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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    .46 update out?

    Pretty sure I'm downloading .46 as we speak on steam. Try restarting steam if you need to, but won't matter much for another few hours or so.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    no more update rumor?

    No. They are gonna keep updating it. If they didn't they'ed be wide open to not only lawsuits but to refund everyone their money. Dean does want to step down, I believe (no source to confirm) he will stay on as lead if he's not happy with where things are at the end of the year. Someone else will step up to take his place however.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Ever smell the stink?

    *Smirks* Kinda hard to aim straight when DA POWAH overwhelms you! *tosses underwear at you and runs* WHOOPWHOPWHOPWHOPWHOOOOOO!
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Ever smell the stink?

    Yes, they are...the sack I'm about to put over your head however...
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Ever smell the stink?

    My underwear can be torn into 2 stacks of bandages, however you need two (full) bottles each of bleach to disinfect them.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    Someone (not the person you quoted) made the claim that grenades have a 200m maim zone. Many stood up to correct him, but he just doubled down with insults, insinuating that they had no real world experience and got their info from wikipedia, while at the same time saying something like 'it's been reported that German grenades had maiming ranges of 200m', which I'm kinda curious as to where he got that 'fact' if not from Wikipedia or some other online source. Shit escalated and I believe him and a couple others received temp posting bans...(or if he hasn't he's wised up as a troll and stopped posting) and that sums up the drama. I would like to think he confused feet with meters, but even then that still leaves about 155 'meters' unaccounted for.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    Would be nice, might not be too realistic, but if it started as the 'sawn off' MP5K and you could put on the 'normal' barrel and attachments that would be okay by me.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Where is my balaklava?

    I read Baklava...I was expecting a nice honey treat...*leaves room*
  9. IkaikaKekai

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    SOP for Japanese bunkers and firing positions in WW2 was to dig a small somewhat deep hole in about the middle of the 'room' to collect rain water as well as to kick grenades or toss 'hot' shells into (where the primer was impacted but the round did not explode) into. Sometimes they would even have a trench in the back near the entrance so that if someone snuck up behind their position and tossed in a grenade it would (hopefully) roll into the trench and blow up (mostly) harmlessly. Didn't realize that .46 was going to be a 'mini' update. Guess they all can't include the big things like hunting. Oh well, looking forward to having a grenade on me for anti bandit purposes. Just hope I can pull the pin and drop the grenade. Speaking of which, whatever did happen to the MP5(K), thought it was suppose to be in .45?
  10. IkaikaKekai

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    Highly doubt it...what's actually IN .46 anyway?
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Svetlogorsk Navy Base & More Randomized Objects

    Not sure if Chenarus would have a naval base (well...I'm SURE they would actually, but it'd more than likely be a Russian Naval base rather than a Chenarus Navy base) And I would think standard orders would be if something like a zombie outbreak or rioting (which is what the outbreak would have been mistaken as more than likely) they ships would leave port soon as they can, taking recently infected crew with them to help spread the chaos unknowingly. That's not even counting something like what happened in World War Z (book) where a Chinese Sub smuggled all their family aboard and said GTFO time. Still pretty good idea depending on how quickly the virus took over, might still be something docked or even a military ship anchored (or even drifting) out at sea FULL of zombies and high end loot, just waiting for group of someones with a Heli or a boat. Heli crashes are actually on stable now if I remember right. Would be nice if they added civilian 'heli' crashes such as cars and trucks loaded with goods.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    3rd person cover system

    Many would agree that 3P needs to be removed. I think there's ways to fix 3P so that it's not as exploitative, you're just saying 'Problem? Is not problem, is feature!'
  13. There aren't any. Any you do find are cracked/hacked and outdated. They want to keep a tight control on things for now. IDK if they said they'll start releasing them for Beta or Release.
  14. Was thumbing through an 'Outdoorsman' book the other day, was going through the survival section and it had a diagram of how best to build a survivalist camp (shelter placement, firepit placement, ect). One of the things I saw was a tripole set up that the guy was drying his socks on, as well as a pile of firewood, and that gave me some ideas. I would assume Storage is coming fairly soon (not just tents but lootable containers as well, fridges, cabinets and the like). The diagram I was looking at the campsite just had things sort of scattered about. Was thinking if maybe setting up a campfire would make say a 10-20 foot circle around it become persistent storage. Now there's obviously a lot of drawbacks to this, you'd have guys just making campsites left and right and literally placing THOUSANDS of items in that 10-20 foot circle, lagging up the servers and what not. EDIT: I've had a bit more time to think (literally started this post about 5 mins before I had to go to work, gonna try and restructure this as well) Campsite: Rater than craft an item that makes the campsite, as I suggested in the later part would be you just take a fireplace and use a tool on it to clear the area into a campsite (Would need a shovel hoe or pickax to clear the ground, depending on the terrain this would turn a 10 foot wide circle around the campfire to dirt, and clear the tall grass in a 20 foot wide area. You can only have one camp per character per sever, and would have the old mod despawn rules for tents (needs activity from the owner within 24 hours of their death or it will despawn, and say 2 weeks of inactivity before they despawn). Certain areas you could not camp (IE not in the middle of a road or inside a building). The terrain geometry will not be affected, just the texture. Once you set up your campfire and make it a campsite you can drop any item on the ground and it will persist even after restart. I would say maybe 50 items you can have in the 20 foot circle. Once you set up a camp site you can start placing camp objects (bellow). -Campfire: This would be upgradeable as well, for example you could actually dig it into a fire pit using a tool and adding stones to it. Or say make it into an oven for cooking as well. Add a metal grate of some kind over it. Or any other things. Items on the ground: A limit of 50 items dropped BY THE OWNER will remain on the ground even after restart. Items will decay when left on the ground, weather it be based on server restarts or actual time or even things like weather I'm not sure. Some items will decay faster than others (IE dropping a rock on the ground may not even decay it, whereas dropping firewood might decay very slowly or something like a book or raw food will decay faster. Item containers (prot boxes, medkits, ammo cans) will protect the items inside and still only count as one item. If you drop 51 items in the camp the oldest item placed will remain until a server restart, and it'll poof just like anything else left on the ground (not in a camp). 'Trash' items (should they be added) like empty cans, bottles, or wrappers, would be dropped in the camp after you use an item, and actually take up a slot. This would encourage people to actually tidy up their camps as well. Camp Objects/Structures: These would be containers/objects you could craft and place down in your campsite. I'm not sure if they should take up one of the 50 items slots or if they should have their own slots. If the later I would lean towards maybe a max of 10 objects. -Bedding/Shelter: This might actually be important later on down the line when things like rain and cold will make you sick. First stage would be craftable with sticks and foliage gathered near the camp, adding fabric would make it more comfortable. This would allow you to instantly log out in your own camp, though you would need to interact with it first. As you upgrade it more (adding more sticks and other things) you would make it into a shelter, and this would allow you to get out of the elements (IE get out of the rain so your clothes can dry). You could also say add rocks and logs to make the shelter a bit more secure/stronger -Weapon/tool racks: This would be a visible storage item, allowing you to store 4 weapons/tools on it without them degrading, or degrading much much slower (even slower than being left on the ground). This would be for 'long' weapons and tools only (fishing rod, rifles, shovels, axes, ect). The items stored on them would be visible, so without going into the inventory you could see say a SKS, an ax, shovel, and fishing pole on the rack (and of course steal it). -Clothes line/rack: This might sound a bit silly, but IRL having dry clothes is essential. Right now walking around with soaking wet clothes does nothing (But will affect health later), but a way to dry off clothing would be to hang them up. This would take time to do, and possibly go faster depending on how close the rack is to the firepit. This could also be a means of storing another set of clothes (lets say a 4 articles as well, so you could hang up pants, jacket, shoes and a hat, or 4 hats/shoes/ect.) Now this wouldn't protect your clothes from the elements, just allow them to dry during sunny weather. -Tents: I'm not sure how tents will behave now, but if they're just straight up storage like they were in the mod this would be the go to storage for camps, as well as provide shelter. I would think they would be standalone as well, so you wouldn't need a campsite set up to place one down (but if you put one down in a camp it'll count as an item) -Woodpile: I put this in my first post but deleted it and forgot to put it back. This would be crafted with say 4 pieces of firewood and would become a container you can place on the ground to hold all your firewood, sticks, and rocks, and only these items. This would just allow you to feed your campfire a bit easier, rather than go find your ax and chop down a tree. You can chop down several trees and stack up wood for later use. Terrain Clearing: Now I mentioned that using the camp site would change the ground texture to dirt (10 feet wide) and clear the grass and weeds (up to 20 feet). I would also have it so that any changes you make to terrain, such as chopping down trees or clearing bushes, would be persistent. SO say you set up a campsite out int he woods, but your surrounded by bushes and trees. If you chop down the trees and bushes you'll have your nice clearing, and they won't pop back up on restart. Now of course this would make your camp site stick out a bit more from the air, but hopefully that won't be much of a problem. Now of course none of this would be secure (as it shouldn't be). So if someone stumbles on your camp they can clean you out, though they won't be able to destroy your camp (they can mess up your objects, ie tear down a tent or kick over a weapons rack, but not destroy them and you can repair them as well) or put their items in your camp to save them/destroy your items (if they put items in a storage container they will save, but if they just drop objects on the ground they'll disappear on restart). If anyone else has any suggestions along these lines (and I think they're good) I'll add them in (with credit) None of the above is speculation on what I think is going to happen in 46. Just thought I'd mention that (Kinda wish I could change the title now)
  15. IkaikaKekai

    My Quick Opinion on Future Development of DayZ

    I'll just add my two cents. If they did that, we'd still be on update .30. The game would have pretty much died as everyone demands their money back due to the lack of updates. It takes a while already for updates to get pushed to stable. That added with the fact you can't even sneeze while coding without adding at least one more bug. Alpha, they want to get the core shit in first so they actually have something to fix. Beta, they'll focus more on fixing and polishing shit while adding in some non core things. Release, when all that goodness comes together and we have a stable and (almost) complete game to play. Lets not forget they're also 'changing' the Engine (one bolt at a time), so any fixes they might create will be for naught. Right now they fix the 'game breaking' shit, like Desync (though some may disagree with me). Something I cannot control verses something I can work around, like zombies going through walls, I'll kill em out in the open and away from buildings before I go running into something. 'Alright we managed to figure out what was making that can opening random ambient noise and removed it...sadly we still have just the M4, Mosin, 45 and .357...but we're about to release .31, which will include the SKS rifle...and now we have that can opening sound back again...Fuck it we'll do it live! You ungrateful bastards, I'm taking my share of the money and buying the southern part of New Zealand and a Lambo. Make all the death threats you want because I'll have the part of ANZAC in my pocket to send after your asses. Dictated not read, the Management...read that last part back to me Matt?'
  16. IkaikaKekai

    horses ^^

    Brought up and mentioned before, they would be deeply complex to do (or do right anyway). Someone made a horse mod for DayZmod/Arma2...it looked HORRIBLE (The hooves didn't move, when they did they were horribly out of sync, it tumbled down the hill like a ball and hit a rock and exploded.) Now granted that was just a vehicle shaped like a horse. Still it would take a lot of work, and if they were going to do this, I wouldn't expect it to be out till much after Release. There's also the 'realism' aspect, in real life you can't just grab a random horse and jump on. I highly doubt there's many wild horses now a days in Eastern Europe, so you wouldn't have to truly break a horse, but I would think any four legged survivors would be very skittish of humans, unable to tell the difference between zombies and uninfected.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Couple Ideas for Camping and 46 Speculation

    Edit and bump.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Deer Rescue Game

    Deer looks at Blern's sniper roost, surrounded by dead bodies. Blern: "Return the Favor mate..." 4 years later Blern is being tortured by bandits for the location of his camp, 4 quick shots and the bandits are dead. Blern: The hell? Deer walks into the room, dragging a mosin behind it and dropping a set of handcuff keys.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Modular combat system for the shotguns(attachments)

    Might be kinda cool for an 870. Don't really see how this would apply the the Blaze, it doesn't have a lot of aftermarket parts. For the Blaze I would have different barrel calibers that could be mixed and matched (.22, 12 gauge, 5.56, 7.62x39 to go with the 51. I don't know if the barrels are interchangeable in the field on the real Blazer, but it can have different barrel calibers. Other than for say an 870 I don't see it applying to too many civi shotguns other than switching out the choke or having a longer/shorter barrel. That said I think the 870 should spawn in two versions, a civilian version (woodgrain parts and a long barrel) and a military/police version (medium barrel and plastic/tactical parts) with parts interchangeable (Ie put the tactical parts on a long barrel version or the woodgrain stuff on a short barrel).
  20. IkaikaKekai

    my steam will not update .44 to .45

    Try restarting your computer. If that don't work try verifying your game cache or whatever its called with Steam.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Question about the login timer....

    If you switch servers you get the login timer. If you reconnect to the same server you disconnected from there is no login timer. I think it's more like 150 or so seconds, but it starts from when you log out. Before it would add the timer no mater what, now they made it so that if you crash or the server restarts you aren't stuck with a timer.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Can server admins remove gear off of you?

    It's one of the new hacks going around, as said above admins can't really do anything other than kick players, set the MOTD and turn the server off and on.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Torture in DayZ SA?

    Think it's time to yard this thread. It went from a misinformed attempt at a discussion thinking that torture was an intended mechanic in the game, and asking how far things should go, to an argument between two people insulting each other about torture. Before it's yarded I'll add in a couple more cents. This is a one sided argument, especially on the rape 'front'. Seriously, who can make a serious and logical argument for rape to be added to a survival game? (Whereas killing and cannibalism can be argued for survival, if you argue that you need torture and rape to survive...then maybe you should do the world a favor and not survive.) Both torture and rape wouldn't add anything to this game at all, and thats not even counting what it would take away form the game (bans in quite a few countries) they would only give the person acting out some crude fantasy in a game not designed to do so a means of getting their jollies. It's not like you can torture someone to give you the location of their camp. 'TELL US WHER UR CLAN HELI IS!' 'How about no.' /logout To those saying that Rape and Torture should NEVER be discussed, you are wrong. Simply ignoring a problem will not make it go away. Yes, sensitivity to victims and those that shouldn't take part in such discussions should come into play, but just outright denial won't help anything. Then again this is a forum for a computer game, while there's many off topic subforums, this place will not be the best to have a logical discussion that's not riddled with 'lol rape is funny' and other troll posts. While I could probably fill a page on the topic, I feel it'd be a waste of keystrokes for a topic headed for the yard (or at least a locking). Hell, I kinda feel this and my last post were already a waste.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Looking for Server With Friendly or No Zombies

    Not a problem, and if there are any that claim to be, either friendly or no zombies, I wouldn't trust them. Servers by the rules cannot enforce any No PVP rules and whatnot, not without a very high chance of getting their server removed without a refund, and as far as I know there's no legit way to turn off zombies.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Looking for Server With Friendly or No Zombies

    There won't be any for Standalone, there MIGHT be one for the mod...maybe...