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Everything posted by joe_mcentire

  1. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    "über" it is meant to be "über" : P (couldn't help myself...shame on me) I think the major fuss is because ppl feel there are hundreds of very well thought out ideas within the suggestions and there is now a huge possibility that exactly pooping will be "wasted time on".
  2. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    1. The first line, this is the supreme example of a stereotypical idea of a skill-system (you should do politics ;)) 2. So you say it doesn't change someone's play style and you don't need to level up, so you'll be completely unaffected by it. Reason enough to oppose it no matter what?! So there are, obviously, enough ppl that would like to see something like this in the game, but you don't want it because...well because it does not affect you?! Why will it promote KOS?! just why?! This is again this stereotypical idea of skills as feared by Dean once. ("the one with less skills can't stand a chance against the one with more skills") This is just what we discussed at large in the mentioned threads. And i know that you took part in that threads as well and therefor you know, if you just partially read those, that we always declined the idea of "directly combat affecting" skills (no one hit killers, no undying heros). It shouldn't affect the ones that are not interested but it could give so much to them who are.. and it seems as dean also thought about that in such a similar way:
  3. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    i mean the latter and i guess this is not just so easily dealt with as just being "your own fault". I think it would be fair to give the owner of a base at least a fair chance to defend it somehow. There are some problems that arise: Why should anyone bother to attack a base when they now they can simply take all the stuff and take it over, when the owner's gone?Why should anyone bother to build a base when they now they can simply lose their stuff and lose the base, when they're gone?Those two points would make a mockery out of the idea of building bases. But I just had another useful idea concerning how to hide bases.... i'm going to edit the initial post
  4. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    which one do you think of and why?
  5. joe_mcentire

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    What if.. ...pooping animations just have one purpose: They are an indicator for a disease (e.g. cholera). Meaning you don't have to. It is just a feature of the new disease-system! Well that sounds reasonable to me. (bear with me if it was mentioned before.)
  6. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    o c'mon everyone has a point (oversimplified and exaggerated) with their chimp and their rat argument ;). why is someone a dick just because you cannot convince him/her to think the way you do or you want him/her to?
  7. just don't take part in this thread ;). why forbid someone to talk about something?
  8. joe_mcentire

    how to handle property - the issue when being offline

    well for my first point tbh i also could live with the existing mechanism... but think about the second two (and dean is actually talking very vividly about these) there it would be a problem. Why would you invest in building up a base just to lose everything when logged of for, let's say in a very bad case, 1 hour. there this would be an issue. and why not talk about it now?
  9. joe_mcentire

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    portable ladders --> "unlocks" new areas, such as attics, or rooms of collapsed buldings etc.. ropes --> "multi-craft" items blankets --> possibly useable to stabilize a very low body-temperature; dark blankets can be used to (poorly) disguise brushes of any sorts and soap --> how about hygiene; higher chance to get rid of all bacteria/viruses from clothes and equipment
  10. joe_mcentire

    Throwable... everything.

    now as weapons and loot are objects, in fact there is a huge possibility to let them be throwable.
  11. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    i wonder why sparkling wine has not been added? as for me, a texture could be attached way later..
  12. joe_mcentire

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    I ... I'm soo sorry for you! There There... :(
  13. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    well as i said: mini-games per se are not a no-go for me... My argument was just that you can not equally replace a skill-system with mini-games. That is e.g. the reason why in TES there are very few limited mini-games as lockpicking. The rest is not doable / does make sense as a mini-game. So maybe one proper solution would be (very few, but consistent and diversified) mini-games mixed with subtle microskills. Just for that fact: IRL you could do everything the right way always and anytime, but sometimes things will fuck up eventually. Micro-skills could always bind chances to certain tasks, or offer new possibilites, things that would be very very tough to implement into a such a mini-game. But as said before there are whole games dedicated to JUST SIMULATE ONE certain task and fail grandiosly! This is maybe all i have to criticize, but some of you still just neglect that argument all the time. A (partly) text-based approach could be an answer to that but i'm certain there would be then others which would criticize just that...
  14. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    and now your joking?! ok..so about how many (just approx.) tasks/actions to be implemented as mini-game are we talking here? well now so i watched america's army 3 medic system (of course just and...well i quite like the symptoms thing in the beginning, but everything else would be a suicidal thing to implement. if this is really one of your examples (although simplified) i'm certain, this would ruin the game experience for more ppl than a subtle perk/microskill system would.
  15. joe_mcentire

    Country in the North

    rivers! a must-have! how about a completely burnt down charred little town.
  16. joe_mcentire

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    and holy sh... how old is matt? godammit so damn young and such a badass voice
  17. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    i agree on mini-games when they are in depth and sophisticated enough to fit into the game and they provide enough variety in their appearance Now there are whole simulation games dedicated to e.g. surgery and other tasks. They all lack authenticity or are (in)voluntarily hilarious. Can you imagine the effort it would take just to implement only one single proper functional mini-game into dayz..as said before.,,, mother of simulations..impossible ...well maybe ok maybe one would be possible...
  18. joe_mcentire

    Player decisions: Unlocking new Content

    As i posted in a different thread i like the idea of Fallout where you get useless junk and somehow suddenly they would be usefull in a quest. I think this could be easily implemented in the SA as well. Just take my well example. Imagine for example a steel cable to be found in a factory. This could be used on a winch. This can be used on that well etc.... So easily can you link the idea of unique loot and useless junk with this idea
  19. where are "that" drama threads? where are many? No need in being hypercritical, but it is good and important that some stay critical after all.
  20. joe_mcentire

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    well we had this discussion about mini-games already...mother of all simulations? how? because why should anyone want a not to complicated mini-game which gets absolutely annoying after the 6th time?
  21. joe_mcentire

    A Way to Introduce a more Work-together environment?

    so you don't want to force ppl into a skill mechanic..but you want to force them into team-work...
  22. i like this community! just has to be said at this point...
  23. i just watched L4D videos on youtube...hmm and i kinda like the animations there...
  24. well Dean is talking about, of course not skills in a conventional, but skills in a subtle way pretty much a style on which we already agreed after several discussions and heavy but constructive debating. (well Dean..we know where you got your ideas from ;)). But he also adds another layer.. he talks about special "perks" which not everyone simply could gain. This is something worth to keep on debating, as i understand, not everyone would approve something like this. In fact we were talking about that prior at some point but somehow dismissed that idea...