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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Basic Hygiene

    Protective equipment like gloves should help against that. Would be nice if disposables were added to hospitals, grab a box, loot some zombies/bodies, remove your gloves, wash your hands anyway. Put some gloves on before gutting a deer, less chance of cross contamination as well as befouling the food.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Basic Hygiene

    My hands are getting dirty. My hands are getting dirty. My hands are getting dirty. My hands are filthy. Yeah I can see how that'd get annoying, timing is everything. I would think it should be one of those 'invisible' things. Bathing once a day/play session sounds like a good idea for overall hygiene, skipping a day or so shouldn't matter much. Doing things like cleaning your hands after handling/looting a body should be good to help reduce infection chances.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Testing or Placeholders?

    When they add vehicles that will more than likely go away.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Basic Hygiene

    I do hope this will be in. Most survival guides recommend keeping up with hygiene, making soap from animal fat leftover from cooking and firepit ashes. Or even taking 'air baths' if water is not readily available.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Testing or Placeholders?

    Concerning Vehicles: If they were to import Arma2 vehicles that would just be lazy and take away work from the real system. They'ed also be completely scraped once the new system comes into place. That'd be the Arma 2 Fuel, Parts, Models and behavior that'd just be tossed out after being ported over. With zombies, they're not just using the old models and AI from DayZ mod, they have new models and skeletons in place. The AI and pathfinding can be swapped out with the working versions. I'd also have to say persistence would be an issue as well. It'd take hours if not days of scavenging in the mod to get a vehicle up and running. The same people that demand that they add in the old vehicles will bitch to high heaven when the Skoda they just spent 3 hours hunting down parts and refueling resets on the restart that happens 5 mins after they get it running.
  6. It's pretty much been confirmed that there wont be any dynamic heli crashes, it's not an engine issue (I think someone managed to script one or two in the mod), it's a design choice, just like NPCs (They could be in, and for the most part they look strange as hell because most of the time they just zig zag around the map looking for something to attack). Keep in mind were in mid alpha, things will keep coming. More and more reasons will come about for differnt things. Hell, before no one would pick up a knife because it's just a waste of space when they have a fireax. Then they added as a can opener option, then hunting/skinning/fishing made it required if you wanted to do those. Same thing with the other 'useless' items we have such as screwdrivers and pliers. For now no one's gonna bother picking em up, as things get better and more reasons come about they will. Like when radio stations are added in, or even as a distraction device. Turn a radio on, volume up to max, drop it in a clearing and take up a sniper position and either listen when people are nearby or chat to attract them to their doom. It gets better, and suggestions like this may help it do so. Keep it up.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Underground Features

    They've added some 'bunkers' to the new abandoned military base that's on experimental. I stay on stable so I've yet to really take a good look at them though from the few vids I've seen they look fairly big. And yes, they wanted player bases to be underground and instanced, mostly to save on server resources and so there wouldn't be 'abandoned' servers with a poor attempts at base building spread around the map every 20 yards.
  8. I didn't notice that this post got merged and had forgoten about this. (My emphasis above) See above, that's coming from a Dev. That's about as Cannon of an answer as we'll get.
  9. I know what a Welrod is, and by comparison the Welrod looks like something Ghetto-rigged together from bits of spare pipe.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Underground Features

    I've yet to see the new bunkers and if this is true or not, but most games with terrian can only have one 'level'. Your first drawing pretty much sums it up, but terrain is usally made so it can't be a 90-degree drop. So it would look more like __ :House : __ \:Basement:/ So you would need a bit of overlap between the house's wall and the terrian, otherwise you'd fall between the walls of the basement and the terrain. Some games would do this very well, some better than others. In Second Life most land owners will use prims to act as artificial terrain. Usually this means a flat box shape to cover the hole which looks a little ugly when it meets the real terrain when you go from smooth as glass grass and dirt to bumpy grass and dirt, though some rather cool things have been done with sculpted prims. In he case of your green mountain sketch, there would be a HUGE \___/ cut into the top of the base which would have to be replicated.
  11. Well Helis spawn in already crashed, and there is absolutely no intention to make Heli Crashes dynamic (as in you'll hear a distress call and see the actual crash). I'm not sure if 'story' wise the crashes were recent or if they were way back from the outbreak. I think most distress beacons on aircraft only transmit for roughly 24 hours before the battery dies (for the ones that automaticly activate anyway). So if the crashes are not recent the beacon would be dead. You do raise a good point however, Even a cheap radio would be able to pick up a powerful transmissions, just not transmit very far. Maybe the crash sites could have a 'dying' radio message repeat. IE what you said where the mayday call keeps broadcasting over and over until the 'battery' dies. This could be plausible and explain the short range to pick up a crash beacon. Say the message can only be heard about 5km away when the crash first spawns, and as time goes on the radius decreases. That and there'd be different versions of the broadcast, depending on the crash type. IE a MI-8 Crash would broadcast in Russian, Blackhawk crash in English, and if they ever add other crashes they'ed be in their respective languages.
  12. I had to do a bit of research myself on the topic of distress beacons. There's types that activate automatically, usually from impact or water immersion in the case of aircraft. It's a bit too early in the morning for me to discern if they just let the SAR agency know that you've gone down, and possibly just give the GPS location, or if they also act like an actual radio beacon to pinpoint a location. EDIT I would say to prevent chopper hunters from getting 'op' just because they have a radio, they should follow the rules of range that are set up. IE your not gonna be sitting in Kamenka using the base model radio, turn it to the emergency frequency and be able to track one all the way to Devil's Castle.
  13. Not sure about a mayday call on radios (as I'm fairly certain the crashes are in at restart, I may be wrong). Perhaps a beacon that gets louder the closer you get to a crashsite. From my limited time with a flight sim, you would pick up frequencies with Identifiers in Morse code repeating, I think it's a means to guide planes to runways. Buzzer stations or repeating dead broadcasts would be a good addition as well (for us lore nuts). "Balota наводнен, перенаправить на Krasnostav аэропорт." I love the idea of attachments for radios, and it has been mentioned in the past that things like headsets would be added later on. Player radio stations were talked about pre-alpha. Mostly in the form of web radio that would be broadcast to certain frequencies in game. Larger radios would be pretty cool as well. Something to have in your clan base/camp.
  14. Actually the Amphiba is something like a Ruger Mk3 with a built in silencer. The 10/22 is in game but its the Sporter Rifle.
  15. Where did you get 'Chenarus isn't anywhere near Russia' from his post? He simply said it's not a part of Russia, it's Russia-Adjacent. The post he was responding to said it is part of Russia, and clearly stated somewhere, which it's not, quite the opposite actually. It was a part of the Soviet Union, but the USSR no longer exists, it's its own country. By the Person in Question's logic, the eastern half of Berlin and Germany are part of Russia.
  16. Technically speaking its not. Otherwise it'd be called Russia and not Chernarus, the local soldiers would have Russian flag patches instead of Chernaruan flags, and it wouldn't be bordering Russia and takistan, it'd just be bordering takistan.
  17. IkaikaKekai


    From my under standing of Shards, this seams to be the plan. As in 3 (or more) shards would be on the same hive. So say you could have a whitelist PVE Shard, a public PVP shard, and say a 'private' PVP shard for clan battles and such and able to go between the 3 at will.
  18. I'd have to agree its either present day or very near future (like 2015-16 near future)
  19. IkaikaKekai

    More "Dynamic" Helicopter crash's

    Not gonna happen. There will be no NPCs or AI survivors.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Rational for Sway

    Go for a jog, when you come back pick up a rifle, or something rifle like that's heavy and hold it up in an aiming position. Hell my hands are unsteady just holding them up in front of me as if I had a weapon and I haven't gone for a jog.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    You have great faith in humanity, one I do not share. Personal experience, it was a bit ago and I remember reading them in patch notes for the mod, mostly saying that lights were never intended to be on so they were removed, sadly I cannot remember how far back the notes were. There were mods/scripts people would add on later to add in street lights, but at first they were in vanilla. Also (not that important) I meant to say that the 'streetlights' in standalone were usually attached to buildings and not standalone street lamps. It was something about the moon and stars (being able to see the spiral arm of the milky way or some such, which would be very possible with all the lights off on a clear night). People like US (you and me and the few who enjoy night) will enjoy it. Others will server jump to a day server because they can't be bothered to find a light source they threw out as soon as they spawned in or wait for their eyes to adjust to the moonlight like we do now and in the mod. Yes, I want them to add in things to make night more fun. But I still believe no mater what they do, true night players like us will be in the minority (and I don't mean Gamma cheaters, which is another reason why people won't play night time)
  22. IkaikaKekai

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    Probably not, but it's pretty realisitic when you compare it with real world power grids. A meth head can shut down power to an entire side of an island with just a length of chain and a suspicion that that power substation has copper pipes he can sell for a couple of hits. I'm greatly exaggerating here (about repairing the grid) but it should be a large group effort requireing more than a small clan or group of buddies. Thats my opinion about getting the main streetlights or the main power grid up and going again. It's not like you can get some jumper cables and a honda generator, find a street light, hook it up and have all the street lights operateing. The lights were on a couple of times in the mod (no addons) and they said that was not the intent and took them out. The few 'street lights' that were on were attached to buildings, not just stand alone street lights. We just have to accept the fact that a lot of people will not play at night, no mater they do. Even if we had street lights, night vision goggles, and every other idea you could think of to make night more attractive, some people are gonna log on, see it's dark and say, 'fuck this' and change server. Right now we have flashlights, headlamps, weapon lights, flares, glow sticks, and lanterns (not sure if they still light up the area around you when turned on in inventory), and honestly that should be enough for the people that want to play at night. It is realistic. I mean fuck if there really was a zombie apoc I would only be active at night if it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise I'd be hold up in a barricaded shed or where ever I thought was safe enough to last till morning with a shotgun in my hands and trying to get some sleep. Game wise, I know the PVPers aren't going to be actively hunting on night server. When they add stealth mechanics that will make it slightly more attractive to the people who don't mind night time (like myself) as we can walk around without attracting zombies from a mile away and use the old tricks such as tossing a road flare into an empty street, taking a silenced weapon, and taking out the 'moths' to make the area a little safer for a while.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Get it off your chest!

  24. IkaikaKekai

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    By endgame I mean the ENTIRE server (when we have server caps of say 150) of regular players would have to be cooperating at least to a small degree to get it running and keep it running (I mean like the bandits would have to agree not to attack the power plant or grid in exchange for power for their base)
  25. IkaikaKekai

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    It should be endgame. The lights that were on in SA were never meant to be on, I'm assuming they recycled some assets and forgot to take a light source out of the code/model, but even these very few examples could be explained away as battery/solar powered. From the sounds of it vehicles are going to require multiple tools (wrench, pliers, hammer, ect are already in) and not just a generic toolbox like in the mod. DayZ is set well after humanity's downfall, so any power plants would have shutdown/self destructed/run out of fuel by now. Even Solar/wind farms would have tripped a breaker, broken piece of equipment or some other malfunction preventing transmission of power. As far as I can tell the only power plant in the playable region (currently) is in Electro. You'd have to get that working for starters (and that'd be a bitch and a half for even a large, organized group) and if you got that running there'ed be problems all over the grid you'd have to deal with.