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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    What is up with the farming hoe?

    Not 100% but I think helmets are split up a bit. IE Ballistics protect more from bullets than melee, and moto helms protect more from melee than bullets. That might explain it. As above, you could have been low enough on health for that one hit to matter. The farming hoe is on level with a splitting ax. There is also the possibility of the player being a script kiddie.
  2. IkaikaKekai


    You can also eat bamboo shoots, not to mention the crafting potential (can make a pretty nice 4 prong spear with just 2-3 cuts and a bit of trimming/sharpening). Temperature wouldn't be a problem since some varieties grow high up in the mountains and can survive temps of -20 degrees (F). However I don't think it'd be a very good fit for the area. There's no native species in Europe, that would mean any bamboo that would be found in Chenarus would be either decorative or farmed for material. Since it's a rather poor country I doubt Mrs. Chenarus would be growing a decorative plant from Asia in her garden, and with an active lumber industry I don't see them allocating land for bamboo farms or a businessman being farsighted enough to start bamboo farms in Chenarus.
  3. IkaikaKekai

    DayZ Dedicated Server

    Server files are not public for the time being, meaning you'll have to rent a server from one of the approved providers. They will be open to the public one day. Sorry to say but DayZ probably isn't for you (at least not yet). There's no real end game other than just surviving, and once you get 'established' (have all the gear you need and a steady source of food/water) the game gets a little boring, which is why most people turn to PVP. Before suicide I'd usually give a zombie a hug when I got bored with my current play though.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    Craftable Waterpump

    Good idea but as above... Certain areas would be viable to install a well, some wont. Now if we could pipe water from lakes or 'rivers' (when/if they get added) that'd be something else too. There's a camping trick where you use a milk jug with holes and a filter connected to some tubing to get water from upstream to your campsite and the flow of the river/stream 'pumps' the water for you. Still need to boil it but at least you won't have to lug water jugs around.
  5. IkaikaKekai

    special rounds for shotguns

    I doubt it, European Countries usually have stricter gun laws than the US, and while I don't think Flechette rounds are banned federally it is kind of a state by state thing. And even then there's laws regarding just hunting too (IE its Illegal in Pennsylvania to hunt with an autoloader and here in Hawaii it's illegal to crossbow hunt (unless you have a valid disability and a special permit) yet it's not illegal to own an autoloader or crossbow in either) That said, Chenarus is a fictional country with only a fragment of established lore (were not even 100% sure that the events of Arma 2 occurred in the DayZ universe) so for all we know there could be NO gun laws there, or there could be extremely tight gun laws but just a well established black market. For me it makes little sense to have something like Flechette rounds to be common, as I don't even think most militaries use it for shotguns (and it's more or less banned in artillery)
  6. IkaikaKekai

    i just have two small suggestion

    Not yet, and there isn't a font size big enough for the No to that question.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    special rounds for shotguns

    Need to be careful about this though as using 3" shells with a 2.75" chamber can cause problems. I think this might even be true for break actions such as the IZH though would defer to Gews' wisdom on the subject. Question is would it be simpler to make a shotguns 'magnums' and just use the 3" rounds for everything? Or split up the guns, military guns (if added) chambered for 3" and civi guns chambered for 2.75"? Or have Civi guns in 3" and 2.75" and have the player have to check the gun and ammo before use?
  8. IkaikaKekai


    You do make some good points, and hard cider would be easier to make than beer from my understanding. But sanitizing water is still a simpler process than either, and at least in the case of beer you need to sanitize it anyway, and if you're really after long term storage you need to pasteurize (easiest way is to boil the bottles in a pot of water) the batch afterwards too. You are right about the added nutritional value (beer is often called liquid bread), though there are some drawbacks from drinking alcohol (or I should say solely alcohol, there's a reason sailors would cut their rum rations with water). That aside, there's still a few realism issues they'ed have to flesh out, even if they compress the 'brew' time to say 3 days. Size of the batch would be one thing, after all it's a waste if you're just making a canteen's worth of beer. The brewing kit I use uses a 5 gallon bottling bucket and carboy. In game you could probably get away with one vessel to ferment in, and even ignore the temperature restraints (I need to use an ice bath here in Hawaii to keep the temperature around 72 degrees). This would be something that you would probably need a camp/base for as carrying around 5 gallons of anything is heavy as fuck. Bottling/canning would also be another issue (12oz bottles are the 'standard', but me and my brother use .5L bottles with resealable flip tops) even though you could use the water bottles or canteens you'd still need a lot of them for a small batch. That or some sort of cask or keg, which could be looted from the many bars along with equipment to actually brew, all of which you still need to clean and sanitize (two different things). Brewing beer could go hand in hand with bread making as well, they would often go hand in hand in the old days (they often use the same grains and brewers would skim yeast off the top of the vats to sell to bakers). And player gardening would help out with brewing beer as well, (growing hops and the grain). @LoveAffair Distilling and Brewing are two different things. To maybe oversimplify it you distill wine into brandy and beer into whisky.
  9. IkaikaKekai


    I brew in real life. It takes about 3 or more weeks for a batch of beer (in real life) That's a couple of hours of brewing, two weeks of fermentation (I use a different vessel each week) another week to carbonate in the bottles, and while I don't drink myself, my test subjects said the bottles we let age for another week tasted much better than after the week of carbonation. And you do need to boil the water to actually brew, so it wouldn't be any easier than boiling water for safety. That and if you didn't boil the water any bacteria in the water would just feed on all that sugar, malt, and flavorings and become a big ole carboy or bottle of liquid death.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    special rounds for shotguns

    Flichette rounds are questionable, it's illegal in some places and I haven't read much on Soviet/post-Soviet usage (at least in shotguns). Dragon's breath would be a no for me. But I do think we need more round types, weather it's beanbag/rubber/plastic slugs found in police stations, player made rocksalt, or player made coinshot, even cutshells.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Crashsite suggestion

    If I remember correctly they never had plans for such things as dynamic events. That was Rocket saying it before the 'new engine' was revealed so things may have changed, but I highly doubt it. In the mod Zombies would spawn in at the crashsites, as the 'story' goes everyone who can get infected already is. The team has said many times in the past there will be no NPCs, I would think that extends to crashing helis/planes. But as I said, new lead, new engine, things might change.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    Wow, this place got busy while I was at work, can't even slog through all of it, so I'll sum up my thoughts here: This isn't going to happen. It's one thing to ban someone for going around on a MMO with a ship named U.S.S. (Insert slur)-Killer. That's something that CAN be enforced rather easily by game code, as would text chat (though honestly I don't think they should). Voice chat is another mater entirely. You mentioned having voice chat monitored and ban issued on a case by case basis. And who is BI going to hire to do that? The NSA? I'm pretty sure they're busy with the teraflops of information to get hourly. It's just not going to happen, no mater how hard whine or how long your threaten to hold your breath, you're just going to turn blue, pass out, and start breathing again. Best you can do is shoot the offender in the face, and let him know WHY you shoot them in the face. Racism/Discrimination won't go away. It'll always be around, just take the higher ground and don't be a part of it yourself.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Permanent Night servers

    Can't speak for every server but I would say no, most servers don't have night time at all, and the ones that do usually have equal times with night and day. You're also highly unlikely to find a highpop night server. The majority of people don't want their PVP to be 'hindered' by darkness.
  14. Not really any way to prohibit TeamSpeak or any other VOIP program. Not legally anyway. Plus people are already getting paranoid at Battleeye scanning your computer for cheats/hack software, add in some sort of code that turns off TS or Skype and people will cry foul.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    I don't think that'd be a good idea. For SA there is no global chat. Also the majority of the chat is done via voice. Now if it's disruptive (someone just screaming slurs over and over for no reason other than to be a dick) then a kick or ban from that server is in order. That'd be harder with public servers but within the rights of private shards.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    Speciall towns and cities

    Yeah, I've been given a link to some free Arma3 tools for world building and the like but I can't make much sense of them. Kinda wished I could just send a google sketchup model to a pile that the Devs can look over and cherry pick.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Speciall towns and cities

    I do have to agree to a small degree, but it's mostly because they have a limited pool of buildings to work with. And a lot of the buildings look similar anyway even if they are different. For commercial buildings and the like that can be explained by cookie cutter blueprints drafted by the Soviets to get buildings built quicker, and the fact that architects will usually try to make buildings similar to nearby buildings so that they match the facade so to speak. Would be nice if they added a few variations to buildings, like if Berezino had a different hospital layout than Cherno or Electro. In my disagreement, layout of a town does make a big difference. A smaller village I might confuse with another, but I know I'm in Cherno when I'm in Cherno, if that makes sense to you.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    A Good Tactic?

    If you see them spawn in or sit down to log out after doing a search of the military buildings, shoot away. If they walk/run up there then they are hard workers like you (or KOSers) so leave them alone, in fact you might want to hide in case its the latter...
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Right click shaking since 0.52?

    Stop eating people...or don't and give your victims a fighting chance to get away or kill you...you monster...
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Saw of street signs to receive melee weapons

    I shall ride atop an armored Battle Boar while wielding my battle Ax made from the 'put on snow tires' sign on the road near Tulga.
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Whats the value?

    Net Value is -2. *Rimshot*
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Zombie Agro

    I think the zombie improvements were 'scheduled' for Q1 on the road map. So if all goes well it should be here in the next couple of months.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Teddy Bear Bomb - Craftable

    Just took a quick look and it does have a spoon. Think you misunderstand me too, if it's in the teddy bear the spoon won't 'pop' and there for no explosion. Unless you had the spoon sticking out of the teddy, which would be somewhat odd given the shape.
  24. "Dude, something smells funny...wait, what backpack are you wearing?" "Oh, I made it myself." "Out of what?" "The last guy who said I smelled funny *Stab stab*. And now I'm gonna make me a bow."
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Teddy Bear Bomb - Craftable

    I thought the 'spoon' needs to be removed for it to actually explode? If it was stuffed into a teddy bear wouldn't there be a high chance the spoon wouldn't fly off?