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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Vehicle- R.LM

    A Russian Riding Mower is known as a Skoda with 2-3 push mowers mounted to the front, a pair of scythes mounted 2 inches off the ground on each side, and a bottle of vodka plugging a hole in the roof (also known as a cup holder)
  2. SO thats why I keep seeing dead bodies with their pants removed.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Use Weapon Attachments Without Needing The Weapon

    You can use some of the Attachments already. Bayonets can stab (I'm sure I killed a zombie by sneaking up behind it and stabbing it in the head once with a mosin bayonet, but that was a couple of patches ago) and weapon lights can be used like flashlights. I would imagine now that binocs have been added in, unattached scopes will probably get their turn.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Train Suggestion!

    There's a couple of mods that have working trains (to varying levels of success IMO), one is even a mod for DayZ. I sadly don't know the names of them, but digging around the 'train' topics on this forum will probably scrounge them up.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    custom made weapons, attachments and armor

    That would be too OP, you need to mount Kitchen Sink launchers on Helicopters.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Zombie models and actions

    Fat Zombies/players may come, but from what I remember they can't just make a zombie/player fat, they'ed have to make a 'fat skeleton' and get someone fat to do mocap. Otherwise it'd just look like someone wearing a fatsuit. As for crawling/walking zombies, I think they'll be in eventually. As of right now zombies are more placeholders till they get the 'final' AI done, and what was mentioned was zombie 'life cycles'. I'm sure it's been mentioned more in detail but say the weaker/older zombies would be crawlers/walkers, as opposed to the stronger zombies that not only chase us at full speed but leap at us. Then again I don't know for sure, I haven't been paying much attention to Devblogs and the like lately (haven't even seen the Rezzed footage).
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Remington 870

    Other than a few 'Taticool' parts and a shorter barrel/longer tube, I don't see much difference. Now I'm always a fan of wood grain so I'd prefer that on mine, but don't see why having both would be a problem.
  8. Question: Are you talking about the Mod or Standalone? With the mod you have a couple of options 'launcher' wise. Otherwise your SOL.
  9. Don't know if they nerfed it in .44 but the farming hoe seams to be pretty damn good. I got a damaged one and the only reason it seamed like zombies took two hits was because of lag.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    0.44 being pushed to Stable

    They should be pushing .44 (or whatever it is) to stable this maintenance period. Patchnotes'll probably be posted soon if they haven't already.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    how about some gore!?

    First of all, not that type of zombie. It's been said (and confirmed) time and time again these are infected humans who are rabid, not the undead/reanimated. If you tie one down and slit it's wrists' it'll die. If you shoot it in the heart, it'll die. Anything that can kill a human, will kill one of these zombies. Also, it's an international playerbase, meaning many nations, and many rules/laws to contend with. Realistic violence is enough to get it banned in many countries. Games that have gore such as TF2 get around these laws by having the local versions have gears and springs rather than blood and guts (because dismembering a robot and using it's head as a basket ball is okay, but do the same thing with a human and there'll be people screaming "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" as they throw molotov cocktails through plate glass windows.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    custom made weapons, attachments and armor

    Stock mounted cappuccino maker. Maybe a side rail toaster oven/mag holder (make sure it's turned off for that part, or don't, I won't be using it). I believe it was said that a sodacan suppressor would not work (at all). There will be more 'hand made' things we'll be able to craft down the line, just give it time.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    no thermal snipers

    They aren't going to be added, stop worrying. They have a 'file' in the game files that says AS-50 TWS (thermal), but if you open it it just spells out Trollololol.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    Does everyone just skip over the posts that prove it was a hoax? You open up the file that says AS-50 TWS and the model spells out Trollololo.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Train Suggestion!

    Trains are actually fairly easy to derail. A single 1-2" diameter branch can derail a 45 ton locomotive if it's placed on the tracks. Now add a metric shittone of bodies and you have a train on its side and more than likely a dead or soon to be dead engineer.n
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Train Suggestion!

    Alright I've see it now, they would have thous in areas where the right of way is more or less abandoned. I don't know what the Soviet/Chenarus equivalent of a Speeder would be, but that would be the closest to that. Most of the lighter ones can be de/rerailled by hand fairly quickly and be off the tracks in a couple of mins. Chenarus is a bit more developed than that, and while I've seen no evidence of it they would either have commuter service (one loco pulling 2-3 hi-cap passenger cars) or Motorcoaches/RDCs (passenger cars equipped with motors and a cab) which could operate independently or as units/with unpowered coaches.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Train Suggestion!

    Not really, it would take a little bit of work but there are sidings and spurs for one train to go on while the other passes, I haven't done a count myself but there is more than one loco on the map. IE you have your heavy loot train of one engine and 2 boxcars (storage). You see a loco and some cars up ahead blocking the track, so you connect to that (if it's operable) and hook up the MU hoses, go till you find a siding or spur, disconnect and put the 'spare' train on the siding, and continue on your merry way. It's a diesel railway, as you mentioned there's no services for steam (no water towers, no coaling towers (though they could use oil ((and by extension diesel)) fired locos), ash pits ect) and there's no overhead gantry or 3rd rail (3rd rail would NOT be viable for a right of way such as this) and while the technology of 'battery operated' locos is improving, it's still limited to switcher engines operating in yards, not on the main line. Rocket and the team has done research on this, most power plants cannot go more than a week (some won't even go more than a few hours) with no human interaction, even a solar plant (photovoltaic being the most 'hands off') would need someone flipping a switch or rerouting power once in a while. Given the condition of things we're at least a month after Z Day. AFAIK Electro has the only power plant for the region, and it is not nuclear. Also the video still won't work.
  18. IkaikaKekai


    I think it was the USS Kesan (Spelling questionable) which at least in the Arma2 universe was stationed off Utes for the campaign.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Hero's pick there own spawn locations.

    I'm a bit too tired and lazy to hunt down the link, but Rocket mentioned it at one of the last shows he attended (Rezzed I think) that later on they would try to implement a 'clan spawn' system to go with base building, so that providing certain criteria you would spawn either in your base or near it. I believe he just kinda mentioned it or had it as a bullet point, and didn't go into detail (they might not even use it, pretty sure the exact words were 'we're considering it')
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Train Suggestion!

    Link is dead. The condition of the locos on the tracks actually look to be pretty good, the thing I'm against is that they'ed be a bitch and a half to fuel up, and their not exactly easy to turn on and operate. Motorcars/coaches would be easier to get going, along with MOW Speeders or even handcars, but you'd still be blocked by the cars/wagons and engines on the tracks.
  21. *holds flashlight under chin* And after he dumped the glitched ammo he found into the lake, he was kicked from the server...and it said GLOBAL BAN!...No? Screw it I suck at scary stories.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Claim an abandoned building

    They're going to have means to claim buildings (barricading), I highly doubt it will be with electronic locks however.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    What you wear....

    I wear: Green civilian clothing when I can find it (Hoodie, Spring/Summer hunting pants). I paint my motorbike helmet green, I wear a respirator rather than a a gas mask (seams to be the sign of a medic/friendly as opposed to a PVPer/KOSer) even though you can't see it under the helmet. My goal is to not be seen easily, hope they don't see me as they pass by the bush I decide to hide in, then go back to whatever I was doing when they get out of sight. I do get little bits and bobs from Military spawns (Boots, Cargo Vest, green Mountain pack) but try to avoid the Balastic Helmet, TTSKO pants/jacket combo, gas mask of the server hopper/pvper type.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Hero's pick there own spawn locations.

    Considering there's no system to tell hero from bandit, and there's no plans to create such a system, this won't happen. And if there was it would easily be exploitable. You and your friend bloodbag each other (with blood stolen from your Bambi Blood Slave), boom, now you can spawn at Cherno and run 2 miles to Balota to gear up.