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Posts posted by joe_mcentire

  1. It's always good to see the devs engaging with the community but I have some reservations about this "Community Combat Scrum". I don't believe that these big name streamers with have much valuable insight to give the devs, the instant gratification play style that is popular on twitch is completely at odds with the direction the game is supposedly taking (see the comments the devs made about coastal deathmatch when the CLE first dropped).

    What kind of issues are important to these PvP focused players?

    Would like to see Gews in there. Seems to know his stuff about guns and shooting and military in general.

    • Like 4

  2. Will likely have nothing to do with the infection as it has been stated many times the survivors are immune.  I'm thinking a chemical or radioactive plant or some such will be added somewhere (way NW?) and it will have been affected by the circumstances of the infection outbreak leading to spill areas etc.  There will likely be some kind of suit that also has to be gathered to enter these areas safely.


    Edit: as for potential areas... If it is a chemical spill, it's as easy as adding a turned over truck/train in random areas that were carrying the chemicals as well as the plant itself.

    personally, i would have liked to see a village/complex of buildings/facilites completely burned down to their cores. all charred and black with smaller spots where nature is slowly claiming back what belonged her anyway. however i understand that a "zone" would provide more gameplay options (endgame/loot-dependencies e.g.). from a pure narrativ pov i would prefer the prior :D




    also want to give the opinion of /u/20somethinghipster


    Here is a counterpoint? What if the containment zones didn't have better loot, what if it was worse loot? What if it had more infected?

    I would dig a containment zone where the ammo is super scarce, buildings and wells are far apart. What's the reward? More wildlife, and hunting and crafting was a requirement to survive.

    The containment zone wouldn't be for bandits or bambis. It would be for hunters and lone wolves. It would be a place to craft and camp.

    and my take on this quite good idea:

    going against a traditional "high-military loot" reward and more into a "unique" loot direction. throwing around words and ideas here but e.g. a rare bottle of wine, a smartphone, a cigar, a tuxedo, a bigfoot suit or traditional garments a.s.o.

    a place where stealth would be the key, easier for lone-wolves and harder for clans and (even motorized) groups.


    guess i was a bit too narrow-minded about the term "contaminated zone" as it could as well mean something as the example posted by /u/20somethinghipster

  3. i would have liked to ask about the contaminated zone, because i genuinely feel it's a terrible, generic idea. I understand, there are literally dozens of people who asked for this feature but do you actually think it's a worthwhile addition to the game or is this some form of "giving in" to a popular community-demand?


    i would like to know the reasoning behind this decision and potential areas that would make sense. Especially as you mentioned the infection is airborne, how would that make any sense...or isn't this about the infection at all?

    • Like 2

  4. resurrecting this thread due to the recent trello update from Chris:


    why not just introduce mobiles? since you can have and maintain a more or less functional local network by yourself. and the fact that there are certain brands which also come with built-in walkie-talkie functionality you would also have a device with additional possibilities:

    • flashlight (including morse-functionality)
    • camera functionality
    • peer to peer wifi
    • bluetooth
    • NFC (being able to flash an app with simple UID on your device for high-tech base-access only :P)
    • very few apps such as offline maps even?

    def. worth a mod at least


    you could really build upon some of these options and transform mobiles even to personal tokens of players. so even without satellites and functional networks we would still have small and quite powerful computers at hand.


    also relevant reddit

    • Like 1

  5. Hi, my suggestion is basically very simple to implement and i hope a dev takes a look at it.

    We have an ingame map, right? But i dont know a single person who uses it, because when you use an internet map instead it beings the same result and u dont need to use an inventory slot.

    There is also a compass, which is ofcourse - unlikely the map - very usefull

    We could make the map usefull again by reenabling the arma 2 feature to be able line up the compass with the map(if you found both ofc.). With that u can easily calculate the degree you need to run to get to a certain position and also you could messure your position by 2 distinctive points. (I think everyone who knows how to do it ll understand me)

    As an addition you could enable this function (to combine map+compass) only if you sit down (or even create an animation to lay down the map, but thats just an possible addition)

    think about it, it would really give the map ingame sence again

    Edit: for the guys who have no idea how to orient with a map and a compass: all i want back is the arma 2 compass which was showen on the map.

    I dont want any "here i am" or "there i want to go" markers

    you could easily set incentives to use maps ingame by using "crazy" ideas.


    think how you could connect dyn. events with maps for a moment:

    using the map would reveal the location and/or the type of one or more dynamic events. Think about a simple "x" or even more sophisticated stuff like "gas", "food", "supplies", "help" etc. somewhere painted on that map in accordance to an actually spawned dynamic event. well that would quite change the map behavior.


    you could also use the map easily as "one" item that represents your age and the time you've spent with your char. automatically adding more and more stuff on your map triggered by certain specific scenarios: "found military stuff", "found base", "firefight". "started to bleed", "almost died", "killed someone" all of these manually removable but also add-able to your map.

  6. Well, in murica where food is s very abundant, cities are estimated to have roughly 3 days worth of food in them. Accurate or not, after some kind of apocalypse food would disappear quickly from cities. So no, food should not be abundant. Non food items would be abundant but food would not.

    ppl seem to underestimate the fact that we refill our supplies on a daily basis. what would happen if that would stop?

    • Like 1

  7. victor a very basic question. would it be feasible to have two (or more) sets of one animation: one "basic" animation A and then one set B (and C) where you decelerate/accelerate this animation of set A by a factor of 2 or 1/2, respectively.

    what my intention right here is, you may ask? 


    stealth: using quiet and slow animations

    rush: using noisy and fast animations 

    • Like 2

  8. -snip-

    i agree with your sentiment. but it really depends on the direction they choose to go with this game. how much loot are we going to get and see in its final form. far more, far less than we can see in these current builds? i think there is a magic number where you get a significant gain from the one or the other system.


    however it confuses me as well a bit: wheren't world containers such as the shown fridge e.g. supposed to get "non-materialized" loot? or was that just jumping to conclusions back then?

  9. also something that is more or less really bothering me: is there any chance that we are going to see much deeper swamp-areas. I think 95% of the time they are mostly ankle-deep and that's a bit of a turn off for me personally as i think a swamp could offer far more potential especially if paired with a solid fog-system.


    here my feature request: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=21047

  10. which tools are used for creating your assets (buildings for example)? Have you ever thought of doing a contest catered to e.g. students of universities (architecture/design/civil engineering) to help create unique buildings, such as an oligarch's manor or the like. Cash prizes for the best three entries would still be way way cheaper than dev-manhours in comparison i suppose. You would also gather the interest of such students.

  11. Never actually seen hay bales wrapped like this - in France and UK I've commonly seen them unwrapped as in the game, to produce hay. In my local region there is no great rush to collect them from the fields once they are baled, if there is sun.

    For what it's worth, wrapped bales are called silage/haylage bales - they start to ferment much quicker than unwrapped bales. Silage and hay are two different fodder products.

    yes - suppose that people here just use silage bales far more often

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  12. quick question: is it common in slavic countries or post-soviet countries to leave their hayballs just like they are ingame? 


    this is how i know them:



    the ones as depicted in the game are normally only mere hours in that state but i figure due to the monetary limits of chernarussian farmers they leave them simply without the foil.
