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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    of course... the currently implemented system seems very odd and bland at the same time, and after all it goes somewhat also against the devs own believes. It seems to be merely a temp. "fix" as they were not sure how to cope with the given problems. And there are skill mechanisms under discussion which are far more subtle and/or creative than the benefits/penalties that came with Heroes/Bandits. So i am almost certainly there will be big changes in the SA. But it is a very fine idea to discuss these problems in the given threads. The thing is, which impacts do make sense regarding a functional humanity-system?!
  2. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    that would be one way. positive and negative effects for actions taken. if you do nothing at all, your humanity shall stay at a constant level for all i care.
  3. joe_mcentire

    Humanity Improvements?

    i had a yet poorly developed idea: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120969-replace-humanity-with-human-interaction/#entry1156108
  4. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    ok i understand you fully and completely...as sometimes randomly mentioned: too much realism breaks a game. And this sanity thingy is for sure something too much into depth. And in fact, "right at the moment" playing the loner in the mod is not satisfying any more, at least to me, when i played the last time (that was quite some time ago). But purely based on the topic which is humanity - you either need much social interaction or at least try to hold on your moral/ethic standards (Super-Ego) and keep it on a reasonable level. Both ways are, heavily simplified, mechanisms to let you know your still humane.
  5. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    then simply avoid them ;). and after all it will be, what rocket wants the game to feel like. So why are there bandits and heroes along with their (dis)abilities right at the moment in the mod? maybe he didn't had the intention of everyone's running around and killing on sight. So the devs seemed to dislike this idea... just a guess
  6. joe_mcentire

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    Tbh i don't like ideas to implement things just for the sake of it and thus cripple the authenticity and immersion at the same time. i once mentioned, why not just add them as deceased "sceneries"/ "props" / "requisites"...it's all a question about the back-story. It seems, that the outbreak was quite some time ago, and the infected seem to perish over time. So as someone already mentioned, it would be just "authentic/real" if children at this point simply wouldn't exist anymore whereas their remains would. This would be the mildest possible implementaion into this game.
  7. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    who says that? i was just thinking about how to develop the current humanity mechanism further towards a more valuable mechanic, as defined by some theorists. i was not thinking about skins etc. (yet)
  8. joe_mcentire

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    problem to this is: the game you are comparing dayz right now is somewhat linear, with several choices given, but you cannot e.g. go haywire and blow this miserable creature up with a bunch of grenades. The game limits you to go completely bananas as it tries to deliver a story and certain emotions. Dayz is sandbox and therefore not comparable. You can do almost whatever you want! And that is the point where introducing children into games is a delicate approach. That is the reason why certain games, although children are involved, pass the media's sword of Damocles mildly and others get crushed by it.
  9. to all gun-interested guys: Russia — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law
  10. joe_mcentire

    Massive Idea Line for the Standalone

    wow rivers would add so much to immersion...can't believe not to see something like this in the game. :(
  11. that's the great spirit of fora. it is a giant pool of ideas. The good thing is, even in the seemingly most stupid ideas there are sometimes quite useful things to find. then why don't you start a thread maybe concerning "suggestions for short-time implementations", things the devs can easily implement within a few days of programming. or something like this. try to guide the forum in such directions! why not?! :)
  12. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    indeed, this is a pretty shitty post...well done
  13. joe_mcentire

    replace humanity with human interaction

    Why not introduce a model referring to the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche. Super-Ego <--> Hero Ego <--> Survivor Id <--> Bandit So roughly we can leave the existing system in terms of termini. Id, Ego and Super-Ego are based on "humane" interaction of the player with environment and other players. influencing effects are (it would lead to either pos. or neg. effects, according to the proper definiton, so don't pin me down on this right now): - pacifistic attitude How important is the constant "use" of a weapon to you? Do you prefer a dialog to a drawn weapon? How do you interpret dayz - killing or purely surviving? pacifistic attitude is affected due to: e.g. based on shots fired amount of time weapons are (un)holsterd amount of "hits" on other characters in relation to "life-time" - respect for wildlife Is your tolerance only concerning ppl or dou you also respect wildlife? Do you know most (serial) killers started with torturing and/or furthermore killing animals (no and i don't mean hunters for that matter)? Again: killing or purely surviving? respect for wildlife is affected due to: e.g. animal gets killed and meat is (not) utilized within x sec/min overkills/ improper ways in killing (e.g. by grenades) non-lootable animals are killed - altruism/ generosity Stands for itself: Are you a hero or a villain? Are you European/US or Aussie/Kiwi :P? altruism/generosity is affected due to: e.g. using bandages, blood bags or whatever on others amount of times giving consumables/ammo/weapons etc. to one by not receiving anything in return (or within a given time) duty to rescue coup de grâce - social intelligence Are you a loner, living withdrawn, avoiding the remains of societ or do you team up and try to keep what's left of actually being a human? social intelligence is affected due to: e.g. amount of times... ...using voip directly to nearby players ...beeing nearby players ...of successful bartering with others Of course this is just a rough developed idea. But it would be somehow possible to introduce something like this and most of all: loners would also have the chance to remain on a somewhat reasonable humanity level. EDIT: to be edited to develop this further..
  14. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    That's the difference between games with great atmosphere and blunt, empty feeling games. A game bears so much more atmosphere by introducing elements, that do not directly contribute to the game progression or progression of the character. They are just "there" to add depth, to add immersion, add more authenticity...or maybe tension or fear... How about you walk through dayz' woods in the middle of the night with your flashlights on and suddenly see the reflective eyes of a cat. I hereby also declare: I am not a fan of implementing all sorts of things, just to be of any use somehow. I like more little, subtle things that create "magical moments" ingame and add to immersion as well.
  15. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

  16. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    cuteness overload!!
  17. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    hey seriously...cats! and why not, like corpses with the their environmental sound of flies, introduce honey combs with an ambient noise of bees..and honey has moreover slightly antiseptic effects.
  18. by watching dayz' mythbusters: - please use the revealed logical issues by dayz and try to prevent them from being in the SA.- please let zombies be able to jump over every fence and/or wall a player also can and maybe a possibility to jump over tents as well?
  19. joe_mcentire

    Stupid decisions

    nice idea.... everthing should be possible to do at least and no generic "not possible" or "can't do" simply no feedback after all
  20. the more i think of bases...the more i doubt this idea as it brings so many uncleared issues up.
  21. joe_mcentire

    More ways to gather food and water

    i wonder myself, why aren't there apple, pear, plum trees? potatoes in vodka home country? anyone?
  22. "virgin man children" reminds me to "man bear pig" don't know why. and well this happens in fora when you create a thread and have got a completely porous line of argument, especially when there are ppl who actually do not like the idea. try to learn how to be thick-skinned!
  23. joe_mcentire


    what the creator of this thread really needs is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iOUnO-EssI yes it is merely a" nice to notice" ingame kind of suggestion which would add some more to immersion, but as said before i doubt it would be taken into account, simply because of the sheer huge amount of other, maybe more interesting suggestions
  24. but why quote everything?! don't you see there is to little space left on the internet?!
  25. joe_mcentire

    Classes and player built towns

    @ darkwater. there are several threads about skills/classes and i assume about 30-40% would like to see some "soft" and subtle rpg-touches to the game for several reasons. as everyone pro this idea went on declaring and arguing manifoldly, the great majority of giving cons literally said basically "no" and "this is not WOW", meaning they have a stereotypical idea of skills and therefore they don't want them.