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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Okay, no MP5, no 9x19mm as that's german, so say bye to all guns that use that particular caliber, Pretty sure the Steyr AUG is German, or Austrian which is probably close enough for you to consider german. That also gets rid of the G3. EDIT Oh, also no diesel fuel, so no V3S or Ural, or anything else that runs on that particular fuel. Not to mention all the locomotives need to be removed. There's probably about a hundred other things that need to be removed, including a few books.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    Functional V3S found in Severograd!

    God damn I want one so badly...
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Better inventory

    I thought they talked about looking into this in one of the recent status reports?
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Dynamic Roadblocks

    They had permanent wrecks in the mod. They were very annoying considering the vehicle physics at the time. if you went over most bridges with an ATV you were very likely to explode, I tapped a road sign once with a UAZ, noticed I was stuck and before I could finish saying "WTF?" Boom. It was fun driving a bus at full speed through Vybor at times though while getting shot at. In the mod in most cases it was simpler to just go around a town even if you had something that performed like piss off road. Some sort of roadblocks would be welcome again though I doubt we'd be able to move them.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    Just sharing a pretty interesting hybrid/DIY gun

    That's pretty interesting. I think it's been said before they can't really have 'dual weapons' like say the Blazer with a 7.62x51 in the top barrel and a 12 gauge in the bottom. That may change with parts of the engine though. The gun itself might be a bit too OP as mentioned above. Maybe if they do something like a midrange bolt action like (forget the name of it but it's chambered for 7.62x39) and a single shot or even double barrel shotgun that might be a bit better (though realistically, someone would make or try to make this with a longrange rifle and a pump or even automatic shotgun)
  6. IkaikaKekai

    "Infected" concept

    Never gonna happen.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    I think they talked about possibly adding the Red 9 recently.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    The Rest Of Chernarus

    I don't think it is Chenarus, it says something about 'civil war in Bystrica' on the main page so I'm assuming it's another country. I don't think there's other Chenarus maps other than Utes (which is planned to be added) that were made by BI. They've already expanded North, Utes would be south, or south-eastish. Would be nice but the map is kinda large as it is and that's without Utes which would be several miles offshore. They could expand west a bit and hopefully keep it mostly wilderness, but any extension of the map would pretty much be brand new territory.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    The BIGGEST suggestion ever.

    Just announced, DayZ coming to Android, Iphone, 3DS and even Windows Phone, but not Xbox...
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Bang stick

    They pulled up the wolfskin on the other video and the ballistics gel looked untouched to me. Edit: I'm stupid for not finding the way to link it. http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/mythbusters/videos/m7-bullet-baloney-aftershow.htm
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Bang stick

    You're not finding any guides to make them out of wooden sticks because ITS A VERY BAD IDEA TO TRY EVEN IF IT DOES WORK which it probably won't. Most sticks aren't hard enough to set off a primer. You'd have to use like a 1"-1.5" diameter stick, bore out a chamber for the shell or bullet, set a nail or something else harder than brass at the bottom of the chamber, then slam it into whatever you're trying to kill, which probably won't have as much effect as using metal pipes. Found part of the Mythbusters video, they managed to detonate a shotgun shell using a Brazilian hardwood 'stick' carved from what looks like a 2x4, and even then it didn't go off. They had to use a nail on the end of the stick to actually fire the round. The video cuts off but another video I can't link to shows that it did very little if any damage to the target AT POINT BLANK RANGE (in fact it looks like bits bounced off the target and would have hit them if not for that nice balistics glass box they were hiding behind). That and the shell 'snaps' off where it's taped most of the time as well.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Bang stick

    They're normally used in Diving (as far as I know) to scare off sharks. Think someone made a couple to kill gators or crocs. Think my dad has/had one that was a .44 Magnum. And they're not just bullets on the end of a stick, they're usually tubes that hold the bullet and have a striker in one of them. You actually have to press it into the target to fire. A wooden stick would probably break before you use enough force to strike the primer. EDIT Picture added. This is a 'gator' bangstick that can chamber a couple different calibers. Diving one's not much different.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    handguard painting?

    If I remember right there was an issue with painting them, causing a crash or bad desync or some such, so I imagine they took it out for now.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    are duping and hack issues fixed ?

    No, we're just tired of people saying OMG HACK DO SOMETHING! To answer his question, Hacking's never gonna go away, it might lessen somewhat, and become more difficult, but will never go away. If you're gonna let hackers ruin your game they've won. Private Shards are coming out, I'd say find one with a whitelist that you like so you can play with a lesser chance of hackers.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    1911 Anyone having this problem?

    First I'm hearing of this, check the bug tracker and either upvote or post a new bug.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    1911 Anyone having this problem?

    Are you sure its a 1911 mag and not say a FNX mag?
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Thermos/Hot water bottle

    A thermos would not make you warmer, it insulates the heat to either keep it in or out. A hot-water bottle or even a water bottle that's hot would however.
  18. IkaikaKekai


    Ive not had a chance to find ashwood (or even tell the difference between other trees and an ashwood tree, pictures don't help me much). Might have to start looking in coops now.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    More Masks In Dayz

    The V mask won't be in, they had one modeled and was shown before the Alpha Release, but from my understanding WB threatened to sue for copyright or some other legal reason for why it's not in. Shame really.
  20. IkaikaKekai


    If we could actually catch animals (small and large) and lead/control them that would be nice as well. I'm assuming that those are either rabbit hutches or chicken coops in certain backyards. Say you grab a chicken (hen) and take it to the house you're barricading and making into your base, you put it into a chicken coop and it'll nest, providing egg(s) daily. A rooster would provide fertilized eggs which would allow eggs that haven't been harvested to hatch into chicks, and so forth. Animals like goats and cows, as well as pigs (not boars) could be rounded up and 'saved' for later or to harvest their milk.
  21. IkaikaKekai


    I like the idea of those three. From what we already have (food-wise) the only other things I think might grow up in Chenarus would be Bell pepper, Zucchini, and potatoes (we have tomato plants already). They could also add in pumpkins and sunflower seeds as well as other squashes (they have patches of pumpkins in gardens as well as sunflowers). If we could plant berries as well (both the poisonous and non poisonous) that would be great, though a moot point since they are already abundant. Apple trees wouldn't be that realistic since they take years to grow before they even start to bear fruit (unless you clone and graph them from existing trees) Something I would like to see would be beekeeping, or at the very least being able to harvest wild honey/honeycomb. That would give wax for various things (candles) and honey for a high nutrient food (and something to slather on wounds)
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Christmas Ceasefire

    Assuming I play during the 'ceasefire' I'll make no change to my actions. I won't shoot anyone on sight, but I'm not going to run up to random people with a can of food yelling, "Mele Kalikimaka!"
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Christmas Ceasefire

    Didn't know there was a war to have a Ceasefire.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    saves and servers

    On public hive servers, your character saves to the main hive. So it doesn't matter which (public) sever you go on. Private Shards can have one or many servers on the same hive, so as long as the hive itself is still around one or two servers shouldn't mater. For now though I know of no such private shards that are doing this, so if a private shard shuts down your info for that server is gone, not that it matters as it wouldn't have transferred over to a different or public server anyway. Now keep in mind the servers are buggy and this is Alpha, what I said above is how its suppose to be. TLDR If its a public server it shouldn't matter if it shuts down, you save to the public hive. If it's a private server and it shuts down that info's gone as it was saved on that private server.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Persistence question.

    No, loot does not 'pile up' naturally. If something hasn't been looted and dropped, it disappears on restart. What you saw was probably a very active scavenger making a base, or a duper dumping items in a building.