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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai
A Satchel charge doesn't do what you think it would to a gas station.
IkaikaKekai replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Just more proof that Michael Bay has nothing to do with this game. And we can thank the Holy Rocket and every other Deity for that. -
Technically thous are Trikes. But that's a pretty good thing to add to SA.
Or we could just pack someone on the handle bars like we did in my youth. Used to carry 2 boys and 3 fighting chickens that way on a stolen bike.
This only works for the Public Hive Servers, these servers are connected so your character data is stored, which includes your equipment and items. A private hive server is not connect to any other server so it does not have access to your pubic hive data and vice versa.
Been suggested before (in different forms) but still a good idea. Dufflebags, suitcases, purses, shopping bags, pillowcases, ect. Handheld storage bags, limit your weapons to your sidearm only (reduced accuracy/increased recoil because of one handed)
Out of your list the only ones I would want in game would be the CZ75 and a flaregun, and possibly a sawed off (craftable from the shotguns already in game). Most of these guns (while avaible on the black market) would be extremely rare if at all in Chenarus. Cool guns, yes, but if I want a 'cool gun' simulator I'll go find another game. I want guns to be in because they're realistic, not because they're cool.
Clotheshanger + pliers = jimmy tool (keeps pliers) Jimmy tool = stealth way to unlock car (avoids breaking window as well). Also, don't most military vehicles have push button starts to prevent a 'lost key' from making a FUBAR situation? The way I would make keys (as unrealistic as it seams) they would be separated into types (sedan, pickup, truck, ect) and a chance to spawn in buildings (and in the vehicles themselves). Once you use a key on a vehicle it'll be bound to that vehicle (IE I used a Sedan key on a Skoda it will only work on that Skoda, if it gets blown up the key is worthless, and that Skoda will not accept any other keys ((can still be broken into and hotwired)) ). Vehicles will have a chance of being locked when first spawned, and non open cargo bays will be locked as well (IE you need to unlock the trunk of a sedan or unlock the cabin to check the gear in there (and get in ((keys in vehicles will spawn in the cabin, so there's a chance you'll break the window/jimmy the lock and then find the keys)) ), but you can check the back of a Ural or Pickup no problem. You can lock or unlock the different 'doors' (IE you can leave the trunk unlocked, and lock all the passenger doors ((leaving the driver's door unlocked)) ). You would need tools and time to hotwire a car or jimmy the lock open. EDIT In a survival situation, Im not gonna take the 2014 BMW Z904hfapeDontLookAtMySmallPenis, I'm gonna take the 86 Nissan Pickup.
Smash window, hotwire engine. No keys needed. I honestly would like keys in some form or another, but there should be a bypass. And you don't really need wires to hotwire a car, you're simply using the wires already in the car to bypass the ignition switch (the thing you put the keys in)
Male, Unwashed, Teenager. Pretty sure thous 3 alone would be used a LOT.
Chernarus, the unasked questions
IkaikaKekai replied to Hetstaine's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The gravel keeps the grass from growing on the tracks, that and a lot of Soviet Grade weed killer (possibly the root cause of the outbreak). Why is there no 9.2 mm Podbyrin in game? -
I like to hide my tents close to (but not in) trees and bushes. If I can I try to go for areas that are near roads but can't be seen from the road, or failing that not easily seen. I usually have multiple tents, (1 for food and medical supplies, 1 for ammo and any guns I might have (i usually keep it simple gun wise) and 1 for vehicle parts). I haven't played since stashes were added but I would probably change it to 1-2 tents and as many stashes as I could find. Before I would try to set up barbwire and tank traps as a designated parking spot for any vehicles I might find but gave up on that. My best camp (so far) was on the top of a mountain on Panthera that had a little depression and trees, you had to be directly over it with a helicopter to find it or stumble upon it. Made it into a base with some friendlies and we managed to fit 2 urals, 2 offroads, a huey/Mi17, and a UAZ and all our tents up there without it being stolen (for about 2-3 weeks anyway). If the woods north of Kamenka were a bit more dense or had more low scrub, (instead of just a cluster of oak trees) I would consider it a near perfect spot. Overhead canopy is thick, watersource nearby, hunting grounds nearby, nearby town (thats sort of a minus actually, even if it is Kamenka), only thing missing is ground cover (bushes, pine trees, ect) because you can see quite a ways through the forest.
Bases in DayZ: Construction vs Fortification
IkaikaKekai replied to LilBambi's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I would like to be able to build things outside the building as well, (latrine, trash pit, improved cooking pits, sandbag walls and barbwire ((as we can do now)) ect) -
Yeah, I do that, pause play buttons, next and previous songs, and I usually keep the music down at like 10% or lower.
Bases in DayZ: Construction vs Fortification
IkaikaKekai replied to LilBambi's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'd prefer fortification, mostly because out and out construction would only lag the servers, there will be bases, and attempts at bases EVERYWHERE clustering up the server and just making lag. And honestly, anything you could build with limited resources would not be of high quality or durability (you'd probably just be better off having an improved camp out in the woods). As mentioned above I don't think either is (currently) possible with the engine as it is, but of the two I would prefer to fortify a building (with restrictions: Fortified buildings won't spawn loot, not every building can be fortified ((Hospitals for example)) your building can be broken into and taken over ((or just 'destroyed')), ect.) -
What's Your Character's Background?
IkaikaKekai replied to King of kong's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Never actually RPed but heres my background anyway. Name: Michael 'Big Mike' Williams Age: 27 Nationality: USA Sex: Male. Race: Part Hawaiian POB: Honolulu Hawaii Eucation: College 2 years Architectural engineering, Bartending courses, Forklift Certification, Commercial Driver Instruction. Railroad Brakeman certification. Ikaika Industries: Small Arms certification, Combat Driving certification. Job: Driver (Medium Risk) Bio: Mike was born on Oahu to a small family on whats considered the 'bad' side of the island. He volunteered at a historic railway while going to college for architecture, failing to secure employment he started taking bartending classes and other minor courses to find a job. One day while acting as a docent for a restored Private Car he was approached by a wealthy gentleman on the train who asked his history and eventually asked if he wanted a job. Mike was hired by the Military Contractor known as Ikaika Industries as a driver and was given small arms and combat driving training while making cargo runs between the military bases of the island. He was promoted to Driver (Medium Risk) and was put aboard an Ikaika Industries ship (IIS Ewa Maru) headed for the middle east. His Story: Mike was onboard the IIS Ewa Maru headed for Takistan via the black sea to run cargo for the company. The ship entered the Mediterranean, picked up one of Ikaika Industries' 'Black Units' for added security. As the ship entered the black sea problems began to occur, the ship's engineer took Ill, followed by several other of the crew. Then the radio went out after a strange broadcast, half of the crew were confined to quarters. When the main engine seized up and died all hell broke loose, the infected crew had broken out of their quarters and were attacking the healthy crew. Eventually Mike and one member of the Black Unit were the only crew members left alive, with the Black Unit member quickly falling ill to the virus. Mike shot his last friend in the head upon request, and gave him a proper sea burial. Mike was adrift for days before catching sight of land again, and decided to try and use a lifeboat to get to shore. Taking a pair of the Black Unit's custom rifles with him he made an attempt for the shoreline of Chenarus, when the lifeboat capsized he lost all the gear and supplies he had with him and swam the final 2 miles to shore in rough surf. He made his way to what looked like a town, hoping that whatever happened onboard the Ewa Maru was not happening elsewhere. -
Don't think it maters if you made the account today or months ago. Your 'reason' for signing up on that hack site will not garner you any support here. Buy the game through official channels, less likely you have your credit card stolen along with your CD key. And more than likely any key you buy from there will be banned sooner or later.
YOu can always run your media player of choice in the background. For a while I had itunes going with a playlist I had for DayZ (stopped when I started playing on BB and needed to keep TS up)
Need All Players!! (NEW SERVER)
IkaikaKekai replied to Princess (DayZ)'s topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
How about posting the full server name and IP, as well as some other info (Mod, location, map, rules, ect.) -
I'll be fine with a reddot, bayonet, and flashlight (and possibly suppressors).
This had me nervously laughing my ass off, and then later crying. Playing on Balota Buddies one day I found an SUV out in the woods. It had gear in it and was near my camp so I waited a couple of days, thing was still there so I took it, leaving a UAZ (I think) in it's place (leaving the gear that was in the SUV in the UAZ). I move camp to near Zelenogorsk and log out for the day. Log in, grab my crossbow and leave my CZ550 in the tents and head down to town in the SUV. I park at the SUV in the walled off area near the store and head in. I start to notice there's dead zombies around and gear has already spawned in, "oh fuuu-" I hear a car door open and close and run out and to my SUV, yep, dude in the driver's seat, swap to my 1911 and aim at the window, using direct voice I say, "Get out of my Car, NOW." I hear other gunshots and other player noises, He obviously didn't hear me so I ran back into the store. My heart is racing at 90 miles an hour and I'm 'hiding' in the corner of the backroom of the store. One of the players come running in with a M240/M249 and runs past me with his back to me. I start hearing more gunshots and the car moving, as well as the horn honking and car doors opening. I run out, see the SUV is still there and they're trying to group up, running to the SUV I jump in the back seat. The rest got in and they took off, with me. I wait till the next town before finally typing up in vehicle chat, "Hey uh, this is the guy who's SUV you just stole, if you can let me out up ahead I'll be on my way..." "Oh shit dude jump down to our TS channel." Turned out they were friendly and told me i could have the SUV back afterwards, so I hung with them a bit. Now the sad part, they take me to one of their camps, blood up, find like 3 heli crashes within a mile of each other and loot em. Then one of the guys ran into another group of survivors, "Hey I think it's that guy we stopped earlier gonna try and WTF IM DEAD! They're Hostile..." After a short bit of trying to take each other, we die one by one, just me and one guy from my team and one of them left. Guy had his back to me so I ran up with a Bizon and unloaded the clip into his back, before moving up to his head and killed him. "Is that all of them dude?" "Yeah I think so-" BLAM Rifle goes off in the distance. I die, then my last partner. Over Side I see, "LOL u gaies suck, takin ur SUV' We got played by a bandit sniper (both groups were friendlies, he killed our guy first and watched us kill each other, occasionally taking pot shots at us during the fire fight.
I'm pretty sure satchel charges are legit, never came across one (that wasn't already set) before myself. This camp sounds rather dodgy though, all that gear on top of 20 satchel charges? Either a hacker's camp, someone exploiting a dupe glitch, or a really determined loot monkey, the first two seaming more likely.
There's been MI17s for a couple of patches now, think they added them in around the same time as Little Birds (which you also probably have a gripe against). Chenarus Defense Forces. Pretty sure this is going to be addressed in Standalone. There will be american guns because in Arma 2's mission, the US was in Chenarus as a NATO force, the US always leaves/sells equipment when it leaves a country, not to mention outright theft, the black market, and battlefield looting by ambitious civilians (or even CDF members collecting US guns for themselves). I would agree that in the mod mostly US/NATO guns are added in because of popularity, and that the DMR/M24 should be switched with the SVD (chance to find DMR/24 at Heli Crashes only, chance to find SVDs in Military spawns). We will have western guns in SA, lets just hope that the majority of guns are post soviet or civilian weapons (I like what I've seen so far in that regard)
'Property of Ikaika Industries Employee: Big Mike'
How do you want the Kill Feed to be in DayZ SA?
IkaikaKekai replied to LilBambi's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Wasn't it confirmed there wouldn't be a 'kill feed' in SA? -
They did at one point, but due to bitching it's been changed to full moon nights in an effort to bring night cycles back to servers instead of 24/7 day.