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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai


    Do you have a clip/magazine for the gun?
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Limited copies of DayZ Alpha

    We're already up to 150K survivors and climbing. Pretty sure keys wont be limited.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    My First SA Experience - Friendly's everywhere

    Some idiot made the mistake of running at me screaming/chanting "I'M GONNA KILL YOU BITCH RARH!" He charged with with a flashlight. I mean actually ran at me with a flash light, walked into me then ran away, I was stunned (more the w...t...f..? stunned than knocked out) and swapped to my mosin. Shot the zombie that was near us, then (I think) his friend (who I'm sorry for killing) then (I'm assuming) The Idiot himself. I think they might have survived, because the bodies disappeared quickly while I was looting (not sure if bodies persist or not) and I was missing a Medpack after I failed to loot the one wearing the helmet.
  4. You do know that for the past year and a half or so, no one from BIS has been working on the mod right? It's been other modders. Not to mention all the submods are done by different people.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    How to sleep

    I thought you just sort of moved slower for a while or stopped moving completely to replenish this? Seamed to work that way for me anyway.
  6. (\/) (°,,,°) (\/) Give SA, maybe?
  7. IkaikaKekai

    More games coming out like DayZ

    Don't buy it then. Simple. They added in 400 items because they have a team working on the thing. They don't have one guy doing everything, they have a couple guys doing modeling (items) a couple guys doing animations, couple guys doing programming, couple guys doing the map, ect. Some things are easier to do than others. Making a new road flare model is probably easier than configuring a building so that zombies don't run through walls, so the guy doing the item gets done before the guy doing the building.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    More games coming out like DayZ

    I already own 7 Days to Die (haven't played since Alpha 1), Rust looks interesting to me. I almost bought it the other night but looked at a few vids on it. Basically a PVP oriented HD Minecraft (Call me a carebear but not a big fan of PVP, for some reason DayZ is different in that regards. I don't actively seek out PVP nor do I go out with the intention of 'I'm gonna fuck up anyone I see who takes a shot at me. I usually die if they see me first and are anywhere near a half decent shot. The escape and evasion and complete randomness of it is a big thrill for me to break up the 'Okay I think there might be something I need in this next town') Nether I've kinda heard bad things about (the taint of ScamZ lingers), Project Zomboid looks interesting but I just couldn't get into the demo.
  10. Damn you Orlok! Stop teasing me! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Trains
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Base Building - Do's and Don'ts (DayZ Standalone)

    Rule of 3s. 3 Minuets without Air 3 Hours without Shelter (This is suppose to be for exposure) 3 Days without Water 3 Weeks without Food Honestly once you get your means of food and water you have a LOT of free time. Yeah you might be able to fill up a backpack with food and drink after a half hour or so in a city, that's because we tend to horde such things in a city. Now if DayZ took place completely in the woods with only the occasional hut I'd by the 'just scraping together a living with no time to dig a bunker'.But even then you might find the time once you get your 'basics' handled to make an improved campsite. What happens you kill a large boar? Are you just gonna eat your fill and let the rest of the fucker rot? No, you're gonna find some way to make as much pork jerky as you can.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Languages in dayz sa

    They don't mean just translating the signs, if anything that'll be something that won't be translated. What would need to be translated is things like directions, the 'you feel hungry/thirsty' text that pop up. Item names and their description. The books themselves. Imagine if DayZ was completely in Czech. You pick up an ax and it says: požární sekery špatný stav.You pick up a can of beans and it says, Může fazolí, infikovaných cholerou.If you can't read you're gonna have a bad time, especially with that can of beans.
  13. For some reason that makes me more sad than Standalone not being out...
  14. Is that photoshop or can I actually buy one of thous from you? Might not match my République de la Lémurie freelance layout I have in mind but I want one anyway.
  15. IkaikaKekai


    Kamenka doesn't have a supermarket unless it's a custom server. The only 'ghost town' I know of is somewhere in the north, no screaming other than zombies, and was mostly stone buildings that were partly torn down. Hope they still have it in Chenarus+. Someone was trolling you and/or you were on a custom server that made Kamenka into a ruins and added sounds.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Languages in dayz sa

    I believe it's already been said, but there will be fan driven localization, somewhat like Minecraft before the 'Afrikaans Incident'.
  17. Have you tried porn? Should you not be of legal age in your country for such things please disregard. Also, perhaps we need a soundproof room on these forums where people can scream random things and have a cry, without being covered with 6 feet of dirt (perhaps an open grave?) or fear of repercussions.
  18. I know he won't put a limit on the keys, but he still only wants people who are serious about actually testing to buy it when it's alpha, rather than the 'dis gam suxs i wan my parens monies back' crowd. I also seriously doubt if they know if it'll be out this year or not. Hell it could release tomorrow after a quick review to see if it's good enough (doubt it) or it could take another month or two to fix one game breaking bug. I'm kinda getting antsy myself, but I've got other things to distract me with, not the least of which is trying to find a job.
  19. No PR? Dunno about you but it had enough PR given it was pretty much a scam, and it didn't fail because of not enough PR, it failed because it was a rushed cash grab that made shittonnes of promises and hype. "BUY NOW AND GET 50000 INGAME Z DOLLARZ! FOR A EXTRA $50 BUY A DEMO COPY FOR EACH OF YOUR FRIENDS! HERE LOOK AT THESE PRETTY PICTURES, What? NO, fuck no you can't see the videos..." If anything it failed because of too much negative PR. ScamZ rant aside, Rocket doesn't want hundreds of thousands of keys being sold when it's still in Alpha, when the game is at its most (playable) shitiness. I'm not even sure if he wants to sell a thousand keys when it's in alpha. He wishes the hype train would derail and the passengers would move on to the next 'shiny object' so that the people who want to test are left. I mean lets not sell the chicken before the egg is fertilized. Let's wait till at least Beta if not Release (actual release release, where that 0.x turns into 1.x) before we start having DayZ commercials on TV. Hype can be a bad thing, so can PR, Rocket can't say a word in public (and that includes the internet) without someone reading/screaming at the top of their lungs on any message board they haven't been banned from yet: 'RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED: (insert random date here)'
  20. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ SA Idea *Suspense*

    If say, Rocket found whatever was blocking them from having drivebys and fixed it, I would say the Driver should not be allowed to use a weapon (except maybe a pistol, and be highly inaccurate with it). Passengers should be hindered as well when fireing from a car, with quite a bit of sway depending on how fast the car is going. If you can't easily manuiver the gun outside the window and aim, you shouldn't be able to use it in the car, IE no AS50s or large machien guns while doing 60KPH in a skoda. You shouldn't be able to just 'snap back' and have a 180 firing arc. I'd still rather see mounted weapons as opposed to drive bys. Even if it's an AKM duck tapped to a broomstick in the back of a pickup truck or UAZ with the top down.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    Could be craftable, after all, your standard water bottle filled with scraps of paper would pass as a makeshift silencer (like 1-4 uses). Sure we can make alright silencers with hand tools or a small workshop (like one you'd find in a home garage, vise, handsaw, drill, ect).
  22. How do you know they don't drink? Sure they might not be able to recognize much less open a can of soda or a bottle of water, but that doesn't mean they don't/can't drink water when they need to.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Melee Damage : StandAlone

    They can tweak it when it gets released, its not like the values are set in stone. A blow to the head will not instantly kill someone unless you compromise the skull (aka make the brain go squish), that's not to say they won't be having a bad day, but it won't be an instant kill. And unless you have whoever your hitting with the bat's head against a solid surface, the head is going to move to in the same direction you are hitting it from. As we said before the melee weapons are location based hits now, and not cursor based. So just because your aiming at the head and swinging does not mean your hitting the head, your hitting the arm, or the shoulder, or whatever the weapon runs into first. Also most ballistics vests can only stop 1-2 rounds of non AP ammo before it's compromised (especially a civilian vest which is what most media/press types would be considered/able to afford). It's not an EOD suit that can take a point blank impact from a grenade. Again this can all be tweeked or retextured later on for balance.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    Norris, as mentioned before the M4 was turned up for demo/playing purposes. They probably did the M4 first because it can easily do so many attachments and that's the 'base'. Most of the weapons we'll have will probably only take a bayonet and a scope, and possibly duck tapeing on some other things light flash lights. The M4's barrel shroud can be removed/replaced, the stock can be replaced, possibily the rear grips at one point. A typical M4 would have the front lug (bayonet/suppressor) the hand guard with up to 4 rails (grip, flashlight, laser, possibly a front sight or backup iron sights), the sight rail, and the butt stock. Most AKs are not that easily customizeable. EDIT If he is, you'll also have to picture same eloquent hillbilly with a cutie mark tattoo.
  25. ...Ninja's didn't use Katana. They would use straight edge short swords normally. And a quote I like to use 'You pretty much need to be a Samurai to properly use a Katana. Can't just pick one up and start chopping heads off.'