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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Another weird thing happened while spawning in...

    Well it's more or less the same but it's where your client is faster than the server. The game thinks you're on the ground and you catch up before the building registers/loads, so you wind up stuck when the building loads in. What happened to him was the building loaded in time so he was in rather than under, but for one reason or another the building suddenly 'disappeared' and he was still two stories up in the air so the game treated it as if he jumped off a ledge and thus fall damage/broken leg.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Server restarting every 4 hours?

    Think that's the longest you can go without a restart right now, and if it's not required it's recommended as going longer than 4 hours can result in more bugs/desync and other problems.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Another weird thing happened while spawning in...

    It's still a desync bug. The game THINKS you fell through the floor so it applies the damage. I've had it happen to me once.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Server restarting every 4 hours?

    I've seen different servers with restarts as frequent as every hour, and back when there are loot farm servers that have it something like every 30mins or even less. For now I think you're required to have restarts at least every 4 hours by game rules.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    A question about whitelisting

    More than likely. For now there'd probably be a generic 'You have been kicked: Not Whitelisted." message.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Should zombies eat player corpses

    I would like to see it as well, if as a simple mechanic. IE if zombie not 'agroed' and there's a freshly dead body within its FOV or range of smell it'll head to it slowly and start to chow down, distracting for a bit. I mean it wouldn't make sense unless the zombies were working on pure rage. I mean to kill something for absolutely no reason other than it's there, thats just kinda psycoti...Oh my god...WE ARE THE INFECTED!!!
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Lootable Zeds

    There was talk early on about having to disinfect some items, I would think 'zombie loot' would be in that disinfect category. As for removing clothing from zombies, don't think that's gonna fly unless it's clothing that just happens to be on the zombie. IE you randomly get a chance of looting a CDF beret of a CDF zombie wearing a helmet. Right now zombies are very simple layer wise, at most I think they have two layers (head and clothing) to save on resources. IE you're not gonna loot the boots and shirt off of a zombie and then the boots and shirt will be gone from the corpse. More than likely zombie loot will be other items rather than clothing. IE a pair of handcuffs off of a police zombie, some bandages off a paramedic/doctor, ammo or a magazine off of a solider, like how it was in the mod.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Camo tent

    It's a 'fake'. These are part of the map much like buildings, you could go on every server and find it right there. Unless you're playing on a cracked server (and more than likely need a cracked copy for that) theres no way to add in objects the devs haven't released yet. IE you can't spawn in an AS50 into the game because there isn't one in the game files. This tent is in the game files, but it's only a static model, you cant go in and store items inside it.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Zombies are actually people who's deaths have been faked, and then brainwashed into being a slave, more than likely through the use of drugs. Geroge Romero referred to his 'zombies' as Ghouls during production, and since we think of him as the Father of the Zombie Genre...well there ya go. Although Ghoul itself usually refers to Arabic legends of 'angry/vengeful spirits' that kill people in the desert. You wanna argue Semantics, do some research first :P Zombie's an umbrella term for a variety of things. Just as the word 'Retard' was an umbrella term for a variety of disabilities and disorders.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Aloha is for tourists..

    Shit...I was just getting ready to start playing again and set up a tent somewhere...oh well.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Rain water and buckets

    Alpher! There more than likely will be plans to add this or something similar. Right now you can 'catch' rainwater with a canteen, though it's not an automatic fill and it only fills like 1-4% at a time. Water catchment should be added especially when they put in barricading and base building.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Personally, I'd like a mix of them. If there's only 'slow' ones they'll be dangerous only in hordes, which the servers cannot handle yet. That and you could literally just run through a small town dodging zombies to gear up, not even bothering to pull out an ax to deal with them. Slow ones become slightly more dangerous when there's faster ones and you're trying to stealth.
  13. IkaikaKekai


    The Devs want us to pretty much make our own lore, though they did sort of set down the basics. The zombies are living humans who were infected with some virus (my personal guess is some mutated form of Rabies that went airborne and loss the 'expiration date' that normal rabies has.). I forget the exact number but something like 86% of the worlds population is dead, the remaining 98% of humans are infected with the virus. That remaining 2% are immune to the virus so there's no risk of getting that particular infection. All players are in that 2% (so at least in Vanilla Dayz there won't be any immune NPCs walking around). That's the 'lore' so far for DayZ. Chenarus has it's own lore as well, more fleshed out by Arma 2. Though it's been said that DayZ takes place in it's own little alternate timeline/universe, and that the Outbreak took place either during or shortly after the conflict in Arma2, which helps to explain why there's NATO/US weapons in a Post Soviet Backwater. EDIT: Replaced with 'proper' numbers.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    Never gonna happen. I highly doubt we'd get a single shot/bolt action .50 BMG rifle let alone a semi auto anti mat rifle.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Player tracking

    There was some (very tiny) level of player tracking in the mod that I think are still in Standalone. When you crawl through grass you actually flatten it out and it leaves a (barely) noticeable trail in the grass (depending on length). I think footprints show up on certain textures now but its slightly buggy.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    The Map.

    You do know you can combine the maps together into one item right? NE + SE = E Map, NW+NE=N, ect. E + W or N + S = a complete map. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you can zoom in quite as far with say a North or Complete Map as say a NE Map. As far as I know we won't be able to 'pin' the paper map in DayZ to find range or set waypoints. This might be possible with GPS but I would doubt they'll have a big arrow with the range on your HUD since the want to minimize 'HUD Clutter', you'd more than likely have be looking at the GPS in game to figure out range and such.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    The camo building is stupid

    You miss the point entirely about how the design of the building itself makes it slightly more defensible, not simply some sand bags and camo paintjob.. You have the high ground, one point of entry where anything trying to kill you will be well in your killzone before you enter theirs. Yes it's made worse by exploits such as 3pp, but that's why it's called an Exploit. Either put up with it like the rest of us who refuse to cheat or play something else till it's patched.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    The camo building is stupid

    So your saying a military building, which are normally designed to be easily defendable from attackers, should be the opposite? Maybe the bunkers at Normandy should have had unlocked doors on the beach side to make it fair for the Allies? This is more realisitic rather than 'fair'. If you want to assault this building, play it smart. Find some grenades before you go raiding one or just ignore the building entirely.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Question on binoculars and backpacks

    The hunter's pack is 'cammo-ish', though more of an OD Green rather than a pattern, stands out less than the 'neon' green that the talon and mountain packs have.
  20. As far as I know (haven't played in a couple of updates) it already does. It gets a bit spammy with the messages when you're running through a forest in the rain. If you just hang out under a tree you'll stay dry however.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Wallets and Player Identification - Dog-Tags and Russian Ruble -

    Yeah, I have to agree, money as money, not something that really fits DayZ, but as I said, money has other uses, and eventually DayZ will find it's own currency as time goes on. I can see paper money being used for kindling, notes, ect. I would see coins as having more uses, Coin Shot shells, Sock+$5 in Cherno change = Blackjack, makeshift fuses for vehicles/houses, ect. If certain servers/clans uses Money as the Form of currency for trading I see nothing wrong with it. You either got it from scavenging, killing zombies, or players. Things are only valuable because we collectively put value in them, or others put value in them. Seeds might be worthless to the wandering Medic that carries all his gear with him, just as bandages might be more or less worthless to the Survivor that's settled down in the forest and has cultivated a plot of land to get more food. See where I'm getting here? *EDIT* There was talk of taking out the name for the pulse check. Though I have no source to verify.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Wallets and Player Identification - Dog-Tags and Russian Ruble -

    Most ID's you'd carry on your person won't have a blood type on them. I myself don't even know my blood type IRL. The Military will put a soldier's blood type on their dog tag or have it on a patch on their uniform so medics/doctors can find out right there rather than look up records or guess and kill the wounded. Civilians not so much, for the most part our records are centralized and EMTs can access your medical records from the info on your ID (or test your blood type themselves should the need arise). Yes, it's unlikely for someone to carry something useless like a wallet around in the end of the world. Some people still cling to such things however, much like the idea that a shiny bar of heavy metal will be worth anything when shit hits the fan. Most people will still take their wallet and some money with them just in case. Some survival guides even recommend keeping some paper and coin money on yourself for emergencies. Now it's kind of late in the game to say that any vending machines in Chenarus would be up and running, and most would say a rock or ax to the glass would suffice due to lack of coinage. I would think most of the infected would have money on them as trash loot. Money itself would have value, just not in the way we think of it now.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Wallets and Player Identification - Dog-Tags and Russian Ruble -

    Would be nice as an optional thing to do, IE if you want to RP or have your info on a lootable wallet you can fill out info in your char screen. Money would have it's uses in game, but not so much as currency (paper to write on, kindleing to start fires, coins to throw to distract zombies, or as said above slingshot ammo, maybe even be able to craft coinshot shotgun shells). Dogtags sound pretty cool as a lootable item, especially for PVPers, you'd need to find a blank dogtag and fill it out yourself (Name, Bloodtype, Group), you could say collect other's dog tags as a trophy. For right now I made a sort of 'ID' using paper that I keep on my person in game. I write my (RP) name, a fictional Company (name, employee number, ect) and even put in bloodtype when I find it.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    I don't think they'd add the Lee because it uses .303 which is pretty rare now a days in real life. The K98 I think has been shown in past. I'd like to see a M14/M1A as a rare spawn (Helis mostly). There's a few military weapons I'd like to see such as the G36 and it's variants, but I'd mostly like to see more shotguns and rifles. Possibly even a combo gun which is what the Blazer can be (7.62 and 12g)
  25. IkaikaKekai

    "Vehicle component design"

    As far as I know the first vehicles to be implemented will be bicycles. And it does sound like we'll have to hunt down small parts (sparkplugs have been mentioned) though I'm not sure how 'intense' it'll get. It sounds like we'll be able to remove parts from vehicles like doors. IE you might be riding around in a running S1203 Van, see another van on the side of the road and notice one or two of the doors are in better condition or that the front windshield is intact. So you pull over and remove the parts from that vehicle. It might even be possible we'll be able to scavenge parts from the static wrecks we see scattered around and can loot from already.