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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai


    Has been suggested before. Still for it. They would have more than likely been in aid packages if not bought by hunters (they're about $20 retail) for use in the wild. I think the same company makes 'family' sized units that filter something like 100,000 liters before you need to clean/replace the filter. There's 'cheaper' ways to clean water, but this would be good for when you don't want to carry around a camp stove or fireplace kit and a pot to boil water.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    *rubs VS3 lovingly* My Precious...soon my Precious. *Clears throat* Er, I thought Bikes were gonna be in first, and right now they just had the model for the VS3 variant going well, not the mechanics yet. I mean they still have to get the fuel system worked out too right?
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Another Firearms Wishlist

    Not saying there should be a Garand in every home, and not gonna pretend I know what weapons are readily avaible in Russia and the Post Soviets, but it is possible for the weapon to be there. "Oh...yes...thank you for weapons..." *turns to quartermaster* "<Go dump these in a lake or something. Wait, give it to the Idiots in Cherogrosk, if anything they can sell it to the Takis like they did the Enfields we got last week.>" Maybe I am a bit biased since I like the Garand and prefer anything with wood grain and a mag size that encourages you to actually AIM instead of spray.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Another Firearms Wishlist

    Why not? They were both Available to the Russians at one point. I would say Lend Lease, they sent over some M1s right? I just hope they actually add the 30-6 version and not the Navy 7.62 NATO version, otherwise what'd be the point?
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Just some Ideas about Hypothermia

    This is the Standalone we're talking about, not the mod. SA always required a fireplace kit (sticks+rags/paper). The fireplace kit also requires wood to be attached to it and you use matches to try and get it going. You can also attach stones to fireplace kits but I'm not quite sure what that does.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    some ideas for trading/cash

    I think money should be an ingame item, but it should only be what we value it to be. IE it won't be just something we could trade with, you could use paper money as crafting material. IE a stack of 3 notes + stick = kindling. Change + empty can = 'noise grenade' for distracting zombies or 'noise grenade' + string = sound tripwire. Even able to make 'coin shot' with shotgun shells. I think they were working on some sort of 'trade window' but of course it's a low priority right now. IMO it's a little immersion breaking but hey, it's a friggen game. Till we're in holodecks there's gonna be a certain level of immersion breakage.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable Draisine

    My statement still stands, unless you have the right parts* and/or a machine shop building one from scratch would be a waste of time. *a lighter alternative to using wheelsets would be to use the tireless wheels of a car, could even use the entire axle as MOST cars/trucks wheel base are about the same size as standard gauge (US is 4'8.5", I think Russia/Eastern Europe is around 5' or so but either would 'fit'). Biggest problem in that case would be wheel slippage and you would still need to attach a gear or some other system to actually drive it. In WW2 the GIs took a Jeep, replaced the road wheels and with flanged wheels and welded hooks to the front and end to 'couple' with the euro wagons. The jeep was strong enough to pull at least one box car, possibly more and was used as a 'switcher'. A velocipede (one example shown bellow) would be easier to make from scratch, and I think there are even commercial kits available to make one from a bicycle.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Another Firearms Wishlist

    Think the M1 has been confirmed, or at least the model has been made. As for crafted guns, do you mean 'NRA Sten' level of sophistication? Or this?
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable Draisine

    That's the mod, they're going for more realism with SA. Vehicles are going to be harder than just 'engine parts' 'wheel' 'scrap metal' 'gas tank'. We're talking down to spark plugs here, and things like removing bulky objects like doors from other vehicles, and I highly doubt we're gonna be able to fit doors in our packs.
  10. Well there's always the cure for zombie. On a more serious note it would probably help to mention which mod of the mod you were playing as well as posting in the correct subforum. Last I checked Vanilla mod did not have player zombies.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable Draisine

    I actually use one of these, it's not as simple as you think. Granted it is fairly simple but just building one from scratch without a machine shop or the right parts would would be...not worth the effort. This is what you would be likely to find 'laying' around, FYI this is pretty damn big and heavy. You're not putting this on the tracks without A LOT of help and/or machinery. THIS is what you would want. Fairly heavy but you could still pick it up with a bit of effort. Keep in mind neither of these have gears attached to them. Trust me I'm an Engineer Brakeman. That's not a big of a problem as you think And I would assume it's just a minor map error rather than intended.. They're fairly light (I have to stand in the middle to pump to prevent it from doing a wheelie, then again Im 350+ pounds) One or two guys could easily derail and re rail it. I use a forklift to put it on and off tracks but that's because we store it in a shed away from the tracks.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Sword in the Castle.

    Wouldn't 'need' to do that to make a simple machete/short sword from a lawnmower blade (what you said would be best though) you could carve a handle from wood or use sticks, and wrap ducktape or cloth around it to secure the handle. Wouldn't be the best solution but it'd do. I'm no blacksmithing expert (or even a novice) but I do know that you need a pretty high heat source to smelt most metals or even to get them white hot. You might be able to smelt aluminum using a wood fire but I've been told that you can't get the temp high enough with wood or even charcoal for iron. We would also pretty much be limited to melting down or reforging scrap metal (I've got a railroad spike tomahawk proudly sitting on my weapons wall) since I doubt there'd be any iron deposits on the surface that haven't been exploited and (at least currently) there aren't any mines either.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Campfire blinded

    I had a similar thing happen a couple nights ago. Was late in the day and thought the sun had set and the fire was screwing up my (natural) night vision. The fire itself wasn't black though and my screen didn't go completely black. Think the same thing would happen in the mod where say it was night your eyes would adjust naturally to the light, if you hung around a fire or say carried a flare then either went out your night vision would be back to zero basically. If it was night it was probably the same thing for you. I hope this is intended as it's realistic and not just a bug with similar effects.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    Sword in the Castle.

    You'd be better off using a stick. Now if it was in a museum or a replica that'd be one thing. You really think an iron or even steel sword is going to last long in Chenarus just sitting out in the rain? If it wasn't looted long ago it'd be in shit condition . This would be more likely to find, an officer's dress Saber or another ceremonial sword.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    My DayZ Wishlist

    Think he means the 'hoppers' as they used to be known. Would be nice to interact with furniture when the time comes and we can barricade buildings. I mean shit I just spent a half hour in a cabin with a roaring fire and a book waiting for the rain to stop. I think my leg would have been in less pain if I was able to sit or lay down on the bed that was behind me.
  16. Well I'd like for pretty much any car to be able to become a technical. From a Skoda with a hole cut in the roof with an AKM duck taped to a broom handle to a Up armored Humvee with a M240 mounted properly.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    My DayZ Wishlist

    The M10 (or Model 10) is a Remington shotgun used by US troops in WW1 and WW2, pump action with a 5 round tube. And I thought the AKS was an AK74 with a skeletal stock or something and the U meant it was a carbine?
  18. IkaikaKekai

    New Temperature System

    Most of it is bitching, counter-bitching and counter-counter bitching from what I can tell.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    My DayZ Wishlist

    Mentioned and Suggested many times before... Operational Train: HIGHLY unlikely to get 'automated' trains. You people have seriously NO idea the amount of work it would take to get a defunct diesel up and running (don't even get me started on steam...) not to mention keeping it running. Chenarus is too poor for an automated rail system (this would only be for mass transit lines anyway, and Chenarus looks at best to be a mostly freight road with occasional light commuter service). I too would love to see trains but aside from small MOW speeders, hand cars, or hi-railers I doubt we'll be seeing anything. Maybe a DMU (basically a bus) or even one loco with a boxcar or two. But still, unlikely. Sewers: Been mentioned in the past as something they want to do. So it's possible. Bridge: Bridges are expensive. Sea bridges are FUCKING expensive, and the islands we have now aren't worth building a bridge to to connect at best 5 cabins. If Utes was 1-2 miles offshore of the mainland (pretty sure it won't be) and was a literal goldmine or some other valuable resource it might have a bridge going to it. Last I saw it was rolling hills with a military airfield and a smallish dock area. Tunnels: Not sure if tunnels can be done with the engine (currently anyway). Would be good to see something, but since most of the roads simply go around/over mountains it wouldn't feel 'right' to just plop a tunnel down somewhere. I haven't seen the north edge of the map yet but that would probably be the most realistic place to put one, but it'd more than likely be collapsed partway through or have no exit on the other side. Guns: I normally don't comment on gun suggestions unless they're very far out of place (Like AA12s with explosive ammo, ect) but I'll throw in my 2 cents; M10 Shotgun (Pretty sure they either just added or are going to add a Russian pump shotgun), M4A1 (Don't know enough about the differences between the M4 in game and the A1 to comment on), AK-74U (pretty sure they added this or the AKS to Experimental), MP7 (not sure how likely this would be to have ended up in Chenarus), MP5 (we have the MP5K currently, would love to get a fullsized one too)...
  20. IkaikaKekai

    New Temperature System

    It's pretty early right now but I'm liking it. I'm hoping this stuff will force people to actually do stuff to survive more than just grab guns and head for a big city. I was playing the other night, had some okay gear, an SKS and a fire ax but no ammo. I was heading inland to try and explore the map a bit. Started raining with no raincoat so I took shelter in a house with a shack nearby. Started getting dark and cold so I went outside and chopped firewood, went into the shack and built a fire. There's a bit of wilderness between where I camped and the next building so I just stayed in shed, kept feeding the fire, went outside to get more wood or refil my canteen. I logged out after a bit of boredom so I'll be looking for a book for those rainy days.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Walking while eating and drinking.

    Thinking about it a bit more. Skip the slower walk when consuming and not being able to consume while running sprinting. But if you are say eating or drinking while in a full sprint you have a good chance to spill some or choke (I think we consume 10 or 20% of a canteen when we drink, a spill would say drain some odd number from the canteen and you'd only 'drink' a random number lower than what you spilled, and possibly get your shirt damp.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    Think this has been mentioned fairly recently be the devs. Though in real life it's a safety issue to leave a loaded magazine in the weapon when you store it, and if you keep weapons around for home defense you're not gonna keep an empty mag in your gun unless you're doing long term storage or something. Ideally you'd have a/the mag nearby fully loaded. Now since this is the Apocalypse very few things make sense. You could explain this away in many different ways just as you could counter them. One way, if you're scavenging from ammo or mags, are you going to pick and take every gun you come across, or just yank the mag, check the chamber and toss the gun if its not in better condition than the one you carry. Think of it as you were not the first person there, otherwise would there really be random bits of clothes and weapons just scattered about?
  23. IkaikaKekai


    By vehicle spawns they meant things like heli crashes but (static) cars instead. I've noticed a lot of cars (at least the ones that spawned stuff) seams to be missing, though I could be wrong. Vehicles won't be in for a while and when they do add them there'll be a LOT more hype and more in the patch notes than just 'vehicle spawns added'.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Objects don't load

    Other than logging out and back in I can't think of one. Only time things like this happens to me is if I log in and I'm in a building, but will go away fairly quickly when everything loads. Verify your cache on Steam and see if it happens again. If it does, search the bug tracker for similar bugs and if you don't see one post it.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Walking while eating and drinking.

    I like the idea, but it needs to be where you can't eat while running/sprinting, if anything walk slower while eating/drinking than normal walk speed (Not much slower, like 95% speed instead of full walk speed). Of course this needs to apply to consuming stuff you're actually holding, that way people wont spam F at a water pump and walk off.