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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Are the rumors true ?

    In 2-3 years maybe.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Browsing the interwebs has made me happy.....

    I hope his mom's credit card is on 2000 websites by now. Good luck with that refund.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ is a government elderly training program

    This does not bode well for the old folks. "I'm hungry..." "I JUST FED YOU SOME GOD DAMN BEANS OLD MAN! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "Shoulda had that vasectomy ya little bastard." "FINE, FUCK!" *grabs a funnel and a can of beans, dumping it down the old mans throat, then gets a water hose and turns it on, leaving the old man alone*
  4. IkaikaKekai

    5 Magnums

    I'll just leave this here...
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Few wider inland rivers/lakes.

    Think Utes is 'turned off' at the moment since it's not possible to easily reach it. From what I've been told doing rivers would be impossible in Chenarus with the current engine (at least for now). Any 'rivers' would have to be at sea level for the entire length of the river, which wouldn't be realistic.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    How many calibers should there be?

    There should be many many calibers, there should be so many that you have to actually learn the difference between a 7.62 x 54r and a 7.62 NATO, or .45 ACP, .45 GAP, and .45 Colt. And thous incompatible rounds should jam/malfunction the gun they are put into. Try loading 9mm Makarov into that shiny M9 you just found? Click...Click.clickclickclick "Stupid gun!"
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Feeling cheated out of money.

    The ones that are going to help you are going to need a bit more information. Your computer's specs for one, I'd say post them and verify the files through steam while you wait for a satisfactory answer.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    5 Magnums

    Think you could fit at least 2 more in there.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    5 Magnums

    Pulling a Blackbeard are we, God?
  10. IkaikaKekai


    There will be no non-zombie NPCs in DayZ...Ever. Mods, maybe, but the base game...never. Unless you count the Doppelgangers...but technically thous are player controlled...
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Something special happened in Kamyshovo today...

    That was, something...This game needs Bards now.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Bandannas as facemask

    You already can, split into rags. Bandanna use suggestions: 'Hat' (current use) Bandage (current use as well) Mask (OP's suggestion) Both as a makeshift environment protection as well as Identity protection (bandit mask) Armband (mine and other's suggestions) Form of Identification for groups. Possibly add in a sewing kit to customize armbands further for clans (logos and such). Temperature control/neckband; people dip a bandanna in water, fold it over a few times and wrap it around their neck to cool their body. Blindfold; gives players a black screen, burlap sacks will do this soon Gag; muffles/blocks player from chatting (voice and text)
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Hosting own servers later? Standalone

    I would not expect to have our own servers (meaning in our own box rather than through a server provider) anytime soon. Maybe not even until after Release (when the version number changes from 0.xxx to 1.xxx). As for making our own maps I don't see us being able to do that for quite some time, and will more than likely be difficult due to no mission editor (as a means of making it harder for hackers to make new hacks). I would imagine when it gets to a point when they feel they can release such things without giving hackers a tool to use against them they'll enable/release them. Right now to speculate would probably just end up being the infamous 'I heard they were gonna do X Y & Z' bullshit, but I would imagine that time (day night cycle) could be adjusted, as well as loot tables. I honestly don't see DayZ (SA) Origins or whatever happening anytime soon, at least not in any official (or unofficial) way.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    I'm sick and don't know what to do

    You probably ate rotten fruit or something. Another strange thing I noticed is when I clean my wounds with alcohol tincture it makes me sick for an hour or so till 'my wounds are clean.'
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Item Spawning

    I've found M4s in a few civilian places, and I've yet to find a mosin in a military spawn.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Bandannas as facemask

    They should also add an option as arm/headbands as well.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Related? Yes... no maybe so?

    I thought it was a good show, and of course it was staged, it was the whole premise of the show, they even called it 'the Experiment' several times, can't exactly do a 'real' Apocalypse reality show. Lots of things they could pull from the show, but it would be mostly related to basebuilding/bunkers. The use of Gassifers as an alternate means of fuel (they used the gassifer to fuel the engine to get most of their power from, then they 'found' some solar panels and they were getting enough from that that they didn't need the engine anymore. They converted a few vehicles to run on wood gas (same gassifer principle). They also made a scout vehicle/pipe buggy that was electric. During the second 'season' the survivors made bio-diesel from rotting pigs they found in a delivery van (zombie-diesel anyone?) If i remember correctly they made a UAV balloon using computer fans and some other parts. *EDIT* and honestly I still want to make that electric water purifier they built one episode (think it was basically a teslacoil)
  18. IkaikaKekai

    What to expect in the future of DayZ SA

    I don't think it's (the most) current. The oldest comment is 7 months old.
  19. This is the 'fix'. In all that time you keep respawning you could have geared up and gotten to Balota, or even NWAF or NEAF.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    painting on the floor

    Nope, still looks like it's there, just no balls.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    where to find saline bags?

    They're sort of random. I found one in a bar once.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    painting on the floor

    Probably just did it as an easter egg.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Gear gone?

    AFAIK it's a bug, transferring to certain servers does not transfer your char info over, sort of like a private hive. Think it has to do with the providers, I'd say find one server and stick to it.
  24. It's a bit imersion breaking IMO. Tatoos overall sound like a good idea to add in, but something like 'Band!t 4 Lyf3' on the stomach or 'Alpher Tester' sound a bit silly. Perhaps some small, non removable items on your person, IE a set of dog tags or a ring that your character wears but can't be looted.