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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Fire Extinguisher

    Think it should be added in at some point. It would be pretty hard to extinguish a fire in a helicopter right now, but do sort of like the idea. Use would be as a melee weapon as well (big blunt steel object). And of course spraying the foam, could lower body temperature as well as create a smoke screen (if temporary). Could probably be crafted into some sort of IED or other object.
  2. IkaikaKekai


    I call Bard/Entertainer. Na Akua I miss my Kloo Horn...
  3. You miss the point. It's not a simple mater of having a doctor and lawyer present after signing some waivers, it's simply illegal. If there's nothing wrong with you they aren't supposed/allowed to prescribe medication. That's how drug addictions start. Yes, it does happen, but usually when they're found out they're arrested. Why do you think there's a locked door and several walls between you and most of the pharmacy?
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Create the official dayZ mod server

    I think it'd just be a target for Trolls and crybabies and scriptkiddies. People spamming 'ROCKET Y U NO RELEASE GAME' over side (both voice and text) every 10 seconds. It would be horrible.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Ammo reloading / Weapon jams etc

    Bladed and sharp implements of course, in my case a Koa wood spear, since all my 'firearms' currently IRL are airsoft or Nerf. Working on getting a couple of guns but that's gonna be a bit (need to save up for the guns we want, need to take a gun safety course and get proper licensing from HPD, ect ect.)
  6. IkaikaKekai

    booby trap?

    What server? We need more info.
  7. I highly doubt that a doctor would allow that. "Hey Doc, can you come over and numb us up some actors, who have nothing wrong with them, with some Morphine so we can get some slightly more realistic zombie animations?" The doctors that would agree to that are probably shady as fuck. Most/all numbing drugs are controlled substances, meaning a doctor has to account for them, or its an illegal activity. You think the network bubble is delaying a release? Try a drug charge laid against Rocket or any of the other team members.
  8. IkaikaKekai


    I'd prefer if (as said above by some others) Rocket gives us the tools to do so. Rather than add in an auction house or a bounty system, add in a message post in towns where players can post a message saying, "Camouflaged Ural with reinforced windows and mounted PKM, starting bid 1,000 rounds of 7.62 Ammo. Bidding starts at Noon local time on frequency 89.910." or "Wanted Dead: Bandit Stinky Bob, 10 MREs and 300 rounds of 5.56 upon proof of death. Radio Frequency 721.054."
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Ammo reloading / Weapon jams etc

    As long as you can understand 'pointy end goes into the other man' you'll be fine.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Why remove Direct Chat?

    I would say find another server. Side's one thing but direct? Hope these aren't 'official' servers.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Ammo reloading / Weapon jams etc

    Most people don't know that. I can see a noob trying this IRL even with this simple instruction: *puts in new primer in shell backwards, fills with (way too much) gunpowder, uses roofing hammer to pound bullet into shell, small explosion, lots of swearing and cries of 'get the bandaids!'*
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Add the HMMWV Ambulance please :)

    Vehicles wont be in the standalone for a while (from what I hear there's some internal debate as to have them in at alpha release 'as is' (meaning buggy as hell) or wait till they have the new 'system' in then readd vehicles) Also, they have to pretty much start over from scratch with everything, not just import the 'base model' in. For Mod, Id say yes. Standalone? Maybe if it had either UN, NATO, CDF, or some Civilian markings I'd believe it being there (Since the US Army sells off some of its older equipment rather than pay to ship it back quite often). I would rather see a purpose built or civilian conversion ambulance than just a Copy Paste military model.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Gear weight affects appearence.

    Gun store. They're probably ancient now, but S&W and many other western countries did sell a lot of their products to Russian Europe. As late as 1947 when Stalin stopped being our 'friend' we were selling things to them (FUNFACT! The EF-4 and EP-4 'Little Joe' Electric Locomotives were originally built to be used on USSR railways, when Stalin started acting 'like a dick' to the US the export sales were canceled before they were shipped, the locos were reworked to operate on US lines ((changed the electrical system and gauge)) and bought by Milwaukee Road to operate on their electrified lines). S&W used to sell service revolvers to the Tsar's secret police (And I'm sure they made their way into the hands of a few revolutionaries) and later to the new Soviet Union (pre WW2 and even during WW2 when the ships could get in). Revolvers are not a uniquely 'Murican thing either. Also, I think he was fantasizing a bit. Much as I'd love to walk down the streets of Cherno in a suit and fedora, carrying a Tommy Gun with drum clips.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Water sources?

    Wrong, there are oil barrels and tire piles that can be set on fire without matches, I don't know all of them but I know the following. Barrels Cherno Store, outside the front entrance near some sandbags. Cherno Medical Tents, in the same yard as Triage center, southern side (across the street form the hospital). Cherno Docks Church, right outside the door. Cherno International Hotel, a few scattered about on the streets Berezino South Store, right outside the front door. Berezino Military tents, couple scattered about on the football/socer field. Tires Only one I know of is in the Balota Medical Tents area.
  15. I prefer to use both actually, most of the time I'm in third person, when I'm shooting or driving I prefer first (I just seam to do better in first for both). I'll probably be playing a lot more in first when SA comes out (I'm a loot monkey)
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Ammo reloading / Weapon jams etc

    I think a base or a reloading bench should be required (as well as any prereqs like a small forge) but overall a good idea as long as it takes time to craft. Not just a 'I made 6000 rounds in 30 seconds lol' I mean like 60 seconds to make say 10 rounds. Idk if it works like this IRL but say you can break down other ammo (ala Fallout:NV) so say exclusively use .45ACP and 5.56 NATO, I can break down all 9mm and 7.62 i run across, melt down the brass and lead, reuse the primers and powder to make the ammo I use. This might be getting ab it overly complex but should be something that's considered.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Biohazard suit

    Yep, went with it because apparently Ikaika Kekai is too much of a hard word for haoles to pronounce or spell.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Biohazard suit

    Yes...all 350 pounds, 6'1" of me.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Am I old enough.

    Maturity is behavior, not age. I've played with 12 year olds more mature than 30 somethings in different games. As long as your parents are alright with it I don't mind you playing. It's the shrieking masses that think crouching repeatedly over a dead person is the point of the game that I can't stand.
  20. Well there's only one important milestone we're worried about right now, which is the one you want to pop. However it will still be a good thing if they crank out a lot of milestones and bug squashes before they reach that milestone. EDIT That 'second barrel' is either a holder for the cleaning/extractor rod or just extra metal for support (looks too small to be a 2nd barrel unless its some weird combo gun: 12 gauge top barrel, .22 bottom barrel). They do have single shot rifles (dunno about breakaways, but that's possible) that are breach loaders. There are also some rifles that can shoot both shells and bullets (usually the smaller gauges and higher calibers to match) but don't the status about them being popular in Europe/Russia. Basicly I'd say its more than likely a rifle rather than a shotgun, if nothing else just because it says Hunting Rifle instead of 'Hunting Shotgun'.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Biohazard suit

    Some sort of protective wear would be welcome IMO, either as a full on NBC suit or just a surgical facemask and medical latex gloves, or even simpler stuff (bandanna worn as a face mask, regular gloves, respirator or even a dust mask, ect). And yes protective suits usually have a 'time limit' on them (radiation suits only block a certain % of radiation, extending the time you can spend in an area before you get into the 'unhealthy dosage' amount, chem suits can only last so long ((chemicals eat through the suit, filters get clogged, leaks ect ect ect)) and as stated biosuits will suffer wear and tear. IRL no I would not, they don't make biosuits in my size and I sweat like a pig already :P
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Biohazard suit

    There's going to be many infection factors (and many types of infections) so this is still something viable (if we can get infections just from being near dead bodies or certain areas) As said above a thin sheet of plastic won't really protect against bites or scratches (to a certain degree they will but not much).
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Water sources?

    It's more risky but if you find oil barrels in town or tire piles, they can be set on fire without matches, just have to use the menu to do so and you can cook on them.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Water sources?

    Lakes/ponds, pump wells and covered wells can collect water from, no mater what you need to boil them (all you need is a tin can and fire (firebarrel or campfire)) The map mentioned above has most of the wells and pumps on them as well as lakes and ponds. Seawater is the only place you cant drink from.
  25. I think I'm in Love. This will be my favorite weapon in Standalone I think.