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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    You my dear friend deserve to be knighted! btw. are we allowed to give you some suggestions?
  2. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    they added the SWAMP!! HELL YEAH....please just a tiny little bit more trees, and more "wildness" in that area and maybe less "paved" paths. hope to lick some toads there, get swarmed by an *ss full of flies and dragonflies! the scavenge part will hopefully add a new layer of depth...looks neat as well. what i would love to see in addition in later builds are props like puppets, hung ppl, broken furniture lying around, just some more despair, not everywhere but at some places...e.g. hospitals i could imagine.
  3. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    ok so i think....ok I THINK i found their uploaded material. anyone remember dean and matt? :o ...i'm really sorry for that...I'm a little bit ashamed for this and i go to sleep now.... hail to the SA!
  4. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    hey guys...this one is for all of you waiting for "the beautiful game" alone, maybe a little bit turned on, sipping on your sparkling wine. maybe to heat up the atmosphere a little bit. by the end of this everyone should be happy or at least satisfied...
  5. joe_mcentire

    Help me whit DayZ

    well that is one good " suggestion " ;) if you know what i mean ;) " "
  6. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    HAHAA this sentence and the look of your profile pic...priceless...
  7. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    unfortunately no crimean sparkling wine as i prefer when playing "the beautiful game"
  8. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    i have sparkling wine with me to celebrate...and my gf was so happy today when i bought it...she has no idea XD...
  9. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    haha maybe a video by tomorrow where his character steadily runs into a wall and you hear the keyboard beeping constantly in his audio..
  10. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    me waitin'
  11. wow i had just this "wolf in a sheep's clothing" flash going to my mind! what if wool could be looted and used as disguise!! B)
  12. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    give this man a sneak peak in the new SA infection system!!! ...he has got to save lifes GOD DAMMIT!!
  13. joe_mcentire

    Help me whit DayZ

    nice suggestion...hm quite considerable
  14. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    imagine this:
  15. joe_mcentire

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    +1 for tarps! they can be used literally for everything!
  16. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    he was me...INCEPTION!
  17. joe_mcentire

    Stupid decisions

    i think this thread is highly undervalued. This would give whole new opportunities. Not only stupid but wrong/bad decisions. How a bout you find a mobile and try to find batteries...well to bad there are no providers anymore, but you'll find out sooner or later.
  18. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    HAHA...read some of my posts...than you'll see how credible my post was ;) :P edit: and it proves to me, sarcasm does just work audiovisually..
  19. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    i always liked the "done when it's done" quote, as it proves some sort of diligence and responsibility to the waiting community. they want to give their best and invest their best. This all in a special way as there is a proper german saying "Wer Eile hat, der gehe langsam." meaning something like "One who's in a hurry, shall walk steadily/slowly."
  20. another idea for "unique loot" or better random loot: banknotes, randomly spread over the map. Now you say NO MONEY SYSTEMS. What if we say, money has always been an essential item to modern human society, thus there should be at least piles of money left everywhere. Fun thing is: We decide what will happen with the banknotes ingame. Will we, the players, try to use it as means of exchange again? Will it be just useless trash? Expect money to be flammable by the way, will it be just for use in the cold nights? hmm another layer in player interaction.... It would be fun to watch how virtually useless items as banknotes become or precisely not become of any value. just take your time and think it over a little..
  21. joe_mcentire

    Agressive wildlife [Official wildlife topic]

    i would call it quite alarming...each idea which comes with the slightest animation is almost immediately discounted by officials... :unsure:
  22. joe_mcentire

    [Standalone] Bloated Corpses

    well i could live with the OP's idea, under the condition the zombie has reached its final state of decay and has died then naturally. The rotting process could lead to bloating of the corpse. FunFact: cows can explode, when they eat far to much clover (http://www.lifestyle...-in-cattle.html)
  23. joe_mcentire

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    selfish enough not to care about a huge community which would be completely cut off, because the game would get indexed in their countries? you cannot implement children npcs that simple.
  24. some new survival implementations: - larvas as baits: rotting carcasses always go with flies -> implement larvas as lootables to use as bait or to eat (this would provide a non-spoiled food resource) - usage of ash: irl ash could be used to keep bugs and insects away, but would also be useable for disguising; could be used from fireplaces. - mirrors: use as weapon, use to give signal - leeches: use them against infections, fevers, for open wounds (anti-inflammatory) - herbals: camomille for example can be found almost everywhere in the world, against colds and inflammations; peppermint - crutches: real ones, or also craftable through big branches -> go upright and much faster, despite broken legs - portable fridges: use cloths and shreds with water and wrap your raw food -> keeps it cool and delays the fouling process - new stashes: exclusively for food are dead fireplaces ->keeps also animals away (btw. animals should be attracted to food stashes ;)) - distill or cook water: reduces the risk of infections - first-aid-boxes in cars and so on and so on..
  25. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    no patience left .... going to play WarZ..