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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Something To Make People Team Up

    Found em, I just went with gear related 'goals' because that's what the OP wanted. Also, who knew that Hawaii had one of it's Emergency Spam Bunkers located in Chenarus (I have reached the promised land after all!), much less at NEAF? Maybe it's just because were so used to the mod and mods of the mod and easymode servers that start us out with DMRs and silenced MicroUzis, where we're more worried about getting geared up to survive long enough for PVP rather than just surviving.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Something To Make People Team Up

    Yes that was the game I was talking about. Heroes can scavenge for loot like the rest of us, or get lucky and kill an unaware bandit and take his loot. And honestly any weapons a military zombie would be carrying would be standard issue (I would Imagine CDF carries AK74s and AKMs, US troops carry M4s and M16s, ect ect), not exactly high end gear. Regarding Animals and Dens, I do like the idea, but really what 'loot' would we get besides a bear's worth of meat or maybe a hide to use in crafting? As for the idea about repairing the power grid, just an idea for possible endgame, sure there's other things that can be done at are still a pretty big undertaking but smaller with a more tangible reward (dig a weapons supply truck out of the swamp, break into the underground armory at NEAF, ect). Things where you CAN solo them but they'ed be better to do with a group. Things that would either have a lot of zombies attracted to it, or have them in it, (say blowing up the door of the bunker attracts EVERY zombie in a 5 mile radius, not to mention pissing off the zombies inside the bunker).
  3. Items on the ground disappear after a restart.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    okay what is this ?

    I would say you meant to use 3% or that %3 was incorrect.
  5. The question goes out to thous who have played/plays the Pre-Alpha (Edit: Standalone, not the Mod). Do zombies still climb up ladders? Now on to the suggestion. If they can still climb ladders I would suggest removing that ability from the zombies. I would think they lost 'advanced' reasoning and logic skills, which would include the ability to use ladders. For Example. I'm running away from some zombies and see a large fuel tank with a ladder on the side, I run to it and climb up the ladder, zombies catch up and take a swipe at my legs, scratching them badly and causing them to bleed, I get up top and bandage my wounds and the zombies have no way to get up. They'll know I'm still up there for a bit and remain in 'agro' mode, and stay there if they can still see/hear me, and attract other zombies thus trapping me if I don't have any ammo/guns. However if I hide up there for a bit they'll slowly lose interest and wander off, leaving me free to climb back down (lets just say the whole thing takes about 15 mins from when I get to the ladder to when the zombies get far enough away for me to climb down safely). I'm not suggesting that you could just climb on a ladder just out of their reach and wait for them to go away. I would also suggest dumbing the zombies down (if they're smart enough) regarding alternate paths. As an example I would use the Office Building (The one that people often mistake for a school). There's a ladder on the corner of the building that goes up to the roof/balcony, but it's also accessible via stairs inside the building. I get chased and run to the ladder, getting away. If they zombies are 'smart' and can't climb the ladder's they'll run into the building, run up the stairs to my floor and to the roof. If they were dumb I could climb up the ladder, they'll stay near the ladder, but won't run into the building. If I go downstairs and make the mistake of running out the door next to the ladder or into their line of sight they'll see me again and restart the chase. Just a suggestion/point of discussion. I have almost no clue how zombie AI currently works in Standalone, nor what their plans are for the 'AI Revamp' as I would call it.
  6. Sorry, meant in Standalone, not the mod.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Something To Make People Team Up

    I still like the idea of a horde for a 'zombie boss'. It'd still be possible to solo, but if you're not prepared you're going to run the fuck away and start a stampede. Sever starts, lets just say the horde starts in Skalka and moves south, mostly hitting towns, possibly going west first to the coast, then down it and 'end' in Kamenka. Sure one heroic group could use a combo of tactics to thin down or destroy the horde and make the server safe overall. OR throughout the day differnt groups either run away or engage the horde, slowly thining out the numbers. Snipers might use it as practice, set up out of their hearing range on a hill or building and make a game of it (think it's called the 'Spotter Game'. Someone calls out a target with basic info (Cop, near a construction worker and zombie in a party dress), then they take the shot), use a few rounds killing some or practicing their skills, then move on before the horde moves in on them. People in vehicles might ram through and take out a few of the outlying zombies (driving striaght into the horde would be a HUGE mistake IMO) and go about their merry way. Some poor bastard might not see the horde, get chased and take out a few before getting killed, so on so fourth. That would be something to do, no real reward other than making the server a little safer. I would have to reiterate, I don't think this game should be: Kill the US Navy EOD suit Zombie and loot [M107] Think it should be more like: Clear Electro of Zombies, repair the power gird, get power working.
  8. As said, there's no 'connected bank' in DayZ, its all local. IE you can't store a gun in a stash at Northeast Airfield, die, then go grab that same gun from a stash at Kamenka. However, if I manage to get back to the stash at NEAF I can get that gun back, so long as no one destroyed the stash or took it out of the stash. The same also applies on connected servers. Just for example, I can't Jump on US 1, put down a tent, fill it with gear, then log out, log into US 2 and have that tent in the same place with all the gear inside (otherwise it'd be futile to store gear at all, since someone could just grab it from your tent on another server). As said, things in your direct inventory are accessible while on the same hive (there's the public hive, and I think very few private hives).
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Loading ammo into guns.

    You raise a good point. After all not every weapon has a detachable magazine, I'm somewhat curious as to how they'll handle tube mag shotguns, bolt actions without removable boxes, and break actions (that new 'hunting rifle' and the double barrel shotgun). While I would think loading a gun like how you describe would be very difficult and time consuming, it should be an option. However, in the mod I usually keep 2 mags in my main inventory and the rest in my pack. In standalone I plan to do the same (provided I have enough mags), one on the gun, and at max 2 in my inventory and reload mags as I empty them when I get a chance.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    marked for global ban ,

    Sounds like bullshit to me. Was there any sort of 'click here' or 'go to www.battleeye.fakeaddress.org to resolve this' or anything like that? This is the first time I've heard of someone getting a 'warning' before just being banned.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Infection As On World War Z

    Yeah there is a bit of confusion there about infection. In the mod it's just generically called infection, it could be anything from the common cold to AIDs. In the Standalone they'll be adding more types of infections, with different ways to treat/cure them (diseases like cholera, typhoid, ect). Zombies, in the words of Great George Carlin, are pretty much degraded down to the reptile brain, which is 'Kill, Eat, Fuck.' or kill, eat, reproduce. They don't really need/have the means to reproduce (other than infection of the zombie virus, and again we're immune), so its down to Kill and Eat. Rabies (which is my theory of what 'The Virus' is) is pretty much a rage virus. Victim becomes infected, usually through contact with something with rabies (normally via a bite or deep scratch with infected claws, not sure of other ways) The victim slowly starts to lose his mind and go crazy, attacking and lashing out at pretty much anything that moves (and possibly infecting others) before the virus eventually kills the host. I think there's a cure for rabies but it's fairly complex and painful (treatments are administered over the course of weeks) but you have to catch it fairly quickly. Which is why when someone's attacked by an animal that normally wouldn't attack (raccoons, domesticated 'non violent' dogs, ect) or displays some of the signs of being rabid, the animal is usually tracked then put down and the brain is examined to see if the animal had rabies.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Night and forest

    I want to see flares (ones shot from flareguns/grenade launchers) and fireworks (Several types) as well in game too, as a zombie distraction as well as for general purpose or even as (weak) weapons. I'd be funny as well to see bandits force a pair of survivors to get into roman candle fights, or even them just doing it themselves for fun, or even flaregun duels. Using a fountain or pack of rockets to attract zombies to the edge of town or away from where you want to loot. Or just setting up some fireworks out in a field for your friends and friendlies to watch.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Infection As On World War Z

    I know we got a credit roll clip that says "There is No Release Date." but do we have a "Survivors are Immune." one? We can't be infected by the zombie virus (although thats not entirely what you're saying), and there's no 'magic infection' that would make zombies ignore us. It hasn't been explained officially why zombies don't attack each other (one of the popular theories is pheromones) but it would be in the zombie virus itself. Since it's been said about a thousand times that players are immune to the virus, we can't get infected with it and reap any 'benefits'. I would point to 28 Weeks later, which is what our zombies are based on.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    The Stupidity of some people....

    HA! HAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry, but someone tells me there's a bandit 'that way' I change direction, even if I don't follow you 'because you're 12 years old', I stop going that direction, or make sure I'm ready to shoot at the first hint of Dengar (No, that's not a Typo, Google it) I see.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Animals

    As I said, you people see rats and think "WTF are we going to be able to play as rats?" I see it and think, "Great, now I need a pellet gun or mousetrap to go hunting. Also, rats, given enough time, can chew through metal (they're a big problem at my dad's workplace, they eat through insulation like nothing till they hit wires, and usually keep trying if they don't get shocked, they also chew through copper pipes they use in place of wires (wires were so big that the inner strands were unused, so they just started using pipes).
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Night and forest

    On the topic of fishing, while it would probably be calming and relaxing to don some hip waders and fish in the middle of Toploka or Black lake with a pole, it'd be more efficient from a survival standpoint to set up fish traps and do other things than stand in the middle of a lake waiting to get sniped from the treeline hoping for a bite from a non human/zombie. Ambient noises can be simply added in as 'sound track' set to random intervals, or should they actually add a large amount of animals then from the animals themselves. Shooting stars while pointless would still be pretty cool, like watching fireworks in a game. Never thought about it for game but yes, the phase of the moon and weather does affect animals and fish and would be a welcome mechanic to the game. (I have a Hawaiian moon calender that lists the best and worse days to fish/plant/harvest/ect).
  17. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Animals

    It may have been 'player' controlled just to demo show off the new mouse/rat, or more than likely it was just set to follow an AI rat. I highly doubt we'd be able to play as animals in SA without the use of hacks. Now as said before you can play as animals in the Arma2 Editor and Armory. I think we found a 'new' food source to be honest *gets mallet* Heeer Skeever skeever skeever!
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Something To Make People Team Up

    Think 'end game' should shy away from super zombies and the like (other than maybe have one really large horde roaming the map that could be cleared out by a group(s)). I would prefer to see things like 'repair the power grid', where one very determined person COULD do it, but it'd be much easier (but still difficult) for a team to do.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Night and forest

    Zombies aren't increased in any way except for their rage. As stated they do have decreased vision at night (which is how it should be since they're infected humans) but think their hearing stays the same. Rather than have animals or zombies that only spawn at night (since in Mod they'll all be spawned in at server start) have them (animals, not zombies) be more active at night. I would hope that they have the full lunar cycle in SA like the mod used to have, rather than full moon nights only.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Zombie player control

    Player Controlled zombies in any form has pretty much been confirmed as a no by Rocket. It would make the game harder only in the fact that clans/groups would have one or two zombies scout out ahead in stealth mode and communicate with the gun holders. Animals being 'controllable' is nothing new (script kiddies in the mod turning everyone into crows, not to mention that being a bug) the mouse was probably to show off that 'hey we have a new animal'. Okay say this was in the game/mod, you choose to spawn in as a zombie, and you spawn in Kamenka. Oh by the way your locked into being a zombie till your killed. You can't get in vehicles, and you can't pick up gear, you can only walk around, run when players are nearby, and attack. You think 'sneaking' is boring, good luck with Zombieing about.
  21. IkaikaKekai


    Considering the Mod's being done for free by a 'team' (I use that word loosely, as from my understanding they're spread out around the world and collaborate online). They can't really meet at a studio to do some new MoCap animations, so their only choice would be to use preexisting animations that would work/fit with Arma2, and probably have to pay fees to the creator, which would be kinda out of the question since it's a free mod.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    How long has your computer been on?

    My computer is my DVR as well, and I record quite a few things at night. I usually try to shut it down on Sundays when I got to work because nothing is usually set up to record until after I get back. Other than that I restart it for updates and whatnot like others. I usually listen/watch TV on it before/as I'm going to bed. Something I would love to have would be a program/device that would shut down my computer and start it up at scheduled times.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    spoiled milk for cheese

    Overall it is a good idea. But again there's a very big difference between sour milk and spoiled milk. Sour milk just tastes slightly off and is starting to go bad but is still consumable. Spoiled milk is more than just slightly bad tasting, its riddled with bacteria and germs, not just the bacteria that helps to make cheese. We also have to remember that milk is technically a foodstuff rather than just a drink like water. Its the reason why it's physically impossible to drink a gallon of milk in under a half hour without puking. If it was water you'd just piss yourself when your bladder overfills. Your original idea was pretty good, but as for finding say a carton of spoiled milk in a fridge (long after the power's gone out) and making it into cheese, that part's not a good idea. Say you find a cow and manage to milk it out in the wild, (if the cow was healthy you could get away with drinking it straight from the udder, or pasteurize it yourself if your not sure about it). Say you harvest enough milk that you can't drink it all (and refrigerators are out of commission at this point), then you could use the rest to make cheese to eat later (vinegar isn't the only way either, that's just one way).
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Survior zombies!

    That would probably ends up what happens in the Mod, if they did it for SA (which would be my suggestion as an easteregg, to add the hero, bandit, and survivor skins) it wouldn't work.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    spoiled milk for cheese

    There's a difference between sour milk and spoiled milk, but I do like the general idea. In dayz the problem would be getting everything you need to turn milk into cheese, even if you just boil some fresh milk you get from a cow in an empty can over a campfire, you'd still need a cheesecloth (though I'm sure there's things you can substitute) and vinegar. Still in a survival situation I'd probably be both easier and better to just drink the milk (water and fat, whereas cheese is pretty much just fat). Cheese-making really only came about as a way to preserve excess milk as a foodstuff. If SA ever got that deep where we could and actually had to make preserved foods if we wanted them to last for more than a day this would be a good idea.