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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai


    Can they Legally do that though? Hack programs are one thing but blocking a Legit program? It kinda enters that can of worms area, like banning all 'underage' players. I would say no but I'm no lawyer/legal expert.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Is There A Story To Day Z?

    They aren't undead. It's been confirmed more than once by Rocket.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Question About Known Issues

    Known issues usually mean that it's current. Right now I know people are complaining about tents not spawning loot. Some might be the experimental branch only though (though there's probably a lot of unknown issues too). It's probably just their way of saying 'yes we know about it, stop bitching and we'll get to work.'
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable Compass

    You'd need a magnet wouldn't you? Compasses seam 'common' enough. I rarely use them to be honest (then again I know most of the map and have my ways to travel)
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    I don't know what my blood type is IRL either. Honestly they should be more common in medkits, after all how often do you find 'home' medkits (I assume they're home kits) with kits to do blood transfusions in them? We get some simple First Aid kits from Homeland Security at the trainyard, they contain band aids, bandage gauze, and some simple meds (cold, alergy, asprin, ect) (all brand name stuff of course).
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Is There A Story To Day Z?

    The 'lore' has not fully been established, other than a few key items. The players (survivors) are immune to the Zombie Virus (or whatever is making people zombies), the zombies are not dead or reanimated, but rabid/crazy. We are in the former Soviet Country of Chenarus. After that it's up to you. I am the only survivor of the IIS Ewa Maru, a cargo vessel belonging to the Private Military Contractor Ikaika Industries. I was employed as a Driver and Mechanic for the Company, and was on the way to Takistan Via the Black Sea and overland routes through Russia as part of a UN contract to help with a 'Medical Emergency' in Takistan. Along the way we picked up an Ikaika Industries 'Black Team' which was to provide an Armed Presence. A fire on board damaged navigation communications equipment and some of the crew began to take ill. After a failed attempt to quarantine then cull the infected all that was left was a member of the Black Team and me. The other guy knew he wasn't going to make it and committed suicide, leaving me alone on a non functioning ship drifting in the black sea. After spotting land I launched a lifeboat and tried to get to shore being heavily armed, the boat capsized and I lost all my equipment and washed up on shore.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Wider Variety Of Drugs?

    Would 70+ year old Morphine still be viable? We currently have Morphine Autoinjectors, which strangely still heal broken legs (think that's a mistake, should be splint only)
  8. IkaikaKekai

    It Happened Again :(

    And it'll keep happening, if not from planned wipes then from glitches. NEVER get attached to your gear.
  9. IkaikaKekai


    Rocket has mentioned farming/growing crops in the past, but we'll probably have to wait till (when/if) player bases are added in.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Building Structures.

    You were probably watching vids of a mod of the mod. Standalone has no player construction at all yet, not even placing down tents or barbwire, which you can do in the mod. Player construction is something that's wanted, but that might not make it in till Beta, if not later. But who knows, they might have a breakthrough and have base construction hashed out earlier.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Penalty For Hopping?

    I'm somewhat evil, I wouldn't have a que timer if you log out and change servers too quickly. There would be a timer (300 seconds) where if you change servers your character is reset. If you reconnect to the same server there would be no penalty.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Pve Mission Loot ?

    There won't be any missions added to the game.
  13. IkaikaKekai


    They were never going to add in sidechat, and this was the intent for Radios/walkies all along. They also plan to add in Internet Radio Stations, and there was talk about adding in headsets headphones microphones to combine with them, being able to turn on a radio, place it on the ground and either listen in (have it transmit) or broadcast on it. This may change but at one point Rocket wanted all this.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    'No-Fuel' Vehicles and Moby Dick...

    Endgame Idea: Ambergris is the cure for the zombie Virus...
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Players Become Zombies After Death

    With what little Lore has been released about DayZ, the zombies are living infected humans, and the players are the 1% or so of the population that is completely immune to the zombie virus (confirmed by Dean). Being Immune we cannot catch the virus, therefore even if the virus did reanimate the dead we would be the only dead bodies that say down since we're immune. As mentioned above the technical reason why we can't be zombies when we die is because zombies have 1-2 layers on them (body and clothes) where as players are multiple layers (body, pants, shirt/jacket, gloves, helmet, backpack, and an AI as such would lag the server more than (especially with the amount of 'man I spawned in Solnichny again, I better kill myself' players we have.)
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Adding Vehicles Sooner

    Sounds like you're just lazy.
  17. IkaikaKekai


    Thous light posts by all rights shouldn't be working at all, unless they're on battery backups with a small solar cell, which I highly doubt.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    I recommend being able to kill zombies this way

    Not 100% on Hawaii Gun laws but pretty sure a bayonet is illegal here (doesn't mean I'm not gonna have a couple buried in an ammo can out in the yard) that and I need to get my license first. Being Hawaii the price on ANYTHING jumps up, even if I buy online the shipping'll be a pain in the ass (assuming they ship to Hawaii, many places don't just for simplicity).
  19. IkaikaKekai

    [Suggestion] Zombie Types / Pesdo-special infected

    Not all games on Steam get a Steam Workshop. And it's not because 'a few vocal players don't like the idea', the guy making the game doesn't like the idea. While yes there would be some muscular zombies/infected, but they wouldn't turn into the Incredible Hulk, at best they'ed be Arnold in the 80s. The Zombie Virus isn't going to develop mutations, if anything it'll hinder the infected. A fat guy isn't going to suddenly turn into a walking bomb. Zombies already sort of 'pounce' on players occasionally, but that doesn't mean we're gonna have 1/10 zombies start stalking around like wolves or move faster than a human can physically move. We use the term zombies but really these are living people that are rabid/insane/crazy and lacking in mental facilities, they're not gonna suddenly turn into superheros because a disease ate away part of their brain (or whatever the true lore is)
  20. IkaikaKekai

    protective cases should be,,,,, protective

    Never really tested it, might have to put a couple books in case, put the case in my pants and a couple books in my pack and go swimming and see if the individual items get wet/damp
  21. IkaikaKekai

    I recommend being able to kill zombies this way

    ...I want to buy a Mosin and bayonet now for some reason.
  22. You'd be surprised how easily you can screw things up. While it'd be harder to sabotage tracks than with the right tools, a 45 ton switcher can be derailed by a large branch (2-3 inches in diameter). Tracks only need to be a few inches out of gauge and the loco will do the rest of the work. We had tank traps in the mod, one of thous arranged the right way in the roadbed would do a lot of damage.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    [Suggestion] Zombie Types / Pesdo-special infected

    'Special' zombies I think are pretty much gonna be limited to zombies wearing protective gear. IE a construction worker being slightly more resistant to a blow the head, zombie soldiers with flack jackets and helmets being able to take 1 or 2 more shots. Basically your EOD suit zombie will be about it (though I doubt they'll have EOD suits), 'Screamers' or any of your standard special zombies (spitters, tanks, climbers, boomers, ect ect) will not be in the game.
  24. More likely to find them in 'industrial' spawns, sheds, garages, warehouses, ect.
  25. I don't mean to sound anti-train, but we need to think about this realistically. The main reason they started with the Take On Helicopters engine (what everyone refered to as Arma2.5) before it evolved into the DayZ engine was so Helis would be much more complex to start up and fly (I got the demo, and actually bought it when it was on sale, if they make trains as realistic to start as helis I'll be happy). There are many factors working against the trains though, yet also a few factors working for them. It's very likely the trains would actually be in running condition as long as no one screwed with them during the outbreak, as compared to a car which would probably have been looted or broken into. I could definitely see Clans or groups holding the rail lines and using one of the locos and a few wagons (I believe is the proper term for European cars) to ferry supplies and people around to map. If they add 'bulk' resources to the map for base building (logs, lumber, plywood, cement, rocks, ect) locos with a wagon attached could be one of the ways of transporting that around. A clan rolls into Electro, secures the train yard and loads up building supplies into a boxcar/flatcar, picks up a tanker in Cherno and fills it with fuel at stops along the line. Get in a fight with a group of bandits/rival clan that has another train they're using, put that train on a siding (solnichny) then go to Berezino where another clan memeber is waiting with a truck to haul off the building supplies they gathered to the site of their base. Or hell, a Hero could load up a passenger car with medical supplies and roam the lines looking for people to help.