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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    November Round-up

    And I'm just sitting here...waiting for DayV...err DayZ.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    side chat.

    It'll probably just be an unused frequency that everyone 'agrees' to as the new side chat.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    side chat.

    Aye, you can place a radio on the ground for either distraction or surveillance. Was also possible that other players could hear your radio in direct if you don't have a headset combined with it. Pop some fresh batteries into a spare radio, set the frequency and lock the key to transmit. Place the thing somewhere and you can hear whats going on with another radio. Car driving by, footsteps, someone talking, zombie gnawing on your radio. I really hope that how it works out is that if you don't have a headset or a LASH style mic (forget what the acronym stands for but its a voice apmlifying microphone SWAT teams and the like use, a whisper is normal speaking volume, normal is yelling, yelling will have your teammates hitting you with a stick for making them deaf.) plugged into the radio anything you say/pick up on the radio will transmit at least partly in direct.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    side chat.

    There will be no 'global chat' or side chat in standalone. To use anything but direct you will need to pick up a radio, this has been confirmed. I'm sure we the players will establish 'standard' side/global chats as time goes on (Ie Frequency 124.65 is side chat).
  5. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Oh sure, it could have been out earlier, but you would have had either badly broken zombies, or no zombies at all in a zombie game. And that is part of public testing, finding the bugs so they can quash them.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Was wondering when this was gonna come up, 'hey they should make it so we can get diseased from zombies' followed by a post of mine that just says /facepalm. Glad to know your post wasn't facepalm worthy, but if they succumbed to their infection they would be dead (and not undead like Walking Dead Type Zombies). If certain zombies showed symptoms that would be cool.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    need to change my display name

    You used to be able to, from what I heard someone abused it (changing their name every other hour after trolling posts or some shit) and they disabled it.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable body armor

    Some kind of improve armor would be welcome. As said it wouldn't protect very much from bullets but that's not the only threat out there. Sports equipment would be a logical place to start, I'm only familiar with what most of you would call 'Hand Egg' for armor (football would seam to be the game of choice in Chenarus judging from the field types) but something as simple as a leather jacket would provide some protection from scratches and bites. War Z (book) was mentioned, most of that is existing specialty equipment such as shark suits, while most bemoan the movie (I think overall it's not a bad movie, just not true to the source material) Vogue and Duck Tape arm guards sounds like a good idea (I mean Christ on a pogo stick, the ads alone in one of thous things could probably stop a low caliber bullet). It might sound kinda silly but making a suit of armor out of tin cans could possibly work (against zombie bites and scratches anyway). I would remind that all armor does not protect against all things. A Knight would have an outer layer of plate to protect against crushing blows (axes, maces, heavy swords) and slashes, a layer of chain mail under that to protect against piercing attacks (arrows, bolts, stabs, axes again) and a layer of padding/leather under that to soften the blows and hopefully block whatever gets through the first 2 layers. A Kevlar vest might stop a bullet, but won't stop a knife (so much so that I believe UK police wear stab vests now instead of bullet proof vests). Different protective equipment should be looked into, from the simple (sports gear), to the somewhat absurd (think they call it 'Dragon Scale' armor, soldiers can dive on a grenade and only get slight bruising from the impact).
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable body armor

    Still not a good idea to let them bite/scratch you. We do get non zombie infections, not to mention bleeding.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yay, some actual speculation about pictures and features rather than economics, politics, release dates, and the like. The weapon on the hostage's back looks more like the crowbar or another melee weapon. Unless the weapon is clipping, it looks like the grey area between his torso and arm looks like the road he's laying on rather than a receiver for a gun (that and the 'tip' of what would be the barrel looks to be a different color than the receiver). The picture's a bit too low rez at this size to tell. Kinda looks like a pipe or maybe a bat/wood club of some type. If it is a gun, its civilian and probably old (that hunting rifle they teased us with a while ago), you don't normally see brass fittings on wood furniture anymore unless it's a replica or an old piece.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Idea for preventing combat logging

    I was going to say, why is the argument still continuing? It wont make combat logging stop, it'll just make it less appealing, which is the overall goal.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    US1254 Cheater

    Screenshots/videos are usually the preferred evidence. The admins of that sever can probably check the logs with that info though.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Oh, wait we're not suppose to be rioting yet? Ohhhh..whoops. *drops Guy Fawkes mask and wipes off fingerprints from looting brick*
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Idea for preventing combat logging

    I'm getting sick of you people who keep complaining about combat loggers and hackers, if I want to use an ax in a fire fight that's my business...*reads the posts* Oh... I believe the way they're going to go with combat logging is making your charicter stay in game for say 60 seconds after you log out, unless you log out in your camp or some other thing like that. So a combat logger could very well log in dead.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yeah, that looks like something canceled to me. Or maybe its a hidden message, 'Stop, Hammer time.' As in stop working and hit all the hard drives with a hammer, we're canceling. Or maybe it's a message, 'Stop all the talk of cancellation or I'll hit you with a hammer thrown from my Kerbal Space Station!' Seriously people, your looking at some obscure bit of information that's automatically generated by a 3rd party and ultimately means nothing. Lettuce all calm the fuck down and do something else in between hitting F5. Several posts should be cut from this topic and chopped up into a nice salad for Orlok...oh Na Akua, its happening again! ITS THE LOBSTERS ALL OVER! RUN FOR THE HILLS!
  16. IkaikaKekai

    dude got banned no ducking reason

    We didn't ban you. And if we did we wouldn't help you out if that's your response. Be more careful of what you download.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Military Offroad Returned Yet?

    Still don't know if it's 'imminent', and the Military Offroad has been in for a while.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    End game

    Closure? I'm not quite sure how you can get closure from the Zombie Apocalypse, or not in the way that a pathetic group of survivors like us can handle.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Item suggestions

    Err, Weapons have to be mounted to the vehicle...sorry, editing now.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Item suggestions

    Pad locks for the moment, not much you can use locks on that make sense, maybe if they add stashboxes you could set up at your camp or something combination locks shooting secondary weapons from driver seat of vehicles Last I heard something in the Arma Engine prevents shooting from vehicles ala GTA/Saints Row, weapons have to be mounted to the vehicle shooting primary or secondary from passengers seat dormant zombies that sit in buildings and cars that get up and attack when you are near could add to the game, would mostly be jumpscares or lead to people 'double tapping' bodies, which isn't a bad thing knife, hatchet, and machete assassinations I assume you mean 'press R3 for instant kill' assassinations, dont really like the sound of that car keys for cars that u find on dormant zombies near that car been discussed many times in different ways hot wiring kit IRL there's no 'kits' for hotwireing, depending on how old the car is you could simply rip open the cowl from the steering colum, rip wires and strip them with your teeth, and cross the wires that way police stations think this has been added to Chenarus + but not sure, might have just been a jail ​subway/ sower system environments to play in something Rocket wanted to do, haven't heard much else about them deer Think they've been added or are on the agenda so to speak
  21. IkaikaKekai

    More Suggestions for SA

    The zombies are not undead. They're rabid living human beings. You chop off their arms and Jaw and they'll die from blood loss. Maps take a LONG time to make from scratch/ground up, but they will be coming, just not anytime soon. Rocket has said he's wanted to do something underground, weather that be a subway or sewer system, he doesn't know yet, but for now we won't have it. Rocket wants 'events' to be player driven, while it would be cool to see the Heli actually crash, it's not something that's going to happen (at least not for a while). Thous pictures you have, that'd be years after the outbreak, while the time frame hasn't been established yet, most assume its anywhere from a few days to a couple months.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Ban~ Brothers Fault.

    Make your 'brother' pay for your new CD Key, and every key 'he' gets banned after that. Are the admins sleeping or something?
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Less Than Lethal Weapons

    Milk. Water will just make it spread it around, better than nothing, but milk is suppose to counteract the burn.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    A tip for an unwise chap

    1. You're going to die. 2. You're going to die. 3. You're gonna find a weapon, then die. 4. Don't get attached to your gear. 5. Don't get attached to your gear... You get the idea. Most people run straight for military loot to get geared up. Take your time, search house by house, never know when you'll find food, a map, compass, ect.