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Posts posted by joe_mcentire

  1. it might be not the right place to post this but i think it would fit best into the animation/design branch:


    dynamically de/increasing sprinting speed (especially regarding inclines)

    especially uphill the current situation is completely unrealistic. Depending on the surface and the height-map your char constantly switches between (if sprint-button is pressed) sprinting, jogging and walking which does not only look somewhat ridiculous but is also highly problematic in typical fight or flight scenarios due to the abrupt and unpredictable change.


    therefore i suggest: dynamically decreasing speed according to the height-map so that there are no binary steps between sprinting and jogging but a more fluent transition between the two.


    might also be influenced by:

    • footwear
    • weather
    • stamina and/or health
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  2. i'd love to see some "dynamically forced" sounds when colliding with stationary/static objects:

    • when colliding with chain-link fence,
    • when colliding with tables/chairs,
    • when bumping into a static car,
    • when bumping into these stone walls (maybe even with visuals: small stones rumbling down etc.),
    • when bumping into a door,
    • when jumping into hay,
    • etc.

    specific sounds these static objects would make when hit somehow by a player or AI.

  3. i am really sorry to say it, but this question comes by FAR to late. you can't possibly think to make such a massive change having an even so massive impact on the majority of DayZ gamers and expect that there won't be any backlash...it will just end in very very bad news all around BI and DayZ and hard days for the PR in general.


    BI was blinded by the money or more likely paralyzed by an über-wariness in this regard. this although devs constantly tell us how much better the experience on 1pp is and that 1pp is the "way it's meant to be played"...


    You should've sticked to your guns and removed 3pp for good, with all its implications, from the get-go, from day one. now even the slightest changes might be in vain, only creating fuss and backlash.

  4. I'm finding this entirely reproduceable. Happens every time I have something in my hands (usually my M4). Have to cancel action and then do it again.


    Definitely not desync.

    still? what do you play currently? stable or exp?

  5. do you think about types of zeds that seem to have been diseased only recently and therefore remain to have some sense of how to use basic tools, use doorknobs etc.? nothing sophisticated really. just tools they wouldn't even use purposefully or effective. a cleaver in their hand, a smaller firearm, bricks, wood stuff like these. or also showing some form of intelligence by at least fiddling with doorknobs e.g.

  6. Also we should meet crawlers quite soon but we will rather think of them as injured infected as they will go to this mode when you hit their legs.

     zed life-cycle? zeds transitioning from fast, agile, strong -> weak, slow, crawling or really just player caused injuries to zeds?

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  7. Z is coming back :), there are some problems and crashes (known issues). But in general you can expect the following in this iteration :


    Zombies do react to sound/visuals. Stance changes affect visibility, clothes do not (yet). Stances and walking affect noises. Silencers do not (yet). Clothes neither (yet). They follow you when you attract them, they walk around and try to find you. There is no group AI yet. There will be. Try the stealth to get the feel of it. There have been no changes to health/damage yet. The absolute number of zombies is set to double the amount, we will try to increase them over time balancing out changes to health/damage.


    Also consider the new animations, combo attacks etc. More than 4 zombies can follow you now, be careful.


    Other than new v3s animations (wip not final), map changes to reduce wallglitching and loads of bugfixes (vehicles, animals and zombies). Chainsaw is back! 


    Animals have gone through loads of bugfixing, including some of the stuck animations, weird movement etc. There are increased numbers and variability. Let the hunting begin!


    For this iteration we also turned on the new spawn system (loot), economy and dynamic events (working on persistent servers, they are not affected by restarts and regulary spawn loot)


    Eugen Harton



    EDIT: There is a snowball effect of our last year of work on sensors, ai and much of the underlying yech. Exciting times ahead. There is loads more work, including item modifications, damage, health, weapons, group ai, terrain etc. But the new zomies consist of new physical controller + sensors + ai + animations etc. Thus it will help with many of the issues that zombies had, its not only stealth. Its clipping, desync, amount, performance, and more. We just need time to tweak it.



    i meant



  8. also this one is quite obvious atm:


    0022530: consuming food/drinks directly from vicinity window is bugged

    you can't consume anything while with something in your hands. the item in your hands gets deselected, but the consumable only shortly appears in your hands and then transitions back to the vicinity window.

    "We have checked this thoroughly and unfortunately we could not reproduce the issue, this was most likely caused by the various desync issues we are aware of and working on fixing them."


    From my experience, desync issues are far more "arbitrary" and coincidental, or related to higher ping (at least were in the past). 

    However this bug is currently happening accross all "platforms": on exp. and stable, no matter which server, no matter how high or low the ping, this is currently (on my end) a 100% deterministic, reproducible bug and it's happening every time(!).
    "just" desync, i really don't know, it just doesn't look to me like that...

  9. also this one is quite obvious atm:


    0022530: consuming food/drinks directly from vicinity window is bugged

    you can't consume anything while with something in your hands. the item in your hands gets deselected, but the consumable only shortly appears in your hands and then transitions back to the vicinity window.




    0022532: loot is underneath the floor of the elongated green building

    occasionally you can find loot next to the stove and in the back of the room at the chair. problem is, it's only visible via vicinity window and can't be seen directly ingame. (small green building)

  10. i have a new blocker right now:
    0022505: constant BE update - game restarts every time i try to join a server

    Switched from experimental to stable via opting out from beta and suddenly faced a game-blocker.
    Whenever i try to join a server ingame i get thrown to the desktop, this window pops up (see attachment: be_cmd_update) followed by the game basically restarting itself: BI logo, early-access disclaimer, main menu.

    -Switching back to experimental: does not work
    -deleting all contents from the DayZ folder in appdata: does not work
    -verifying game integrity: does not work
    -all the above simultaneously: does not work

  11. Feedback welcome!


    Hej Peter, yes actually some feedback or more further questions:


    I'm more interested with the barrels then the coloring.

    • Can we move the barrels?
    • Do they provide reasonable cover from weapons fire? What if they are filled with water?
    • Can we use them as barricades? What, if anything, will a barrel stop or slow?
    • Can we cut up the barrels and use the metal as a crafting material? I would love to make a riot shield, a BBQ pit, maybe some make shift blades or arrow heads.
    Dying your cloths is a neat aesthetics feature which I feel is needed in a game where blending in with your surroundings can save your life, but I would love to see more improvised crafting. A large steel drum would be an amazing tool and resource!

    And my personal question on top of this: can we expect some physics applied to them? too taxing? not desired even maybe?


  12. Is anyone else now encountering cheaters even more? I had a fully kitted guy with a AUG and he shot me through a wall. The issue with the log is there is a easy bypass, simply don't kill the person, just make them bleed and wait until they go unconscious because then it won't show up in the logs, which is a really, really bad loop hole.

    without any more context, but isn't this supposed to be a feature? ...to be able to shoot through walls?

  13. i am more the one that wants to see more all-day objects used as weapons: how about bricks or a broken bottle? ski poles, billard balls in a sock? umbrellas and lawnmower blades, even a bolt gun? all things i would bid welcome.

  14. i would like to see your opinion on this video:


    it's obviously a completely different engine, used for much smaller scale but i really love how they captured that genuine sensation of Waldeinsamkeit ;). Might be the case also due to the fact that this forest pretty much resembles the types i know from my home.


    However can you see some details in here you would absolutely love to see in Chernarus? Are there details you can already say "that's out of reach" at least for a version 1.0 release?


    would be interested to hear some of your comments on this topic!



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  15. i am certain it doesn't quite fit into this thread, but nevertheless:

    atm you can circumvent the effects of (at least) the blurred view when hit by blunt force, by fiddeling with your ingame options and post processing effects. will this be addressed in the near/far future? i think Arma2 was also bugged with the same issue.


    0000102: Blurred vision workaround

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  16. I like the idea, but please let moving only the branches and tops of those trees not the whole massive trunks (with the exception of gale, of course).

    moreoever, what would happen if you'd use a tree as cover? would you have to move all the time to stay perfectly concealed behind it? that would be a bad design choice.

  17. Do you expect world containers to have a positive impact regarding performance..and if so how much % of the total loot items would  you expect to spawn inside containers ?


    would be really interesting to know :)


    cheers and keep up the amazing work :thumbsup:

    follow up question: 


    what would you consider becoming a container eventually? did you think e.g. of stuff like these piles of dirt and rubble on the streets, or maybe even old tree stumps (with e.g. providing maybe just one single slot)

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  18. Peter, somewhat related: will there be the possibility then to be able to gather ferns, grass, rocks, dirt and just soil in general to place that as precisely as other objects? this all to conceal traps or your gear in the best possible way.

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  19. Waking up from  unconscious, could use a new animation, too. Standing up immediately is a little odd. Maybe rolling on to the back or something in a prone stance would do it.

    this reminds me also of a slight stagger animation which would make sense, when hit hard enough with blunt force. blurred view and spinning head

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