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Posts posted by joe_mcentire

  1. The requirements from Dean for creating the final list of firearms included:


    - 50/50 mixture of 'Western' and 'Eastern' firearms.

    - Bias towards civilian models.

    - Expansion of the weapon set should occur with minimum expansion of calibers and attachments

    - Emphasis on short and intermediate range firearms


    Peter also required that each firearm should be as visually distinct as possible from one another and that we should add some of our more unique items.

    is there also a list for melee weapons or makeshift/everyday "weapons"?

  2. Only 1 or 2? Do you even realize how many people own longboards? I live in a really hilly area and theres only maybe a couple hundred people in my town (theres another close-by town that everyone goes to fore shopping, etc) and basically we all own longboards. In a place like Chernarus where its really hilly, I'd expect a few hundred people (out of the thousands) to own some.

    and where do you come from, if i may ask? my proposal was for the sake of authenticity, it's mostly rural post-soviet landscape. look at the dated cars/buildings ingame, all too modern stuff and moreover too much of it wouldn't really fit that well imo

  3. i am going to throw something new and different into this discussion




    longboards. one or two on the whole map. and due to the mountainous/hilly landscape they would actually make even sense.

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    One thing that would make imo a HUGE difference is how the zeds would express themselves: i think about talking to themselves every once in a while, not necessarily meaningful sentences but mumbling, moaning, whimpering or even other emotions such as a short hysterical laughter or bursts of rage where they hammer at doors, walls, cars and the like or even where they demonstrate some self-destructive behavior, like biting into their hands, punching their own heads and then even let them hum lullabies to themselves...


    Although i said "not necessarily meaningful sentences" i think eventual real words would be something of true horror: When attacking them from ambush a terrified "Noo", or just occasional words like "hunger, thirst, mama, papa, regular names, stop"... rarely but nevertheless. that would be my recipe for true horror.




    actually watch some footage of the Shibito from the Siren Series (i highly encourage you to do so!)



    i think they nailed the scare-factor of the Shibito, not necessarily with their appearance, but their behavior, the way they inhabit their world and how their create a really  - imo - unique and genuine shudder.

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  5. The fantasy part would be thinking such severely afflicted people would be functional enough to sprint after healthy individuals and have enough strength to overpower them I suppose :)

    quite intersting your opinion on this. i always wondered if you have a strict set of rules, a lore regarding your zeds, the infection, how it spread, where it came from? or does it come and evolve somehow "naturally" with your daily work? do you or did you have meetings for such things every once in a while?

  6. don't know why but do you think it would make sense to implement "Trachten", traditional attire/costumes, garbs basically for the local residents:



    especially the "elderly" zeds would look quite authentic in these. make them even zone-dependent, to be found mostly in the north-west areas of chernarus



    btw. how are the soccer jerseys coming along :P?

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  7. oh, i think  you got me wrong. i don't (completely) dislike the idea of having zones, i think it's better to have more zones than 4.... yeah, when you put it that way, berezino should have a different zone code than cherno and that is what im trying to say or suggest. having a big zone 1 won't bring the idea you just mentioned here (that is my understanding of the picture showed in OP) 

    in another word i really truly like the idea of zones but not how they showed it ATM. having just 4 zones is not good.


    and about that renderer i said earlier, i don't wan't any screenshots or something like that, and i do know it won't change the game dramatically, and honestly i don't care about how games look like. all i care is if it will give us 10 more fps in towns so be it, it's a great change for a game like dayz. and all i'm asking is talk about this stuff, like it will definitely give you 1% more FPS or what is you plan after implementing it,like that time you talked about how it will change painting (i think it was in a Twitch stream). or at least let us know time to time how much of it it's done or give us another ETA.

    the problem of giving examples: people always tend to get wound up in these instead of the seeing the bigger picture and the the point or idea they should convey. an example is mostly something easy to understand, something practical to convey - in this case - an idea.


    see my most epic failure with giving a proper example to convey the idea of a suggestion:  :D  :D  :D




    my example was a super duper specialtank... see for yourself what happend then  :wacko:


    edit: AI Hicks - use words such as concept or example in image descriptions

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  8. are there plans to make "generic survivor"-sets for loot. e.g. two cans of beans, an opener and a pan, or a hatchet and five wooden sticks or two rags, painkillers and alcohol tincture aso.


    One (ore more sets) could spawn then deliberately all across the server to suggest that there once were former, other survivors.



    ...hm...kinda like the idea of CLE and italic scripting

  9. Town specific loot would be pretty cool. I'm hoping that with a larger variety of buildings being implemented, maybe certain buildings would only appear once in a specific town. I think that would give a lot more personality to the cities of Chernarus+, instead of every town being a different configuration of the same buildings over and over again.

    i would love to see an overhaul of Berezino and an install of props to make it look as if there were plans to host an Oktoberfest: beer-tables and benches, some carnival marquees, bars in the open to tap beer or cider from. banners, bales of straw, (broken) bottles and jugs all over the place...etc.

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  10. i honestly don't like the zones idea. this will be like go to NWAF to get loots again. why not instead of one big red zone, we have two small ones ? i think that would spread players. any way your choice and i can live with that but honestly don't like it. 


    i love where the vehicles design are going thought, it's awesome, i'm gonna name my vehicle and possibly paint it blue and pink, why not (if possible in future) why not ? :D


    i don't like how you don't spread a word about new renderer, this is suck... Q1 goal is being a Q3 i think :(

    i would see it more as: Berezino famous for their apples and cider. Cherno for industry and the huge loads of diverse tools and/or parts for cars, Skalisty for their extensive amounts of fishing equipment.... etc.


    i honestly think that would be a reasonable idea of how to make use of such zones. i need item A, better wander off to place X to look for it, chances are high there.

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  11. will you, or will you not...confirm the existence of actual chernarussian football jerseys in the very possession of BI's DayZ dev-team?!



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  12. i have a question regarding this report 0025091: Unable to see ping and desync (related to ID 0025051)


    Geez' response is:

    Hello desnake.
    There were ways to abuse the information, which for obvious reasons we do not want to share. Please bear in mind that the game is in alpha state and that some changes may not be permanent or appear in the final product.
    I understand that seeing infos from other players can be abused. but why your own infos? duping via desync-abuse?? i think i would know if i had desync most of the times without even checking the player window. i don't get that kind of reasoning. i always understood that your own network-related infos are somewhat crucial to know in an online game...

  13. when i start to eat an apple, the eating anim starts and then stops after 5 secs. the "cancel current action" appears and stays until i cancel the current action. i am not able to eat the apple.


    same thing with searching for apples. the searching anim starts and after ~5sec stops. i can stand up walk around and after ~20 or 30 secs i get a mesage whether i found something or not. don't know if desync related or not

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  14. It is absolutely necessary. Being used to most other fps games people have probably never thought about this, but the default, "unzoomed" view is actually zoomed out. RMB "zoomed in" view is the view closer to reality but obviously no one would be able to play like that. It's one of the best things about ARMA series and I have no idea what they're really trying to do here. Probably reducing KOS which is really silly.

    it is often a necessity to get opinions and views from outside "one's own isolated bubble". you could also call it organizational blindness in some way. some ideas may make perfect sense in the dev's pov but maybe prove to make a lot less sense in a wider/different pov. hence experimental. it is important that people like Gews make qualitatively valuable threads like this one while at least trying to keep out polemics. Devs then see and acknowledge concerns from these different pov's. ...i hope so at least.

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  15. i think this is a prime example where you have to draw a line between reality and authenticity.

    - Is it realistic to zoom in? NO.

    - But does a computer screen with given resolution and diverse post-processing effects going on realistically represent the human eye: also NO. Hence, the best middle ground is a subtle feature to provide an authentic approach to this issue, as Brian mentioned before.


     On a computer screen how do you make something clearer without making it bigger ?


    Switch off anti-aliasing ?

    Put it on a contrasting background ?


    the only option which comes in my mind: higher resolution, more details. But of course that's a completely nonsensical alternative for obvious reasons.


    What many also fail to see (again for the sake of authenticity), given the parts sitting in your rig some can see much much farther, with more details available than others with less means, leading to a disadvantage for ppl with weaker rigs. 

    The RMB zoom can actually make up for this distinct imbalance, at least in many scenarios. I think a "slight" zooming option therefore is, gaming-wise, an absolute reasonable if not necessary decision imo.




    or maybe "just" a high-pass filter:






    only problems here:

    - what's the trade-off of using such a filter in comparison to rendering the picture via zoom?

    -  the sharper/ harder the contours the more you feel like trippin' :D

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  16. will there be an update regarding your roadmap eventually. i think the broader community would very much appreciate it. it doesn't matter if you are behind or ahead of some goals, people most of the time just want to hear acknowledgement in any form. just wanted to throw this out.

    good luck for the upcoming months!

  17. We have already crafted rope in work, now it's done from textile rags, but as we have also plant material you will be able to use it for crafted rope too.

    Would you be so kind and outline a bit what are your short-term and long-term purposes with ropes in general and in particular with crafted ropes from textile rags? cheers!
