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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. Because a laptop on max settings would probably burst into flames after 10-20 minuets.
  2. You could just dump gas in your lap and light a match. Then you'll have $1995 leftover for your hospital bills. Most high end rigs can barely handle DayZ at max.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Fedora's and Fedora Tipping

    Oh god that thing is sweet. It only saddens me that a 1928 was sacrificed to make a 1911 even more awesome.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Should zombies fear fire?

    I would think they wouldn't fear fire (unless of course they got too close), I would think they would even be attracted to fire. If basic instincts are still a factor in the infected, they would associate fire with warmth and safety. *EDIT* @Jester: Weren't the Zombies in the first Night of the Living Dead afraid of fire to a point? Though now I'm having difficulty remembering if they set the chair on fire to scare them away or draw them away from something else.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Candles, Candle Lanterns and Oil Lanterns

    Nice idea, would be good when we can barricade buildings.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    3 things that would change dayz for the better

    Sad to say, but when it comes to clans, they're going to use teamspeak/skype/vent some other VIOP rather than an unsecure comms system that anyone with a radio can listen in on. And you're right, most walkie talkies can only use programmed channels rather than frequencies, but the ones we have in the game have a frequency rather than a channel, so they're already more like actual radios. Communications and Music are normally on very different ranges of frequencies. IE I can't take my clock radio and listen in on HPD's dispatch channel like a police scanner (though sometimes it did get overpowered by CB radios when they got within 50 feet of my house going up/down the road), of course the FCC or your local equivilant isn't around anymore so we get survivors setting up radio stations ALA Fallout 3. I would imagine that since the current radios we have are labeled 'Walkie Talkies' this leaves room for actual radios (As in a transmitter/receiver) and 'music' radios (receiver only) as you wish. It'll probably happen, but it's a lower priority at the moment since there's no persistent storage or bases and someone would have to schelp around a radio for the clan to use.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    3 things that would change dayz for the better

    It does too, the walkies we use at my workplace has the National Weather Service programmed onto one of the very last channel. While you might not be able to get a walkie as loud as say a boombox, they aren't exactly soft.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    3 things that would change dayz for the better

    Yep, pretty much all being worked on or on the way. And they want to do exactly that with walkietalkies, you can turn it on, turn the volume up and place it on the ground. It will not only broadcast everything on that channel in the area, but if you set it to constantly transmit, you'll be able to hear everything going on in that area on your walkie as well. So you can use it to set up traps for players or to say monitor your campsite. *EDIT* There will also be internet radio stations that we can pick up on the ingame radios, but that's not for a bit. Maybe not till late beta or even release. But we never know when there'll be delays or breakthroughs.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Do DayZ updates only come out on a Wednesday?

    When it's ready, the Wednesday following that will be the update. Could be as soon as next week, could be a month or more from now. They're tackling a lot right of the heavy stuff right now (Navmesh, persistent storage, ect), I would think when one of those are ready they'll push it to stable, then fix any MAJOR bugs that resulted in that.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    They'll still need to restart servers, but maybe now we wont see half hour restart servers, more than likely we'll still have the 4 hour restarts for performance issues.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Threats and Challenges

    There will be no Human (as in not infected/zombie) NPCs
  12. IkaikaKekai

    ability to filter salt water

    Possibly, then again you can never be sure with chemicals. I have to agree with most of the others though, water/drink is easy enough to come by now. When they add infections it will be slightly harder, but not by much, you just won't be able to walk to a pond and drink without a chance of getting sick. I would think the salt 'filters' (if added) would only spawn on boats (both vehicles and 'buildings') rather than randomly spawn anywhere else. If you're on an island with no freshwater source that's one thing, but as I said, plenty of sources of fresh drinking water, while cool I would imagine it's expensive to have one of these kits.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    ability to filter salt water

    Now that is rather interesting. First I've ever heard about something like that, though I wonder how 'healthy' the chemicals are for you long term...
  14. IkaikaKekai

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    I have a feeling 99% of thous Anti tank rounds wouldn't work...at all.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    ability to filter salt water

    You can't easily filter seawater. There are ways to remove the salt from sea water but as of right now there's no 'filter straw' or purification tablets (I stand corrected) that will remove the salt. The simplest (and probably fastest) way to remove the salt is to boil it and collect the steam, basically requiring you to build a still. Another way would be to dig a pit, put a container in the middle, put some salt water in the pit, cover it with clear plastic with a rock in the middle and wait. That's a survival method. I think drinking seawater should be an option however, just like how eating rotten fruit is an option, you'll learn to regret it and instead start to learn where all the wells and pumps are. *EDIT* That said, there are ways you can stretch out your fresh water supply using sea water, mostly by mixing in a little salt water with your fresh water (depends heavily on the salinity levels), and also provides electrolytes in the form of salt (but not too much to the point where they dehydrate you)
  16. IkaikaKekai

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    Other than guns (Pretty sure the Mauser k98 has been modeled already, along the what looks like the P38) I'm not really sure WW2 gear/outfits would fit in with the setting, even Soviet stuff. Unless it was tucked into cold storage right after they captured it (Since it was the Soviets I doubt they'ed hang onto German uniforms, much less pristine uniforms. "You see that little Demetri...that is where Grandpa stabbed his first Nazi, right in the heart!")
  17. IkaikaKekai

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    The physical location it's based off of, IE the terrain, is located in the Czech Republic, that does not mean it is the Czech republic or they would have called it the Czech Republic instead of Chenarus. There would also wouldn't be a coastline, but rather a river and land on the other side of what is now the coastline.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    They're talking about the Physical location of where Chenarus is, not the physical location where it is based on.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    an objective for the players

    No point in finding a 'cure'. The remaining population is Immune to the Zombie virus, and I would think the infected are too far gone to successfully cure with medicine rather than a .22 to the back of the head. There's no 'Government' or rescuing body around to wait for rescue, this is weeks to months after the infection 'won'. It's also been stated many times that there will not be any NPCs other than zombies or animals. This game is what you make of it, if you want to remake the UN, going around giving survivors food and water and hunting down bandits, you're free to do so.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Couldn't download but got charged?

    Sad to say sounds like you got scammed by some third party. Whats the exact website you bought it from (link). DayZ (Standalone) is only available on Steam, although you can buy it on Bohemia's website that gives you a Steam code. Combined Ops, which is what you need for DayZ Mod is about $25 on Steam (and a look at Bohemia's website sells the same thing for Steam). Unless you got it from either Steam or store.bistudio.com you got scammed.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Apparently I've NEVER eaten rotten fruit before...

    Haven't done so recently, but last time I ate rotten food I survived it (barely). If you were healthy you should be 'alright', just be ready to hunt down some not rotten food and water and grab a book to recover.
  22. You might be trying to play one of the mods of the Mod (Overpoch, Epoch, ect) without having installed them first. They are free (the mods and the Mod itself). Aram2 and OA are all that should be needed for Vanilla DayZ (which servers for are rather rare these days from my understanding)
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Guy fawkes Mask

    That sucks...Oh well.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    ok, another silly question

    It's Chenarus, not Russia, while it is next to Russia and formerly of the Soviet Union, its it's own country with it's own language. Now yes it does use the Cyrillic alphabet, but there's other countries that use the same alphabet with their own language. I believe they are suppose to be tourist maps for non Cyrillic readers, but they SHOULD still have the the Cyrillic names above the Latin names since most if not all the road signs are in Cyrillic.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Guy fawkes Mask

    They were shown in one of the Pre-Alpha release videos. Kinda wondering what happened to them. Would have thought they were ready to add in. I just hope they don't get tossed in as 'Bandit/KOS' masks like the Payday ones were.