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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    will there be a Boeing AH-64 Apache someday for Dayz standalone?

    What does that have to do with killing zombies more efficiently? If I run out of targets I can just bang some empty cans around till I get new ones.
  2. IkaikaKekai

    will there be a Boeing AH-64 Apache someday for Dayz standalone?

    It's highly unlikely. The devs are reluctant to add unarmed transport helicopters (though they will) much less an attack heli. And if they were they would most likely add something along the lines of a Hind or Havoc due to the setting. In the final game we'll be lucky to find Automatic weapons, much less keep them. What do you need an attack heli for in the zombie apoc anyway? Spending days to scrounge up fuel for an hour's worth of joy. Where you gonna find replacement Hellfires and 30mm for that thing anyway? Not many NATO bases in Chenarus. Now you're just flying around in a gas guzzling bunker with nothing meaningful to do but waste precious resources. Give me a nice tower or 2nd floor of a barricading building, a .22, a silencer, and a weeks worth of food and water, and I'll be more efficient at killing zombies than you.
  3. Pretty sure it's been said by at least one of the devs that it takes place in the modern day, or the earliest it could be is 2013, or at least that's when the infection started. There's also the expiration dates on the epi pens, which I think is 2014, though technically speaking they're probably still good after the expiration date but it's considered unsafe by most with high standards.
  4. Could be it, but bees generally go for the eyes if they can find them anyway. Ever get buzzed by a Bee (not a Wasp) near their hive back away slowly and squint (it works, trust me)
  5. IkaikaKekai

    When can we start hosting DayZ servers individually?

    Because they aren't putting the server files out. Any server files you find are not legit.
  6. IkaikaKekai

    When can we start hosting DayZ servers individually?

    Best guess is sometime in mid to late beta, but that's a personal guess on my part judging from the roadmap. What they say is it's due to security reasons while they're shoring up the code.
  7. A smoker is very easy to make, but really you could just make a bundle of sticks and twigs, set it on fire and use the smoke from that. Some of the Urban Beekeepers use liquid smoke in a spray bottle so they don't bother their neighbors or set of some fire alarm. Baggy/thick clothing is usually preferred, my mentor checks the hives wearing a tank top and surf shorts, whereas I wear at least a t-shirt and pants. Clothing color is a factor as well, darker colors put them on edge (most honey predators have dark fur), and lighter colors are also more visible to bees (I don't know exactly how it works, but the bees also see dark colors as a 'void' and will go straight for it, then panic when they find out it's solid and go into sting mode)
  8. You know what I meant :P Sounds like he has an allergy, but even with a full suit people still get stung. I do have a suit stuffed away in a gobag in case I have to do a hive removal (from a wall or any other source that requires destruction) or if we ever have to do some sort of emergency work on a hive during bad weather. And yes it is very possible to make a smoker from parts lying around. My mentor has one made from two pieces of wood and a piece of leather for the bellows, and a couple of tin cans for the fire chamber.
  9. I'm a beekeeper. I don't use a suit and only got stung once so far (from a half dead bee so I don't count it). Smoke, not so much fire, is very important for me to do that without a suit. In fact I have to regularly stuff green leaves and damp vegetation into the smoker to keep the smoke cool.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    500 - 1000 Slots for loot. Per Account

    Step one, Grab EVERY high end gun. Step two, Log out. Step 3 Laugh at everyone else who'll never have a high end gun.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    What about Russian Spam?

    Can't we have Chenarussian Spork or Speef then? (please gods no Sphicken) The canning process cooks whatever's in the can to kill off bacteria as well as seal the can. It's the reason a can of peaches wont turn into schnapps or liquid death after a couple years and most canned green veggies look a sickly brown when opened. In fact I think they found canned goods from the Napoleonic wars that was still edible.
  12. IkaikaKekai

    What about Russian Spam?

    You can safely eat spam 'raw' (but why would you want to?)
  13. IkaikaKekai

    What about Russian Spam?

    Get it to a dark red, almost charred and it almost tastes better than bacon!
  14. IkaikaKekai

    troll level 100

    Which is why I dump all bottles I find.
  15. IkaikaKekai

    Articial Neurotransmitter

    This sounds like the plot line to many Anime, Manga, and a couple of Movies. If I remember right it never really worked out well for the players for various reasons.
  16. IkaikaKekai


    Not all breeds of cows have it where females have small or no horns. Also cows are made up mostly of muscle (meat), not lard (fat). Pigs were primarily used as a source of lard in addition to their meat and leather (there are some lard hogs that were larger than some breeds of cow). I was going to make some comment about why a Texan wouldn't know this, but then I saw you were from Austin.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    My character got wiped....

    You most likely were killed by a zombie in the 30 seconds you remained ingame after the crash was detected, if it wasn't an error on the server's side that is. You're not gonna get your gear back though, sorry to say. Don't think they ever claimed wipes would never happen again, they may have squashed a few bugs that caused wipes but not all.
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    There isn't a fully fleshed out lore, yet. There's only a few things that have been confirmed, and it's been about the zombies. I do not have the exact numbers but it goes something like this. Roughly 98% of the world's population has been infected, with the remaining 2% Immune to the virus. Of the 98% infected, roughly 60% died from the infection (think they said 'brain liquidification' was the main cause of death) The 40% of infected not dead are what we encounter in game. There was even a theoretical paper drafted on the zombie virus by Rocket's brother (I've yet to see this paper but would love to). If that 'lore' isn't enough for you to know why your 'zombie player' idea got shot down instantly then let me put it this way, The Devs said no. Not 'well think about it', not 'maybe if someone makes a petition', they said No. Player Zombies (PC or NPC) will be too much trouble for them to even bother attempting for the limited amount of gameplay it would add. Some modders will more than likely attempt it or even do it, some might even do it well, but it won't be on the main hive.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    Alpha! Seriously till just recently we had less zombies on the map than players, and they could spot someone from over a mile away through a wall. They're broken (and, according to many, still broken) and simply placeholders. It is my hope that zombies will have a system similar to players where they have to seek out food, water, and at the very least shelter when they're hungry, thirsty, and cold respectively. There's quite a few ways the lack of death from exposure can be explained, higher than normal body heat output, higher metabolism, deadened nerves, ect, but until a Dev comes out and says, "Oh, Zombies don't die from the cold because of X." it's all just speculation on our parts.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Food Comparison Chart

    *looks down at half eaten goat sandwich and stops eating* "Oh god...it tastes like Carl! Thanks for this, was trying to do some of the math based on info from the DayZ wiki and coming up with weird numbers....I forgot how to maths.
  21. Methinks this needs a bump. Haven't said anything yet but very good idea. They will need to tweak the systems I think but they are in place to be tweaked. IE as it stands now if you're starving to death and eat a nice juicy steak they need to make it so you won't die before you start regenerating energy. It'd also be nice if they add in a sort of 'body fat' system as well, say you're doing good and surviving for a long time, eat regularly and more calories than you burn you start to build up body fat, so that say something happens, your garden goes bad, you're hunting rifle breaks, no ammo, no animals, ect, you'll have a little more leeway before you start starving.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Garden Plots growing rotten food

    Nope, and I ate about 20 of em trying to get my energy to full green (Poor choice now that I look at the values but those were the seeds I had). They didn't look 'rotten' so much (as in it wasn't imploding on itself or exposed seeds and the like), just the texture was splotchy and weird looking on some of them. Couldn't harvest seeds with a stone knife, just assumed I couldn't because it was stone. Although really we should be able to harvest seeds and still have something edible leftover (other than zucchini and maybe tomatoes)
  23. IkaikaKekai

    How will vehicles work?

    Basically this. We will be able to do other modifications as well. Like putting steel plate over a front windshield, wrapping the front with barbwire. Maybe some Mad Max spikes on the bumpers. We won't really know till they do it but that's the dream at the moment. And no, we won't be doing scratch built gyro-copters from a lawn mower and 2x4s.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    Garden Plots growing rotten food

    I noticed that the food I was growing looked like it was sickly or rotten, but it was still good to eat and in pristine condition. It did not go from seed to shit though. Did they remember to water them? Maybe in certain places plants need fertilizer now?
  25. IkaikaKekai

    Can i just say....

    Can't do the PET bottle and paper in game, it was a video done in real life.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwQJ-3pZfwc I didn't mean the flare gun, I meant the flare that goes into the gun. And I wasn't sure if it could be used to start fires or not (in game anyway)