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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    SKS grenade launcher

    40mm grenade launchers are more common, and sadly one of the reasons why rifle grenades are considered out of style. I'm not against rifle grenades, in my typical american thinking I thought 'oh shit, old grenades, they probably destroyed em after so many years'. Then I remembered, 'Oh right, Russians stockpile weapons like hoarders stockpile newspapers', "*horrible Russian Accent* Is not old, is okay, give to Ukraine troops and give Russian troops new stuff."
  2. IkaikaKekai

    SKS grenade launcher

    They might have just had a real Yugo model laying around the workshop to model instead of a 'True' Russian SKS or even a Chinese Type 56 copy.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    SKS grenade launcher

    Rifle Grenades are pretty damn rare nowadays. This one looks like it took special grenades and used blanks to fire, so it wasn't just like you could hang any grenade in front and pull the trigger. EDIT Found this relevant. And the guy made the dummy he was using.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Mauser K98 Rifle

    Didn't they already show off pics of both the model and a player in game with one?
  5. IkaikaKekai

    New Helmets

    ... So is this twitter or a forums now? I can't tell.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    I want to repair and operate that T-34 in Berezino.

    Good luck finding parts for that empty shell, if it even is/was a real tank. Not to mention getting it down from it's pedestal without breaking the tank again.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    A super rare weapon spawn idea

    Ew...an MRI DE, I'd rather have an IMI DE. Also if I found one of these in game my first order of business would be to find a spray can...
  8. IkaikaKekai

    What kind of zombie system are we talking about here?

    The basics of 'The Virus' as laid down by Rocket. It does not kill or reanimate the dead. It makes the living go crazy/rabid. All players are Immune to the virus, so there's no chance of getting 'The Infection' from the zombies or players coming back/playing as zombies. The virus does not cause any sort of mutations, so there won't be any special zombies that spit venom or explode. The only reason one zombie might be bullet resistant is because it was a soldier and is wearing body armor and a helmet. I would think the only reason a zombie would blow up is because it was carrying a grenade or other explosive and the player shot the device (dunno if they plan to add that type of zombie, just using it as an example). As for the rest...well Rocket has hinted at it a bit, but is leaving some of the details vague. Mostly how the virus started, if it was man made or naturally occurring (there's a few RL diseases that could become a 'zombie virus' under the right conditions, such as Rabies if it became more infectious or airborne). It was said Rocket's brother, who's a virologist, wrote up a paper describing the virus and how it could be real, this may or may not make it into the game somehow (I'd love to see a copy of the paper for myself)
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    Got what they deserved. I'm not saying that because they're sexist pigs or attempted virtual rapists, but because they were bandits (them being VR rapists is just a bonus).
  10. IkaikaKekai

    USS Khe Sanh

    Not a bad idea. Perhaps the way to give a reason for why there's western guns in Chenarus. Dunno if they can make it so that say M4s will only spawn on the Carrier, but that would be nice. It'd have to either hard to get up into (as in far offshore, maybe anchored rather than run aground, like a couple KM south of Kamenka). Maybe something to add to the exclusive loot spawns; Only 'Russian/Soviet' gear spawns at the military bases USS Khe Sanh is the only place to get US gear (hard to get to but in abundance) Heli Crashes are the only place to get British Gear (Crashed Merlins I'm thinking?) Of course this would not apply to civilian weapons, since by all rights they should spawn in civilian settings.
  11. Follow the instructions here ( http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ ) to report their asses, and they'll lose their sever without a refund. They are against the rules but there really isn't anyone going around (with power) and checking said servers.
  12. IkaikaKekai


    One person can do that solo. The one I work with can fit 6 adults (or 20 Filipino workers, as was the custom in Hawaii in the old days)
  13. IkaikaKekai

    do loots spawn at gas stations?

    Found a box of ammo in one once. I wouldn't trust DayZDB atm since they list all buildings and not whats really giving off loot.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Ive been banned! (dont know where to post)

    You cheat on facebook games? Seriously? That coupled with Orlok's findings I'd say you're not gonna get any help from Battle Eye or VAC, who handles the bans (DayZ and Steam respectively). $30 is rather cheep for a life lesson if you're not a script kiddie, Don't let others screw around on your computer. This can range from your annoying sibling writing "I'm Gay" on your Facebook Account to a douche bag cousin buying shit with your funds. I'm still trying to wrap my head around cheating on a facebook game...
  15. SWEET JEBUS! The Thing from The Thing just learned how to drive! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES AND TEST YOUR BLOOD!
  16. Rocket would like 1000 players per server? Well yeah, that's a want. I would like a serious relationship with Aria Giovanni, that's not gonna happen, though there's probably a better chance that the servers will someday be able to handle 1000 players. Honestly I don't think we'll have more than 150 per server, unless they made each server a mega server that contained several maps with travel to and from each (IE Going from Chenarus to Takistan, or the 'Western Map' Rocket wants to do later on), Private hives will come eventually, and you can't just throw money at a problem and it'll be solved.
  17. That's a poor use of the fresh oranges in the zombie apocalypse, but a good use of rotten oranges to make vodka! You probably won't be driving too well drunk either.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Suggestion from a survivor!

    Bandits kill to survive? Since when? Every bandit I've seen has had ammo, food, and water coming out of their ears. There's no real way to fix banditry or people who kill 'for teh lulz', other than turning PVP off entirely (as in players cannot harm/kill another player, no mater how many times they shoot or stab them in the head).
  19. Yes, I have to agree, there should be a lot of cars, but a rarity of parts, so while there might be say 200 cars total, realistically there would only be around 10 functional ones at any given time (possibly more with hard work and LOTS of scavenging). I'm not saying there should be 50 Camo UAZs or Armored SUVs per server, I'm talking that the majority of cars should be civilian (Skodas and the like) and you'd most likely get one working car by salvaging parts form many other cars (of the same model).
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Book suggestions/wishlist:

    The Zombie Survival Guide! Personally: A Military History of Sovereign Hawai'i. Doubt it but hey I can dream about the day I go bandit and handcuff people and force them to listen to me read them the details of the (unfortunately) failed counterrevolution and how it could have worked.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    should i log in?

    If characters are gonna wipe it won't mater how long you wait, it'll wipe. Rules 1-6 of DayZ, never get attached to your gear.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    The talking zombie, a real Dayz story

    THANK YOU! Starting to wounder how shitty the schools people went to must have been if they keep calling it a school.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Anyone else paranoid?

    Yes. I too have problems, back in the mod I would often freak out when I heard a car/plane/heli pass overhead, sometimes my CPU fan would rev up and I'd wonder if there was a Heli nearby on to me.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Couple things need to be addressed

    Really? I thought this was a completed game? /sarcasm. They will be addressed in time, zombies are being worked on, some of the melee impact sounds have already been replaced (not all) and I'm not sure what you mean about the confusion of weapon attachments.