12s in the same respect) I'm not saying I don't want to find a gold plated AKM or Desert Eagle in Chenarus, I just don't want to find a prototype gun where only 10 were made, 9 were destroyed, and the last one is hanging up on the gun maker's wall just because it's a cool gun. I live in the US, (Hawaii specifically) where some people still got their great great grand pappy's old Kentucky rifle, or grandpa's old M1 Garand, or the Chinese AK Uncle Bob brought back from Vietnam piece by piece in the mail that they occasionally take out to or just shoot with. Im sure in Europe the same thing happens a bit, (The Mauser great grandpa took off a dead nazi that he used for hunting after getting out of the army, the crate of AKMs Uncle Vasily asked your dad to hide under the floorboards from him because they we're about to be demiled so on so fourth).
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    I wish, could really use a job about now...Maybe I could actually use my now rusty CAD skills to build new buildings in game. I didn't mean a literal 'you take 5 mins to get to the next map' kinda thing. You'd load as fast as your computer/the sever allows. And 'spawning with less supplies' is the only thing I could think of to keep it at least Semi Realistic. That or the next map would pick up right where the last map left off, (IE the 'travel' spot is at mile marker 1.6 in Chenarus, and you spawn at mile marker 1.6 in Novigrad, or whatever its called.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    I'd like to see trains in DayZ

    There are trains, not working but there are locos and cars (wagons) on the tracks. And as for 'very fast travel', Chenarus' rail operation does not seam to be made for much more than commuter and freight traffic. So you're not going to see an ICE or Shikenshin barreling down the tracks. And contrary to popular belief, its actually fairly easy to derail a train (easier the faster you go). Yes you might see large freight loco send a pickup truck flying at a grade crossing going 80mph, but that train's being sent back to maintenance right afterwards for a full inspection and repair. But that same train runs over a well sunk log or even a 6 inch gap in the tracks and shit will happen. The main problem. How the hell do you power something. There's no 3rd rail or overhead gantry, so electric is out of the question (not to mention the overall lack of electricity). Petrol/gas isn't really used on anything but very small inspection vehicles or older motive power (this would probably be the best bet however for a 'train' in DayZ). There's no evidence of any sort of steam operation or any of the required facilities to run steam, so this leaves Diesel (there's what appears to be a Diesel loco on the docks of Cherno/Electro, I probably could have just skipped to that) Then theres the problem of actually running/starting up a locomotive. I volunteer with a railway society, we run with small 45 ton switchers, just from that simple set up you got like 4 switches, 2 buttons, and 4 levers, and thats just what's visible (theres 2-3 hidden masterswitches that kill the battery). Now say you just hop into the cab wanting to take a joyride, how you do start it up? Did you remove the parking break? Did you put fuel int he fueltank or the sand bunker? Is the air resivour valve closed? Alright you got it up and running, but your going in the wrong direction. Ect Ect Ect. I can do one of these solo IRL (I have to stand on the sides in the middle to avoid derailing, and to work the break on the one we have), This or a speeder would probably be the best bet of us having rail vehicles in game.
  21. IkaikaKekai


    Well a skill system of some type could deter a lot of senseless killing in a way. If skills aren't too much of a pain the ass to level up (I prefer a 'repair 5 tires, get a little faster and less chance of failing at a vehicle repair' type of thing) 'I just got my repair and crafting up to a high level. Do I really want to try and gank this guy for his beans? He might have a buddy nearby...' Then again you'll always get the #YOLO COD players who would stab you with their hats, teabag your corpse, then bitch in side about these 'stupdi zombitches fucking up mah teabagging!'
  22. IkaikaKekai

    What are fun things to do in DayZ?

    Rabbit Chasing. Both on Foot and in a car. Bonus points if you actually mange to kill/run it over.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    It's true for just about anything. Just using the road leading out of Kamenka as an example. You could walk/drive/fly at any western edge of the map (would be a good way to stop people from trying to stash stuff in the debug plains) or even fly that direction, and you'll come out an an aproximate area on the other side. Might be simpler to have set places to transfer unless your flying or on foot, or have trade offs (Ie chance to pop a tire if you offroad in a non offroad vehicle, use up more gas offroad, ect)
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    Thank you, same could be done for other maps as well. Say you want to go to Takistan (or whatever official non Chenarus or Chenarus bordering map they make), you'd need to load up a boat/car/aircraft with 10 jerry cans and 40 items of food and water each. Load up the boat/car/craft and go to the outskirts of the map and same message pops up with a 'choose your destination' option. Non official maps (when they come around in standalone eventually) will have a minor problem with this however. But this is all stuff for later on down the road, well after we move from Alpha to Beta to Release. But I'm sure things can be worked out eventually when private hives/servers can make their own hive clusters (IE Balota Buddies US UK and AUS Chenarus maps would all be linked, as well as any other official/unofficial maps that they add)
  25. IkaikaKekai


    Something like this I would be for.