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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Wrench. I've yet to see a bike that used screws for anything other than say some sort of attachment like a basket. Also this topic has been done to death, you could have simply bumped an old topic and added your 2 cents to that. The reason why two wheels are harder to do than 4+ is because of balance and physics (literally). Say you bike up a hill and go along the side, your top heavy, does the bike remain a perfect 90 degrees relative to the z axis, in which case you'll be stable but that'll cause problems, such as clipping into the terrain. Do you remain perpendicular to the ground? In that case you'll fall over and tumble because your top heavy.
  2. IkaikaKekai


    Persistence is buggy atm so not all servers have it enabled. If your tents went missing then it wasn't a persistent server. If they stayed after restart but the items were gone then you ran into a bug. My guess is that since you were so close to restart the server didn't have time to save the items you put in.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    Pets in DayZ?

    Dogs and horses have been talked about as companion animals, and vehicles haven't been 'quickly' added. They've been working on them for a while now and they only now got them in in their current phase which is pretty rough IMO, still, lot of potential. Think the recent 2015 roadmap had them pegged for Q4 2015, so they might get in around this time next year if all goes well.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Consuming Zombie Flesh

    Eating the Zombies/Infected, yes; becoming a zombie, NO. I would say same 'nutrition' energy etc as eating human flesh with slightly more danger (higher chance of prion/diseases).
  5. IkaikaKekai

    1911 could be so much more

    Well if you enjoyed the Erotic Novel, you might like a picture... 40 rounds.
  6. Don't recall hearing that '6 months' thing. Probably wont even be next year unless they make leaps and bounds progress wise. It's not mentioned in the recent roadmap at all though it might come out in the Beta phase or when they allow modding. Basically I wouldn't be buying a server rig just yet.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    Flintlock musket

    While I would like to see a black powder weapon or two added, this is just a bit ridiculous, bordering on trolling even. To say a flintlock is the end-all do-all of post apocalyptic firearms because it's slightly easier to make ammo and powder for it without power tools than it would be to manufacture say a 7.62x39 cartridge? How do you plan on finding the ingredients for powder? You gonna find an untapped surface deposit of said minerals? Power can be restored, generators can be jury rigged from different things. Fuel can be made from renewable resources. We can find a way to bounce back, zombies are only a temporary setback. But please, don't be one of those that think we can find one of these just laying around Devil's castle, when we'd be lucky if we found this,
  8. IkaikaKekai

    1911 could be so much more

    That'd almost be worth sacrificing a Thompson Fore grip and compensator for. FYI I have seen 'drum' mags for 1911s. Think the ammo count was like 20-50.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Huge Sales this weekend @ Deans Used Truck Lot!

    Jebus I wish I had one of these in real life.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    No Active Servers/Players?

    Wednesday maintenance.
  11. You were probably killed within 30 seconds of logging off. Your character remains in world for a little bit after you log out.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Gas traps

    On that note...do not trust Big Mike's Taxi service when he rolls up the windows suddenly. You'll wake up in a field missing your beans.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Gas traps

    Humidifiers don't really make a 'gas', they just throw really small water droplets into the air. That and it would need to be in an enclosed room to have any effect and unless they walked directly over the humidifier into the 'fog' of poison they would probably loot what they can and get out with no adverse or long lasting effects. While humidifiers are pretty quite they do make noise and have a visible 'fog' over them. Combine that with the lack of 'back ground' noise that would normally drown out a humidifier (such as an running AC, computer or various other noises and whines we don't notice till the power goes out) and it'd be pretty obvious that someone's setting a trap. I think gas would be an unreliable way to kill someone the way DayZ is (realistically anyway), at least a gas 'trap' like this unless it's a gas grenade or a canister of nerve case that's set to release with a trip wire or some such. Even then it would have to be under certain conditions such as an enclosed building or narrow hallway.
  14. IkaikaKekai


    I would honestly rather see rifle grenades than mortars, for the most part you need line of sight and the range is limited compared to a mortar.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Preventing Kuru

    Forgot to mention that you actually can get Kuru (and other prion diseases) from eating any meat from the infected, not just the brain, the brain and spinal tissues just have the highest concentrations of the disease, but pretty much the entire body has it.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Preventing Kuru

    Didn't the recent status report say something about a prion disease? Maybe not Kuru itself any more but something, even if it's mad cow disease.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Preventing Kuru

    Or...and hear me out now as I know this sounds crazy...we can not eat humans like were a bunch of hippies that got raped and said rather than grow more food we'll just eat people.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Why DayZ Is Based In Ukraine

    Ukraine flag is Blue and Yellow, not Yellow and Green.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Lagging on a Good pc

    Dayz is very CPU intensive right now, so that's your bottleneck.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Chernogorsk vs Novodmitrovsk

    It is still the capital of Chernarus. It'd be like saying Waianae is the Capital of Hawaii because I've never been to Honolulu and have only read about it.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Chernogorsk vs Novodmitrovsk

    Novigrad is the Capital of Chenarus, Cherno is just a major city.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Just sharing a pretty interesting hybrid/DIY gun

    Kind of the first idea that popped to my mind. A homemade one at least. I'm kind of curious as to what a more professional made one would look like with a purpose made stock and furniture.
  23. IkaikaKekai


    Are you talking about the Mod or Standalone?
  24. No idea, might be a glitch that's since been patched out, and the video is old considering he has a mosin with a bipod.
  25. IkaikaKekai

    How many pallets in a buckshot ?

    None. Pellets on the other hand, it says there's 9 pellets in the shell in the item description in game, though I don't know if they actually have 9 pellets come out in the damage model or not.