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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    The one who shouts has lost the argument ;) ... but in this case you're absolutely right as it has been chewed over and over again
  2. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    after seeing this i want to see some Harle.....hehhe
  3. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    this is so fucked up...zombie dean makes sweet sweet love to a bag... XD
  4. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    well..to be honest that could cause some fuss :\
  5. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    ok so 28 days later it is..
  6. joe_mcentire

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    by the way can i add rock formations as huge structures
  7. joe_mcentire

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    Scrapyards or trash dumps of smaller and larger scales, with or without smaller administration offices and seperate facilities. Zeds still would need something to eat and they could well be drawn to such sites..
  8. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    *cough cough* ...add crimean sparkling wine... *cough cough*
  9. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    If this will be implemented and i am certain it will be, and if i, under unlucky circumstances, will observe you breaking that bottle, unless it is with a sword to crack it open, i am going to FIGHT YOU! I WILL FIGHT YOU! YOU HEAR ME!?
  10. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    some loot, that could be used later in the game for more than just aesthetic purposes: cigarettes, also possibly used for transaction purposes --> leaves later possibility for decreased appetite due to nicotine ergo food-bar decreases more slowly; also chances for addiction and withdrawal effects fertilizers (russia is one of greatest producers) at farms --> leaves later possibility for self-crafted explosives; farming? polaroid camera --> leaves later possibility for instantly taking and placing pictures ingame, use with batteries and film empty bullet casings --> leaves later possibility to create bullets yourself; along of course with some other ingredients eg. gunpowder.. duct tape --> watch myth busters crutches --> leaves later possibility to walk upright and faster when legs are broken brooms/broomsticks --> leaves later possibility to use as splint for broken limbs (along with duct tape) med. braces --> obvious edit #1: at least some old destroyed/ruined books (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and of course former soviet/russian literature) --> maybe in a future release books would have an "exploding"-animation when shot pencils (durable, but written text in a possibly impl. note-system eventually will fade) and pens/ ball pens (not durable, but text won't fade) mugs, pots, cups, glasses, plates --> well these just as props
  11. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    holy...sh...ok would it be possible to get back to the topic to some extent? The core question was something completely different as far as i remember, than the debate about elemental physic conceptions...
  12. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    wow you just defied physics! Kudos to you and beans
  13. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    besides the fact that it was just an example and you fixate on a single point of a brought up example.... *ahem* complete nonsense thank you very much...google Fresnel equations or better i'll do that for you http://lmgtfy.com/?q...snel equations.
  14. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    hey guys i think i'm gonna start a thread where everyone can post their ideas of junk items and useless as well as random loot they want to see ingame, so you guys here eventually will get nice ideas Please take a look: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124884-give-us-what-we-do-not-need-junk-and-unique-loot/
  15. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    i want dev-blog update: with dev-blog previews at thursdays and and dev-blog reviews at saturdays with a huge round-up on Sundays.
  16. BUTT*... actually that brings me to a thought.. use mobiles, activate their ring tones, throw them away et voila a distraction. * see what i did there ; )
  17. joe_mcentire

    Standalone houses

    ohhh yeahhhh
  18. joe_mcentire

    Treasure and Money

    no! don't say "make xxx as currency". Give as seemingly useless trash or other things like fuel and let us decide if we are able to use them as currency. It must be up to us. Imagine you find a bag of money and keep it because you think you are "rich" somehow. Imagine further you freeze to death because you could not get over yourself to throw your money into the fire to keep it burning.
  19. joe_mcentire


    i am not sure... ok i understand it would be hard to destroy padlocks, but if the cupboard is made of wood....
  20. joe_mcentire

    Treasure and Money

    here my 2 cents: http://dayzmod.com/f...80#entry1138865 and http://dayzmod.com/f...ost__p__1157905
  21. joe_mcentire

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    no not circles around you! AROUND ITSELF!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5MfDn_27X0
  22. joe_mcentire

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    i think it would be neat to find some secret references that there was a base or something where they tried to create Stalin's Ape-Man Army
  23. joe_mcentire

    Player decisions: Unlocking new Content

    yeah i realize that it was maybe a bad example, as only a few tend to see what my real focus was here. So i try to edit the initial post..