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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Kicking from a server, what to do?

    Server Farm Tactic. Trying to scare you from joining the server in the first place. Report em as above so they get their server taken away without a refund :)
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Ninja Message Service

    *sneaks up on sniper surveying a town and slips a note into his pack before crawling off* "What the fuck?" *Checks pack* 'I touched ur butt. signed -butttoucher'
  3. IkaikaKekai

    How Do We Report Hackers?

    No way to report hackers directly really, at least not that I know of. Might be ways of doing it with VAC but Battle Eye will get them eventually.
  4. Books and maps has been said, put it in your hotbar to read/view. I use ingame maps now and have stopped using things like the DayZDB map (ingame at least), books would be a good 'time waster' for when you're recovering blood or waiting on your group in a 'secure' location. Wrench and hammer has no function other than maybe as a weak melee weapon right now, though it's been said recently that more functionality is coming 'soon'TM for tools/weapons, including the pipe wrench.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Night Vision and IR goggles

    NVG has pretty much been confirmed, or at the very least the have the model for it. I'm somewhat mixed about IR. But yes, zombies would show up since they're living infected.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    Most game breaking bug... Please fix asap

    Unfair advantage: yes, Gamebreaking: no.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Vehicle idea

    That's pretty damn awesome. Mind posting it here? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/210326-the-unofficial-official-vehicle-idea-thread/
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Just some Ideas about Hypothermia

    I'd like to tack on a suggestion to this (even though the first one is a myth) 'Containerize' fireplaces/space heaters in buildings so you can add firewood to wood stoves or fireplaces and set them on fire. This would slowly warm up the building itself and not just the area directly in front of the fireplace, to tie in with 6 make it heat up faster if you close all the doors, and if windows are ever made close-able/breakable add that in as a factor too. Of course this would mark the building (Smoke, to a limited extent light) as having activity but that's the risks you take with fire. Even allow cooking in this manner (something else: Fish+Stick as a means of cooking the whole fish).
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Map Changes in 0.49.124971 and 124972

    Glorious! And they're going to 'nerf' it even further in the next update? Kamenka here I come.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    No power, so cellphone towers won't work (if there are any in Chenarus). No power, so internet servers are down, so no internet. There's ways to charge your cellphone even without a power grid, so you'd have pretty much camera and maybe an electronic note pad, oh, and a clock. *tosses phone and picks up a box of shotgun slugs*
  11. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ SA mods?

    Mods will come, more than likely not until after Release.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Lets talk major league DayZ.

    Pretty sure it's against the terms of service currently. Battle Eye and VAC are the current Antihacks in use at the moment. When private servers are available this may change as it did with the mod.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    He says 'Sentry Removal', I hear 'Zombie Removal'.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ being able to use rope as a way of handcuffing.

    I see no buckle/clasp for that, how does it lock?
  15. IkaikaKekai

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    The Civilian Marksmanship program offers M1s chambered for .308/7.62x51, I would hope they go with these unless they plan to include other rifles chambered in 30-6.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ being able to use rope as a way of handcuffing.

    There's a couple I can think of off the top of my head, Chloroform and Ether. I think Chloroform has been mentioned in the past by the devs as a planed less-than-lethal attack.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ being able to use rope as a way of handcuffing.

    Ducktape + Rag. Or two rags.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    2-3 months creating one unique building -SenChi

    I thought that was a bit much too, but I've only got experience on the CAD side of things. I could probably 'pump out' a building in about a week, but that'd just be a floor plan and side views. It'll probably take them longer to get it to actually work with all the tiny details and texturing, not to mention loot locations and the like.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Where are the communist books?

    *Ignores the flames* Well most of the books that have been added are public domain, I've no idea if any communism books are public domain now a days or who 'owns' the rights to them so to speak (I mean that'd be ironic if someone bought the rights to a book about communism). They probably also didn't add it out of 'fairness' or just to avoid controversy.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    0.49 Release Idea

    It was suppose to be released last Wednesday, they said something about the stable release being an 'older build' than what they had on internal but they were going to release it anyway. I guess they delayed that. Read something else about how they would push the update 'when its ready' rather than waiting for the next Wednesday, but that post might have been talking about experimental, which had it's own problems I believe. If we don't hear anything else I'd say probably this coming Wednesday.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Rappelling Suit,Gear,Weapons, and more

    You need to break up your suggestions into bite sized chunks. Some things you've said will never happen, such as NPCs. Some things have been suggested before many times. The weapons i'm not going to touch as variety is the spice of life, but they want the majority of ranged weapons to be civilian ones. As for coral reefs and sharks and scuba. I see no logical reason for this, at least with the current map. Chenarus is located on the 'Green Sea' in the Armaverse, who's real life counterpart would either be the Black Sea (most obvious) or the Caspian Sea. While as I Hawaiian I know sharks go wherever the hell they please, they're not likely to be in these locations, along with tropical coral fish. Sure there's crab and lobster, but you'd use traps for those, not go diving and spend a lot of calories and equipment. Not to mention that water's probably fucking cold, not worth the effort to try and spear a couple fish or grab some crabs. I believe parachutes have been mentioned. In the mod you got one automatically when you jumped out of an aircraft past a certain height and then it would despawn. In the SA it would more than likely be something rare you'd have to loot and have one use and take up a bit of inventory or a bag/vest slot.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    decapitation system

  23. IkaikaKekai

    what happend to this?

    Never saw the journel myself in the mod. I think this was a concept to sort of have a way of seeing what your 'mentality' was. IE if you were KOSer you'd get that picture pretty quick.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Handguns as first firearm

    Pretty much what this guy said, you can't hunt very well with a pistol (There are exceptions but that's mostly to kill/scare off an attacking animal. You don't go into the woods with a Glock expecting to come home with food). Pistols are more for defense (and as said, are harder to legally obtain in most countries), and if you have a hunting rifle or shotgun you have your home defense gun right there without an additional purchase.