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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    That's a big pile of kindling next to that shovel.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Standalone River

    A flowing river can't really be done with the Arma engine from my understanding. On a lot of custom maps, lakes and 'rivers' are at or bellow sea level.
  3. Think crashed cars/trucks should be the replacement for heli crashes. A destroyed civilian ural or sedan would spawn on or near a road at random points and contain civilian loot. Urals would have quite a bit of food or drink (Hostess truck). Sedans might (low chance) have a civilian gun and/or some supplies (some simple medical stuff (mostly bandages) food water, ect). Military crashes would be Military Urals or UAZs with a chance of weapons being in the crash debris as well as military supplies (canteens, MREs, ect). Some zombies should be 'stuck' in the vehicles (seatbelts) but still have to be dispatched before getting the gear.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Im looking for a video i saw one time

    Could always check your Youtube History.
  5. Not saying there wouldn't be any blood, and I did misspeak, the zombies bite and scratch on top of punching/slapping. But that wouldn't be EVERY victim. Zombies aren't slitting/biting throats and hanging victims upside down to drain every drop of blood out like some slaughtered pig. Some could have gotten away, bandaged themselves up, then succumbed to the virus. As said above, Rocket wants the 'story' to be player driven as much as possible. Make our own conclusions. For example, the Zombie Virus, aside from some basic info (it's a virus, it does not reanimate the dead or kill the host, we ((players)) are the few immune to the virus) he's left a lot to our interpretation (which has lead to some heated discussions on this forum). It could be some new virus entirely, it could be Kuru, or a more aggressive/airborne form of rabies, or any number of other viruses. I gotta say, the thing that makes me say 'whoa, what happened here?' the most is when it's something that occurred between players, and half the fun is figuring out why this person died, or why are there 3 cars with bullet holes and flat tires at this one gas station.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    What is your sidearm of choice?

    I have to agree with everyone, I choose the G17, mostly because of the flashlight and the abundance of 9mm ammo to use in it. If every gun had a flashlight I would probably choose the 1911 for stopping power and the look of it. In real life? I've been looking at the Tarus Judge .45 for versatility (can chamber .45 ACP, .410 bore, .45 long colt)
  7. First of all, the 'zombies' aren't dead or undead, just living infected. There's also quite a few dead bodies around, not to mention mass graves (we only know of the open graves at that, I can imagine more than a few are closed). I would imagine quite a few people managed to successfully flee (at least out of Chenarus or the part we play in). We also have to think of the technical aspects, yes there should be more bodies, but do you remember when the screen used to bug out and flood the screen whenever you could see a static dead body? Now add that ontop of the lag it takes to render thous bodies. Also its not like a human is a firehose of blood when they die, if they were beaten to death there would be minimal blood (as opposed to having a limb cut off), so unless Everyone in Chenarus suffers from hemophilia (thanks Lancer) there's not going to be a lake of blood dumped on the country, most of it will be in the body.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Survior zombies!

    Thats actually an awesome idea, a pumper truck would have it's uses as well. Transporting large quantities of water to a base to be distilled for drinking and other uses. And honestly I would only want to see the survivor skins from the Mod in Standalone on zombies, and be rare, sort of an Easter egg if you will, since we'll be able to dress however the hell we want in standalone.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    Can it be done? Yes. Should it? No. This kind of 'building' doesn't really exist (I just opened up a door for people to post pictures of real buildings like this didn't I? Oh well bring it on and I'll admit I'm wrong, then quickly point out the structural problems and flaws of said buildings). Other than an arena with a retractable roof or some older hangers that housed zeppelins or blimps at one time this type of building wasn't really done. It'd be easier to just use a regular hanger (that can be multi purpose) as opposed to engineering a 'sun roof' large enough for a helicopter or other VTOL to land in while maintaining the structural integrity of the building (after all if the building is too weak to hold itself up you probably don't want to be using it to store expensive equipment).
  10. IkaikaKekai

    [SA] Different types of zeds

    The ones crawling are injured, not cut in half. Rocket has mentioned wanting to do Fat Zombies (I volunteer for green screening). And...well Zombie kids are a headache in more ways than one (getting animations and mo cap done right, can't just 'shrink down' an adult zombie, and the fact that Censors would have a field day with that one)
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Survior zombies!

    They are immune. Nice Necro posting Bludy. The OP's suggestion was basically add zombiefied survivor skins to the 'roster' of zombies.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    jerry can + match + player = human torch

    KOS, I'm getting a bit concerned about you buddy, and your talking to a guy in favor of replacing the death penalty with Promethean style punishments.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    the woodbury discussion:reloaded

    I would say that for a 'safe zone' that's enforced by players you would need a clan dedicated to doing just that. Lets say a group takes over Balota airfield and uses that as their base (using one hanger to store vehicles they're selling, as well as stashes of items, with tents in between the two hangers protected by barbwire) My estimate is they would need at least 3 marksmen on duty at any time with one in the ATC tower and the others roaming/camping, and 1-2 players on the ground patrolling the area. That'd be 5 players just to protect the base, not counting any merchants or medics I would say you'd need a 'boss' as a floater. Now of course thous 6 are going to have to sleep at some point or another so you'd need additional shifts. If I had that sort of clan and I was in control of it, the bulk of my 'forces' would be tied up just defending the base, that's not counting pilots, scavengers, medics, and the like. And since I had an airfield I'd be actively using it, sending the scavenging teams and medics out via plane or heli.
  14. Die...after a few 'first things' I'll probably find an ax and not so die.
  15. Was under the impression that zombies wouldn't respawn, but have been corrected. Don't think it'd be a problem either as long as they don't have zombies 'popping up' after I cleared a sector.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    [SA] Different types of zeds

    Different 'types' of zeds (as we think of them in other video games, Tanks, Runners, ect) don't really fit in with DayZ, these are basically just sick/infected humans. I like the idea of zombies with handicaps, but unless they were amputees before the infection if they lost an arm or leg they would die very quickly due to blood loss. Think there should be some variances with the speed of zombies, as in some run slightly slower or faster than survivors rather than all zombies being equal. That would probably be difficult to program in but would be nice anyway. There should be no 'special' zombies. The virus isn't going to make a zombie start growing spines out of it's hands, or let it use it's tongue like a frog.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    [Solved]People in my server

    Don't rightly know much about running servers and all that, but I would think that your server would show up on server lists regardless. If you want it to be completely private you should probably put a password on it.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Hmm, looks like the trees are gonna provide a bit more overhead cover.
  19. On the surface that sounds like a good idea, but think it'd just raise more problems. Say it's 5-10 mins before the body respawns, where would it go? Would it be a completely random respawn? Think I'd start freaking out of I was walking around in the woods and a partly looted body just appeared out of nowhere. If it was 'set' spawns people would simply figure out where they are and check the spawns as part of their loot patrol. I'd rather they do what mZLY said and just have it so you can't loot your own body (possibly not be able to even SEE your own body).
  20. I already kill zombies in the mod when I play, in standalone they won't respawn, giving me even more reason to kill them. I personally prefer an ax or other melee weapon for my zombie clearing, and with the speculated rarity of ammo in the Standalone I don't think my preference is going to change, I'll just have to be more sneaky when clearing.
  21. Eventually people are going to mod Standalone, but it wont be for a while. Right now they're trying to keep info to themselves so hackers won't be there on day one.
  22. Single Player? Standalone is going to be multiplayer only like the mod. Not sure where you're getting your info from.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    garbage trucks, with loot in a worse condition

    I like the idea of digging through garbage bins, or possibly even trucks. I would think it would just be more full of useless crap other than maybe minor stuff for crafting (tin cans, string, empty bottles, ect). Any food that's opened would be spoiled, but that in itself could be useful.
  24. Depends, I've ran back to my body on more than a few occasions. Sometimes Ignoring everything else just to get back, but that's usually when I die in a 'fucked up' manner (usually from a glitch or a one shot zombie). Usually if I'm killed by another player I don't head straight for my body. Anything 'good' would probably be gone anyway, and of course they'd still be in the area. I will eventually go back to check my body but sometimes just by gearing up on the way back I get better/enough gear for me to say 'screw it'.