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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Bow and Fishing, Mining

    Your talking about taking a piece of Iron and making a working car engine with very limited tools...I really don't know if you're trolling or just that naive. Realism is the key in DayZ, we're not gonna be able to just craft stuff from (literal) raw materials. Watch this, this is a guy who knows what he's doing, has all the equipment he needs (which we won't have in the zombie apoc) and has a peice of prepared metal already and it took him quite a few hours to just make a tomahawk. (I plan on buying one of these from him btw) http://youtu.be/PIhJVPu7PG4
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Shotgun speedloader

    Never found one to experiment with myself, would imagine its a 'magazine'/clip for the shotgun. Might be a bug, might be intended, we probably won't know till the next patch.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Favorite Melee weapon ( s )

    I prefer the Axes myself mostly because I'm a zombie killer. If knives did the same or similar damage to an Ax I would probably pack one and a 'less than lethal' weapon to deal with players (bat/shovel, ect), if they ad in that the melee weapons have other purposes (shovel for digging, crowbar for prying, ect) that would probably affect my decision to pick a weapon.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Books and Bandits?

    One day, they'll find dead bandits and spawn killers bodies on the coast, highlighted with their own flashlights, and their pants missing, with a book placed in their inventory such as 'Crime and Punishment.' Or 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women' if they were one of thous jackasses that pretend to rape female chars.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Gunshots and zombie spawns

    From my understanding, when they get zombies working properly, zombies won't respawn if there's players nearby. So as in the mod where if you had a backpack full of Lee ammo in the middle of cherno and didn't miss one shot, the zombies would keep respawning faster than you could kill all of them with the diner bell. SA will be so that if you clear a town it will stay cleared (not counting wandering zombies) at least until you left the area.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Books and Bandits?

    Another good one. Wonder if they'll ever add Journy to the West, I got a copy IRL but it's (very) poorly translated. Good, more for us...One of these Lives after I get fully hydrated and fed I'll just get a melee weapon and a pack and go around picking up books I want to read. I can hear the bandit that finds me reading in a cabin and kills me and finds one can of food, a bottle of water, and baseball bat, and a mountain pack full of books already.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    [Video] Stupid easy way to kill Zeds...

    "God damn, why wont they die?" Because you're hitting them in the legs...Stand and fight, go for the head or upper torso.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Books and Bandits?

    Thank you.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Patch regularity

    He's covering his bases (and rightly so, everything he says is taken out of context by someone somewhere at all times). I remember a while ago (this was before Everest I think, hell this might have been back when they wanted to release 'by the end of December' in 2012) he talked about pushing out at least a minor update every week. He was a bit ambitious back then and I think now he knows he can't just push stuff out so he's being careful with what he says. If they push out a 'major' update every month and minor bugfixes whenever they're ready and stable I'd be alright with it.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Books and Bandits?

    No joke, found two copies of it (separate lives of course) but never had a chance to read either. I even went to a used bookstore IRL to try and pick up a copy, couldn't find it.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Bow and Fishing, Mining

    Pretty sure bows, crossbows, and fishing will be added in to Standalone. Mining? Mining is rather counterproductive to surviving, as you use a lot of energy and resources for very little gain in comparison. (Assuming you have a yard) go out into your yard with a shovel. Start digging. You'll probably need a pickax eventually, but let me know when you find iron ore or anything useful (buried pipes and cables do not count). Okay skip all that, now you've got a chunk of iron ore...or at least you think it's iron ore...now what? This isn't Minecraft where you can make a forge out of rocks and just toss charcoal inside and you'll have a nice shiny iron ingot free of impurities and ready to work into something usable, which is a whole other set of tools and resources. What are you going to make now that you have some iron? A gun? A sword?
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Patch regularity

    Let them put stuff out when it's ready. Otherwise we get either rushed shit or this Changelog:0.3014819.2841 Fixed: Typo in Book: Vindication of Women's Rights. Changed word 'he' in paragraph 2 page 204 to 'the'.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Books and Bandits?

    I'm still looking for a copy of Call of Cthulhu. When I find one I usually die before I get a chance to read it.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Doors - randomly open / closed on server reset

    I don't care if all the doors are open, I check. I just check more carefully, never know what someone missed, doesn't want, doesn't have room for, or left behind.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

    I use the lore and physiology because whenever I say it bluntly: 'Rocket said NO many times and very loudly.' The next line is always 'well zombies from x universe raise from the dead'. Here's another reason, this one technical: Player models are much more complex than zombies, consisting of multiple layers as opposed to the zombie's 1-2 layers (I think). That equals lag on the server...now think of how many people suicide in a feeble attempt to get a better spawn, the servers would probably explode under the stress, catch the buildings they're housed in on fire, wiping out the internet as a whole and bringing about a new dark age as our electronically dependent population gets unplugged and goes into withdrawals and die in the riots. I'd say I'd be the king of my District but considering I'm probably the only person in this valley with a computer with parts made in this decade they'ed probably band together to capture me to repair their stolen Iphones, which is why I need to get money to buy weapons and explosives to defend myself...what were we talking about now?
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Don't publish additions or changes in updates

    We have patch notes and we still get about 5 threads per item when someone 'discovers' them, and that's not counting the 'what dis thing do?' threads.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Lanterns not working

    Bug. Usually happens after you log in or out with a lantern in your inventory. The canister is still good but the lantern is bugged, dump it (preferably in the middle of some tall grass so no one else picks it up) and find a new one.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

    We are Immune to the Zombie Virus and the Zombie Virus only, whatever infection we get from them is not the zombie virus, (after I stopped playing the mod they split infection into two types, don't remember the names), hell for all I know we can get chicken pox from zombies. And it does mater what type they are, Walking Dead zombies are dead bodies that are reanimated, DayZ zombies are living people that have become infected with a virus and have gone rabid, which is why we can kill them with non head shots.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Airplane supply drop?

    Sorry, ment to say only zombies and animal AI would happen. Think I fixed it.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

    Will never happen, no player zombies in any form (playable or AI). These are not Walking Dead type zombies, they're 28 Days later type zombies, alive and rabid. Players are Immune to the virus.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Airplane supply drop?

    Non-Zombie or non-animal AI will NEVER happen. That means no AI Pilots, no AI snipers, just a truck on its side in a ditch along the road loaded with some russian offbrand twinkie.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Total reset or bug?

    Sounds like you won't get it restored as there seams to have been a wipe, such is the alpha.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    PvE and PvP Server

    Won't truly happen, even on private hives when they become available. There'll always be someone who'll join thous servers with the sole intent of killing everyone they find, no mater what the server rules are. Unless an option arises for server hosts to turn PVP OFF (as in weapons won't damage players) there will always be the risk of getting killed, even on the friendliest private hive with the toughest admins constantly watching for PVP. As of right now no public servers can't ban for PVP (not without risk of getting reported and losing their server without a refund anyway)
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Every game revive i spawn around solinichy , kamenka !?

    It's not a bug, it's a feature.