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Everything posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. IkaikaKekai

    Press vest idea (Clarification)

    Well dying and coloring is already planed (in fact that was one of the purposes of adding the barrel), it wouldn't be a stretch to think we can dye/paint the Press Vest, since we can already respray a UN helmet. My question is, would dying/boiling a bulletproof/stabproof vest compromise it or something?
  2. IkaikaKekai

    This post is messed up Don't read.

    The Press Vest is blue for a reason, they're suppose to be distinguishable from military/police gear, so that hopefully, who ever your interviewing is fighting won't shoot you, but rather shoot everyone around you so you'll interview them instead. They're probably going to add in more vests and the like, didn't they already add in a plate carrier?
  3. I honestly wouldn't take much from the 'lack' or sparseness of technology or lack of 'decor' in buildings. Most homes are pretty bare, I'd say they'll add more clutter later on when we're more in beta phase.
  4. IkaikaKekai

    How to Auto Run, very simple

    I use a railroad spike I was going to make into another tomahawk. The trick is to balance it on the head, not the point.
  5. I'm looking outside my window at a 1985 Toyota Truck...I was born in 1986, therefor, I do not exist.
  6. I wouldn't be jumping for joy over it, but I've got bad ankles so I don't do much jumping... I prefer to play in first person mode, it's more immersive IMO, but I do like to occasionally like to go into third and look at myself/gear. I wouldn't be in the crowd throwing bricks if 3rd went away.
  7. IkaikaKekai

    0.57 Map Changes: Berezino

    Now THATS a school, not that dingy office building everyone says is a school.
  8. IkaikaKekai

    Sorely needed primitive survival tweaks

    Hawaiians had the 'o 'o stick, and we wern't known for being very malnourished. Granted we used something more along the lines of a hardwood spear to dig with, but we got it done.
  9. IkaikaKekai

    Chris Alluding to new gun ?

    I'm pretty sure this is a joke, though Red Jacket (or whatever they're calling themselves now) made a shotgun with an underbarrel SMG (which I think was also a Mac10). Looks like a .50 with a slightly smaller caliber under that, and the Mac10. Another reason why this is a joke would be the 'clipping' issues with the other guns, the grip and magazine of the (AR/DMR) is well below the bipod of the .50, and the Mac10 is even further below that. I'm slightly worried that this might mean they're working on a M107 for DayZ, but he could have just 'merged' the 3 diffent models into one for the joke. Just curious, anyone know what the middle gun is? Thought it might be an AR type rifle at first, but it's missing the buffer.
  10. IkaikaKekai

    Why did you buy this game?

    Was playing the mod for a while, liked it and the promises of Standalone, not to mention the lower price point. I'll be honest, if I said 'fuck it', uninstalled and never glanced at DayZ again I'd say I've gotten my money's worth. Now I don't plan on doing that, just saying.
  11. IkaikaKekai

    Medical box

    There's a "In Soviet Russia" joke in there somewhere...
  12. IkaikaKekai

    Advanced Infected Functions

    As said before, we will never be able to get the zombie virus, this is as intended. They are going to add more diseases and infections that we can catch, but I don't know if they could really pull of mosquitoes well. Could they do something as small as a mosquito, other than as a particle? I mean a while ago they showed off some sort of hopping mouse, but that's still quite larger than a mosquito. From what I've been reading the AI for zombies have been screwing with the servers currently and the next stable patch zombies are suppose to be turned off till they fix the performance issue. Now add in something as small and numerous as a mosquito. I like the overall idea, but don't think they could pull it off in a realistic manner.
  13. IkaikaKekai

    Spitting Added

    Think that's something I'd do. Bandit: Any last words, fucker? Me: Yeah *hock and spit* Have fun with tuberculosis shithead.
  14. IkaikaKekai

    5.56 Bolt action rifle (Remington 700)

    They need to add just a generic clip-on bipod so people will stop bitching...
  15. IkaikaKekai

    The Forest and dugouts!

    Because at this point none of the models (except for the bunkers and the buildings above them) have a basement or access for a basement. If/when they do that, either make building models with basements or modify existing ones, they'll still need to dig the terrain underneath it, make sure everything fits correctly and that there's no holes for a player to fall through and get stuck under the building.
  16. IkaikaKekai

    The Forest and dugouts!

    Those aren't truly underground. The terrain under them is lowered to fit the bunkers, and there's usually a 'plate' over it to act as artificial terrain. They do this kind of trick a lot with games that can't 'break ground' (Such as Second Life) I don't remember that base in detail, but it may have been the same as what I said above. That said, I think a video of VSB was shown with them putting in a sewer or some other sort of underground access. Keep in mind not everything done with VSB can be down with the Arma or DayZ engines. It may be possible in the future for them to do so, but I would say as of right now it's an engine limitation. I would say it's safe to say it's something they want to do, they just can't yet with current limitations. Keep in mind they're changing/modding the engine constantly to make it it's own. For us to be able to actively change the terrain, IE dig ditches or mound up dirt, I don't think they'll ever allow it.
  17. IkaikaKekai

    Why change the Mosin

    Not confused at all. You saying a man can't enjoy a gun and a cartoon?
  18. IkaikaKekai

    Why change the Mosin

    Because that bipod is not the same type as the one in game currently. The one in game currently is a rail mounted bipod. No rails on the Mosin, no rail mounted Bipod on Mosin. They had it on for testing purposes since the mosin was the only 'true' rifle at that time. I would imagine if they add a different Bipod that's a clip on or non rail mount, we might be able to mount it on the Mosin.
  19. IkaikaKekai

    cool little device i thought we could use in dayz

    I don't think either of these would be very useful or realistic. For one they probably don't make ammo for either weapon anymore, or even the Soviet/Russian equivalents.
  20. IkaikaKekai

    Getting stuffed faster than I can drink.

    Don't forget to purify your water. Speaking of which did they add a boil water mechanic yet, or are purification tabs our only salvation for now?
  21. IkaikaKekai

    Making The CR-527 A More Viable Rifle

    I thought it was one of the rifles that was getting the new hunting scope? SKS and mosin are stuck with just the PU for now.
  22. IkaikaKekai

    Motion activated camera.

    I like the concept but they'ed be somewhat limited if we're going with straight trail/hunting cameras. You'd also need to be able to see what they captured, I don't think most trail cameras have viewing screens on them (then again I've never used one) and the SD card needs to be pulled and put on a device to see it. And then you wouldn't really be able to identify people since we all pretty much share the same model with only very minor differences, and those will be invisible in full Gorka or ghillie. Good idea, but not really that useful for what we're doing.
  23. IkaikaKekai

    Players turn into a zombie?

    It's not going to happen. No matter how you plead or go 'but, but what if?' it's not going to happen. Get over it.
  24. IkaikaKekai

    will there be a Boeing AH-64 Apache someday for Dayz standalone?

    If you just want an Apache, go play Arma2/3, Take on Helicopters (I assume they have an Apache DLC or mod) or any of 100 other games that let you fly the AH-64. If I want to go around shooting people while driving a fast car, I'll play GTA, not demand that Natsume change Harvest Moon into GTA.