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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    yeah but i meant, what is the connection to this: ?
  2. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    But skills or not, this is what i like to read!: :thumbsup:
  3. joe_mcentire

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    would someone be so kind to pm me a link which explains this to me: ? thanks in advance
  4. joe_mcentire

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    i'm asking myself, if this is just the case with lower performance settings, or even with ultra settings? ubiquitous so to say.
  5. joe_mcentire

    I would like to see this in Dayz standalone!

    no maybe let us calm down a bit ;). i don't think anyone really intends to offend you ;). some answers are a little bit salty, but it's the essence which is straight to the point. do simply not multi-post each and everywhere, just because you feel not to be heard. I for myself had once this idea of some sort of anemia suffering infected, to be shy of direct light sources, lurking in the dark. as for me "infected" should stay humans and not transform into super-mutants. they already are super-infectious.
  6. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Uhh..no you misunderstood me completely. :D First of all, the "note" doesn't meant to be a physically existing note on paper or in a book, just a text popping up in the left bottom corner. Excuse me for maybe using the wrong expression. Let's say we have, for a short example, 5 to idk main-experience valued groups (fixing, gutting, medical, taming, survival...) For each of these you'll get a none-telling message when you've experienced enough. like the phrase mentioned. So you get at least any feedback, but not too much. Ok one could say, "what the hell was that...i do not care about at all!" or "you kidding, want me to find out what i've gained?!". Very fine! the choice is yours. Have you ever experienced you are quite talented in something you absolutely do not care? ;) i think almost everyone has such gifts of caprice XD! But i can imagine that there are some that say "wait what? you had my curiosity, now.." well what leo said. Eventually you completely forget about, you were doing some serious experience-stacking stuff back in the day, when suddenly you'll notice "wait didn't i always get 4 pieces of meat out of that goat, now it is 5 / now i'll have fuckin' wool in my hands too?!" Please do not pin me down on this specified arbitrariness i mentioned (or the wool), as everything discussed in here is of course abstract (yet ;) ). You'll could restrict specific achievements to a certain group of activities and vice versa so it wouldn't feel like a game of dice. Maybe now things seem a bit clearer. I really had to re-read your post several times, because i completely lost the connection to my posts prior. ..because of a little missconception :D
  7. joe_mcentire

    Player Skill. (This is not a leveling thread).

    but then wouldn't it be a challenge after quite some short time simply becoming a reptitive annoyance?
  8. joe_mcentire

    Player Skill. (This is not a leveling thread).

    hmm but then how many of these mini-games shall be implemented? for almost every side activity i guess (picking locks, medical treatment, gutting and skinning animals, crafting?, repairing.) But as everone demands authenticity and realism these groups split into subgroups (medical: prophylaxis, infection treatment, bullet wounds, ordinary wounds; gutting: different for every animal; repairing: cars, helis, weapons..) Well and that's not the end of it: The shall not be too shallow you say...so every mini-game has to be complicated somehow, so not everyone manages to do it successfully...and of course shall offer sort of variety, not to become too repetitive. So, as i mentioned in one of these other skill threads, you'll have then ~230 (yeah slightly exaggerated ;) ) simulation games and we then call it mother of simulations simulation game. It is absolutely impossible to cope. That's why i thought about such a mechanism at some point but had to scrap it therefore.
  9. joe_mcentire


    one BIG thing was straight ignored. dayz is/was a mod. DAYZ SA will be however a game. And now it's all bout the money, rocket himself mentioned it as i recall "money fucks things up" and this is one of the greatest challenges i think the game will face. As you depend on the "masses" you have to somehow please them...it's the nature of the beast. ;)
  10. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    So you feel a need to implement drawbacks, which leads to the point, that everyone should be on a same level, which reduces some, at least of my main issues to absurdity :D But as already mentioned, yes it can have, but it mustn't at all costs. this doesn't feel authentic to me neither. We also agreed about the mechanisms as none game breaking: No game changing influences on combat defining parameters. There is also, at the moment, no actual trading mechanism or further use of it beeing. And at last the thing with dying {"you go to hell, you lose your well (of knowledge)" XD} So grinding would not be as imminent as maybe feared. Of course this is some speculation by myself. We already discussed, that everyone should do what they feel to do. As some mentioned you can and almost certainly will do things in the way which the game is offering you. Rocket e.g. says we define the game and decide what it should be. But that can only be true to some degree. He also argued we should not complain, we better deal with it how the experience of the game develops itself, or better do something about it. Now history has shown us over and over again that things do not work out that way quite easily. To be precisely: they never do. There were always some sort of rules we applied to and distinct boundaries. Anarchy never lasted long. And what is the current state of dayz? I ask myself, is the majority happy about in which direction we the players rowed the boat of game experience, the last couple months? Why was ther hero system introduced then, if we the players solely shall define what the game has to be... What i just wanted to say: we play as the world offers us varieties of ways to play. Another question that presents itself to me is, if grinding in such an environment would be of use anyway? One actual example was Why shall the same rules here not apply? Do as the world around you allows you to. If you have a predilection for fur. If you can imagine to steal in such a manner indirectly food resources from other players, if you have the urge to become a legend, known to leave a wake of skinned animals of all kind, if you simply want to be of value in team-efforts..etc. Why do bandits right now kill for beans? Why are some trying to kill everyone with hatchets, while playing a "psychic" melody.. "grinding" in their own way. doing repetitively to reach some sort of goal/desire. And after all grinding leads to some sort of ultimate purpose. to level up e.g. But is there an ultimate goal besides surviving? As you eventually die sooner or later getting killed while "sitting in your corner and wait for books to spawn" and what not. What about grinding to fulfill a more personal purpose. To be honest, with the mentioned basic rules applied, i feel no worry about ppl grinding in dayz. And of course, at last, if you can distract more of the hackers into grinding, that would be nice. Edit: Many seem to be afraid of introducing such a mechanism to a certain extent, maybe because they have other games in their mind in which skills and everything that comes with it lead to exploiting and vicious circles. I just think dayz isn't working this way, as it already has been proven to us. This game already works without it. others without such a mechanism simply wouldn't. That's why i'm not afraid...
  11. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    so let us address the most urgent concerns up to now: - grinding / exploiting - forcing into a style of playing did i forget something? edit: why did i write grieving in previous posts instead of grinding and no one makes me aware of it!? XD
  12. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    if i may quote some of your decent post :) : Of course YES! This is the problem when you think of "skill" to be "skill" as you are used and hence almost forced to understand, that's why i meanwhile hate this expression.. It mustn't be, where you obviously just easy going grind all your way to each and every achievement. It has to feel more to an experience gaining process apart to the real experience one gains, but let me explain that later.. THIS IS IT! That is exactly what i want to express. It is plainly not solvable to implement all these ideas into this game. This would be the ultimate simulator of simulators! 230 games in one if you may say :) All these things you mention above however can be simulated by a elaborate "micros§$!=)F+ck!" system, and this with reasonable effort. I don't know how to implement this without an artificial gaining process?! But what do i say, this community has so much ideas and maybe if we could all work things out in terms of modding there is nothing to stop us to get ourselves the perfect game ;) If this all would be possible in a game we wouldn't need any skills whatsooever in any game!
  13. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Ok for the sake of authenticity, a little Gedankenexperiment: You are out there and come along a vehicle which would come in handy you know. Unfortunately the vehicle is in very bad condition, but as you have no idea what is wrong with it you'll have to move on leaving this little godsend back. Now depending on what follows you'll must probably think to yourself: "DAMMIT what if i somehow could have repaired it! If it were just a bagatelle to do?" Every time you get to a vehicle you would then maybe try to fix it as good as you can. I agree on terms that it could be somehow based on a random distribution, as in real, you do not always gain or learn something form what you do. So let's continue... Eventually you'll find another vehicle. This time around you try to find the problem. And you learn something. You learn..oh when this and that is not connected the engine wouldn't even start. Ok unfortunatly the vehicle has an engine damage XD. You are pretty pissed but can't moan and move on again. The third time again you try your best, but quite rapidly you'll find out...hm again this seems to have the same damage, therefor you can't learn anything new from this one.... You see were i want to go with that. What i was reflecting about now is this additional scenario. where you meet someone, also a loner and you team up with him. it seems you have a streak of luck and the both of you find another vehicle. and it seems, that the one with you seems to know a little bit more than you, so you learn quite something from him. So what if the more (diverse) knowledge packed into one action would lead to a higher chance to learn something new, quasi the more the merrier! Would it bring yourself to value another char-life more?! Eventually you go apart and continue your journey, when you finally meet a team of several players and they seem kind of hostile to you. But then you get a chance to start negotiating, "hey guys hear me out, i have some knowledge in repairing vehicles, i can be of value to you. How much of value we don't now, because i now some but truly not much. So what are you gaining or losing?" What if the system would be more dynamic, as some things eventually fade away (especially those on physical base; but even on a mental level, by saying forgetting certain coherences). For some abilities you have to lay hands upon yourself continuously. And this is also something i want to remention: This all could add up to something not to hard easy* to exploit as well as authentic. And after all! We were always speaking about losing EVERYTHING by dying. This fact alone is, for me, a very good protection to hinder exploiting / grinding to a certain extend. *edited XD
  14. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    i can't accept your argument claiming that dayz doesn't need perks and in the same sentence you say that you're alright with the hero skin (system?!) which grants you at least two of these very benefits, which are in fact perks (running faster, bulletproof vest; if i'm not badly informed)?! I ask myself, why do some cry out loud, that there mustn't be perks /skills but actually go along with the "perks" introduced by the bandit/survivor/hero system.
  15. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Et Tu Brute?! Revenge shall be mine!!
  16. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    i believe to speak as well for the OP that a Skill System is not desired for the sake a Skill system. And i think some have this conservative idea of a skill system as in almost every other game, as clearly that's not what we are longing for. That's why i called it "miniskills" in the first place to somehow take the edge off this expression. But by going through several threads i do see almost everywhere ppl questioning somehow the point of beeing a loner, or longing for more PVE and less PVP. I also read so much about wanting realism to a ridiculously nauseating degree, that it is absolutely impossible to work everything out properly, quasi depicting reality 1:1. There might be (as the infection system) some feature-elements sorted out quite realistically but not by chance all of them, naturally. Also here this much discussed solution would quite work out, as many ideas would have its influence on the implementation, of course not to a high-realism degree, but to degree to add more depth by not overwhelming both, devs and players.
  17. my humble doubts are, ok there might be hospitals, but wouldn't it somehow ruin the immersion of the game implementing all the kind of antibiotics and all kind of medical equipment especially due to the setting. Furthermore if diseases should become a major part of the game, also counteracting actions, for example in form of antidotes/biotics, will do. That is also why i don't like the blood transfusion idea. Yeah it is ultra realistic, but given to the setting, were all humanity goes down the drain (and of course that blood is practicly useless if not stored properly), it may be logical to have things like these at hand the first couple weeks of outbreak, but later they should be super scarce...on the other hand now i should be arguing about the weapons and their availability too.... therefore it doesn't seem solvable.... The only possibility i see, is in focusing not so much on curing and dealing but rather in prophylactic acting and behaviour. avoiding possible hazards, avoiding contaminated water/food etc.. leading ppl to a more cautious approach to play the game eventually
  18. joe_mcentire

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    would be an awesome idea! like in Metro tbh i pretty much appreciated the idea in far cry 3, using little first person animations for every single action you do.
  19. joe_mcentire

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    first person only is always a very tempting "option" for me. Of course there would be ways to further spin the web of authenticity. Peaking mechanisms, or what about introducing little mirrors. I imagine that one can find shatterd pieces of mirrors in almost every building.
  20. joe_mcentire

    Differentiating Bullets & Magazines

    nice idea, mags should be "rarely" found, so having more at hand provides a nice advantage in combat due to higher fire rates. Furthermore refilling mags should then take quite some time, all leading to a more strategic approach in combat (there are three guys, am i taking the risk, reloading my mags takes me 15 secs..) and more thoughtful use of guns.
  21. joe_mcentire

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    then do it! Not bump it! ;)
  22. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    wow...you baffle me with your ability to argue. Chapeau! So that's it then
  23. joe_mcentire

    Skill System in DayZ?

    u mad? shouldn't you be in bed at this time? why do you even post anything? 8 posts till now and every single piece is a devastating exhibition of your character so far my friend...